DELMARVA—Transport Ferry—Twin Screw—Steam Name—DELMARVA Owner—The Virginia Ferry Corp. Builder—The Pusey and Jones Corp. Naval Architect—W. R. Elsey; G. G. Sharp Launched—Nov. 2, ’33; Comp. Jan. 4, 1934 Classification—Not classed; but equal to American Bureau requirements. HULL PARTICULARS Length over all, 260 feet; length between per- pendiculars, 250 feet; breadth molded, 59 feet; depth molded, 19 feet, 1 inch; load draft, 10 feet, 6 inches; displacement loaded, 1680 tons; gross tonnage, 1496.99; net tonnage, 821; pas- senger capacity, 300 white, 120 colored; cargo capacity, about 80 automobiles; bunker fuel oil capacity, in tons, 57.6; speed, 18 miles per hour. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engines—Two, vertical, unaflow recipro- cating marine steam engines; four cylinders, 19 inches in diameter and 20 inches stroke. Each engine develops 1400 shaft horsepower at 200 revolutions per minute. Boilers—Two, Babcock & Wilcox watertube marine boilers with a total heating surface of 7652 square feet; working pressure, 290 pounds per square inch; superheat, 200 degrees Fahr.; fuel, oil. Superheaters, and de-superheaters were supplied by The Babcock & Wilcox Co., soot blowers by Diamond Power Specialty Corp. Fuel oil burning equipment was supplied by Todd Combustion Equipment Ine. f ff : J rH a 7, a GY ene = St D1 = bbe — ad ces asereees HHH see DESCRIPTION The performance of this vessel has exceed- ed anticipation. She has unusually well ar- ranged and_ pleasing passenger accommoda- tions. By efficient use of the main deck six lanes are provided for approximately 80 auto- mobiles. Unaflow ma- rine steam engines are used for main propel- ling power in twin screws. Generator Sets—Two, 50 k.w., geared turbine generator sets; direct current, 125 volts, <A 16-cell storage battery, for emergency lighting, supplied by The Electric Storage Battery Co. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Pumps—wWarren Steam Pump Co.; Westco Main Condenser—lIngersoll-Rand Co. Air Ejectors—lIngersoll-Rand Windlass, Capstans—Lidgerwood Mfg. ee Gypsy, Double (Electric) —Lidgerwood Steering Gear—Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. Anchors; Chain—Baldt Anchor C. & F. Co. Propellers—F. Ferguson & Son Thrust Bearings—Kingsbury Machine Works Refrigeration—Frigidaire Corp. Rudder, Simplex—Th. Goldschmidt Corp. Oil Purifier—The Sharples Specialty Co. Stern Bearings—Rubber, B. F. Goodrich Co. Heating, Ventilating—Carrier-Brunswick Copper, Brass—The American Brass Co. Floor Plates—Central Iron & Steel Co. Deck Covering—Selby, Battersby Co. Valves—-The Lukenheimer Co.; Wm. Powell Safety Valves—Ashton Valve Co. Throttle Valves—Schutte & Koerting Feed Water Heater—Davis Engineering Co. Oil Coolers, Pumps—Schutte & Koerting Wrought Iron Pipe—A. M. Byers Co. Marine Hardware—The Dayton Mfg. Co. Galley Equip. Etc.—Elisha Webb & Son Co. Lifeboats, Davits—Welin Davit & Boat Corp. Clocks—Chelsea Clock Co. MARINE REVIEw—April, 1934