TURECAMO GIRLS—Tug—Harbors—Single Screw—Diesel ~ Name—TvRECAMO GIRLS Owner—B. Turecamo Towing Co. Builder—Bath Iron Works Corp. Naval Architect—Brown & Demarest Launched—May 6, ’33; Comp. May 12, ’°33 HULL PARTICULARS Length over all, 93 feet; length between per- pendiculars, 86 feet, 10 inches; breadth molded, 23 feet; depth molded, 11 feet; draft, mean, $ feet, 11 inches; displacement loaded, 258 tons; gross tonnage, 148; net tonnage, 76; bunker diesel fuel, in tons, 49.1; speed, 10.4 knots. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engine—One, 6-cylinder, 4-cycle, solid injection diesel engine, 15 14-inch bore by 22 inch stroke, built by Winton Engine Corp. Develops 600 horsepower at 250 revolutions per minute. Auxiliary Generators—One, 10 k.w. 125 volts, Winton diesel engine driving Electro-Dynamic ee WOOO NAR DESCRIPTION In all details of con- struction and equip- ment this diesel driven harbor tug is one of the finest vessels of her type. Utmost care was used to secure maxi- mum efficiency and also a neat and ship- shape appearance, The hull is divided by four transverse watertight bulkheads, Co. generator. Also one 10 k.w., 125 volts, Electro-Dynamic driven from main engine. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Pumps—cCarter; Westco; Decatur, others Steering Gear—American Engineering Co. Gypsy, Electric—American Engineering Co. Propeller—United Dry Docks Inc. Refrigeration—General Electric Co. Rudder, Simplex—Th. Goldschmidt Corp. Fire Extinguishers—Walter Kidde & Co. Thrust Bearings—Kingsbury Machine Works, Lifeboat—Welin Davit & Boat Corp. Valves Fittings—Lukenheimer; Crane Galley Range—Elisha Webb & Son Stern Bearings—Rubber, B. F. Goodrich Co. Oil Purifier—Goulds Pumps Inc. » Manila Rope—Columbian Rope Co. Deck Covering—Selby Battersby & Co. Clocks—Chelsea Clock Co. MARINE REVIEw—April, 1934