SHIP CONSTRUCTION P@|H IP BUILD- ING the world over suffered a sharp decline in the year 19s3. In merchant vessels of 100 tons each and upward, less’ than half a million gross tons were launched in the world during that year or nearly a quarter of a million tons less than in the wear 1932. This is less, according. to Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, than at any time since before 1900 and the total output for 1933 was less than 15 per cent of .the figure = for 1913. In the United States the shrinkage in merchant — ship- building during 19338 was still greater. This condition ‘is In American Shipyards During 1933 Though this record has been compiled with every effort for Number Per Cent iS Types 1933 1932 accuracy and com Steam reciprocating coal burner 1 é : pleteness there are, Steam reciprocating oil burner. * Steam turbine oil burner no doubt, a few addi- Diesel engine direct drive : tional vessels which Diesel engine electric drive. ... : Turbine electric oil burner ) should have been in- —_——— ~— ~ e Totals 100.0 100.0 et Dee : : me possible to identify Recapitulating for Primary Power them. But the fact Number Per Cent . Types 1933 1932 1933 1932 remains that the Steam—As primary power.... 24 37 3088 AON S record of vessels pub- iesel— i : . Diesel—As primary power 38 6452.) 50-7 lished truly repre- 75 100.0 100.0 sents the extent of Recapitulating for Power at Propeller American shipbuild- Number Per Cent ing in the category Types 1933 1932 1933 1932 Steam—Direct and gears 82 34-35 42 = 6 defined. Diesel—Direct drive 35 50.8 46.7 For the year 1933 Electric—Steam and diesel.... 8 14.9" 10.7 7 — the number of vessels ao ON ee listed is 67 as com- Recapitulating for Fuel pared, on the same Number Per Cent . * Types 1933 1932 1933 basis, with 75 for Steam—Burning skp : 15 : £932: 94 for. £901; Steam—Burni 34.3 Diese Dies ol asctuel 64.2 ; 130 for 1930; 145 for Totals 400.0 1929: 292: for: 1928; 105 for boat: 121 for 1926: 207: for 1920; and 102 for 1924. Motive Power Com pared--I wo Y ears vividly reflected in the accompanying review The showing for 1933 would have been still and analysis of steel, powered, merchant type less favorable had it not been for the consid- of vessels of 100 gross tons and up or 100 feet erable program of new shipbuilding initiated in length and over which were under construc- by the United States coast guard before the end tion in any stage, or contracted for in Ameri- of the year, which included a total of 18 ves- can shipyards during the calendar year 1933. sels. A number of vessels for the bureau of This is the eleventh consecutive year such a re- lighthouses also helps to swell the total. view and analysis has been published in Ma- As in former years in this shipbuilding re- RINE REVIEW. GOvernment vessels of merchant view in order to give specific information on the type are included, such as cutters, tenders, etc. types of vessels under construction, 16 out of A complete the list of those record of vessels in this category for the year 1960. -fivyine shipyard, owner, type, machinery and principal di- mensions will be found on pages oo) ee nd. 87, that were com- Analysis of Power and Gross Tonnage of Vessels pleted during Listed on Pages 36-37 1933 have been Number of Total Total Average Average illustrated and Type of Power Vessels Gross Tons Horsepower Gross Tons Horsepower described in qmine Eee. - seer perce 7,000 10,500 eee % : urbine Gears... : 97,800 7,562 7,523 4 7] Reciprocating; Sue oe 9.270 12,800 927 1,280 their essential iesel Electric... ‘ ,690 08 63 . . Diesel Direct... . 34 16,463 29,990 484 882 characteristics, Wotals 6. 67 135,616 156,780 2,024 2,340 in the following Note: Displacement has been used for government vessels, as approximately pages. equivalent to gross tonnage. Counting. sis- 12 MARINE REviEw—April, 1934