ro Sens t DESCRIPTION Designed for’ the transfer of oil and gasoline from a bulk plant to various small distributors. Divided into six tanks so that different grades of oil can be carried at the same time. Two pump- ing units are provided. Speed 91% miles. Name—TimotTHy B. O’CONNELL Owner—Newport Oil Transportation Co. Builder—Jakobson & Peterson Ine. Naval Architect—Thomas D, Bowes, M.E. Launched—Sept. 28, ’33; Comp. Nov. 2, ’33 Classification—Owner’s requirements HULL PARTICULARS Length over all, 98 feet, 6% inches; length on the load water line, 94 feet; breadth molded, 21 feet, 6 inches; depth molded, 10 feet; draft, 7 feet, 6 inches; displacement loaded, 322.1 tons; gross tonnage, 150; net tonnage, 92.67; cargo capacity, 202 tons, or 64,000 gallons of fuel oil; speed, 914 statute miles per hour. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engine—One, 8-cylinder, 4-cycle, solid injection, diesel engine, 8 14-inch bore by 12-inch stroke, built by Winton Engine Corp. Develops 200 brake horsepower at 400 revolutions per minute. Generators—One Electro-Dynamic, driven from the tail shaft. One auxiliary generator set, 5 k.w., Bromfield diesel-driven Diehl generator. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Pumps—La Bour, with Hercules gasoline en- gine drive. Windlass (Hand)—American Engine Co. Steering Engine—Carlson & Son. Propeller—Columbian Bronze Co. Refrigeration—Leonard Refrigerator | | ss IS = Sie gett ‘ S eel i i ne vn Tlewrarars nine oN me Sa — 1) AP tee se oe aie Gia ce) (e) eS es ey HOLD ee) ee | aie 4 : = ae — het st > TIMOTHY B. O’ SONNE ee Screw—Diesel fee rg Batteries (Storage)—Philco Fire Extinguishers—-Walter Kidde & Co. Thrust Bearings—Kingsbury Machine Works Lifeboat—Welin Davit & Boat Corp. Galley Range—Elisha Webb & Son Co. Oil Burner (Heating Boiler)—Ray Marine Hardware—The Dayton Mfg. Co. Stern Bearings—Rubber, B. F. Goodrich Co. REMARKS Separate pipe lines, two separate pumping units have been provided so that it is possible to discharge two different grades of oil at the same time. These pumps are of the La Bour, centrifugal, self-priming, horizontal type. The capacity at a head of 90 feet is 400 gallons per minute and against a 50 feet head, 700 gallons per minute. The 2% kilowatt Electro-Dynamic generator driven from the shaft is used to charge the stor- age batteries which are located in the trunk of the engine room. Current for driving the elec- trie auxiliaries is taken from the batteries. This tanker is equipped with bitts making it possible to tow a dumb barge of oil if the re- quirements of service make it necessary. The vessel is designed especially for harbor and sound operation. Forward there is a cargo hold with hatch and loading boom for carrying bar- rels and cases of oil and grease, She is of all welded steel construction throughout. ANCHOR DaVITN. pare BREAST HOO MARINE REview—April, 1934