9¢ PE6L ‘Tlidy—MaIAaY ANIYVIN ssisieneeneecnstetmnetenntestnniatscenesninieonnvieenrninatnawunonentinieanininieoth eananenneoerainosannnnetie Merchant Type Steel Vessels Over 100 Tons Under Construction in American Shipyards During 1933 Vessels Completed, Alphabetically Arranged Vessel Yard Amos K. Gordon....... Dubuque Boat & B. Co... ArbuUtisi 22 78 oe The Pusey & Jones Corp. AT EO Rae ee ee John H. Mathis Co....... Bob Gresham. ..<...... Nashville Bridge Co......... Dahltan 2 aes Great Lakes Eng. Works Dolomite No. 1.2 3.5: Dolomite Marine Corp.. . Franklin D. Roosevelt. .Midland Barge Co....... Galatea Foc ie ee: John He Mathis ‘Coz. 7. Geo. A. McWilliams... .Nashville Bridge Co...... Pickory 2) = 75-3 Bath Iron Works Corp...... Pull No. Sp: -Pt., Beth::S:5: Coo so 335 Huntington 2.2 oe Newport News S. B. Co... LAalge i a ee eee eS The Pusey & Jones Corp.. Eeuapline ss oi ee Fore River, Beth. S.B. Co.... Onlando woe ee ee St. Johns River Line Co. Perens. 8 ee Newport News S.B. Co... Santa Elena........... Federal S.B. & D.D. Co.. Santa: Lucia: 3.28.0. Federal S.B. & D.D. Co.. Timothy B. O’Connell. . Jakobson & Peterson Inc..... Tom Sawyer 72560505355 Midland Barge Co.......... ....Bath Iron Works Corp...... Turecamo Girls.... Usknown 255253 es Canulette’S:B. Co. Unknown 5 eis he: Be elliott ine: io. 2 se. Washington: 305 3.56: New York S.B. Co....... William T. Warner..... Memphis, Tenn.......... Wistaria 3052s ee United Dry Docks Inc.... Wim:-F: Kenny: 33... United Dry Docks Inc.... VE 221 .......New York Navy Yard... 5G © Ly Hee Ae ee net ene Portsmouth Navy Yard.. WG NS ee eee Pearl Harbor Navy Yard. WSD Osseo ee ares Pearl Harbor Navy Yard. WO AG i oa aye oie Boston Navy Yard...... Type ia Boat ele Tender ..Patrol .T. Boat .... Tender 2.3 3Cargo 2. S| Boat . Patrol ....Dredge . Tender . Dredge see ag .... Lender . Pass. ..Cargo sass: Fetes of: iY a ss ass; Tanker .T. Boat . Tug ....Lighter +. . aghter .... Lighter .... Derrick Class Rivers Coast Coast Rivers Lakes Canal Rivers Ocean Rivers Coast Harbor Harbor Coast Ocean Coast Ocean Ocean Ocean Coast Rivers Harbor Harbor Harbor Gross 695 770* 334* 173 160* 1750 603 334* 300 400* 420 271 770* 18021 454 7000 11200 11200 150 603 148 150 3504 Ocean 24289 Rivers Coast Coast Harbor Harbor Harbor Harbor Harbor 104 3237 1000 250**United States Navy 302* 302* 350* 340* Owners Standard Oil Co. of La.... U. S. Bureau Lighthouses. . US: Coast. Guards) 73 W.. 2G Hougland G2.c= : U.S. Bureau Lighthouses. . Dolomite Marine Corp.... Federal Barge Line........ US; Coast Guard: =< 2. McWilliams Dredging Co.. U.S. Bureau Lighthouses. . Ellicott Mach. Corp........ Newport News S.B. Co.... U. S. Bureau Lighthouses. . Matson-Oceanic S.S. Co... St. Johns River Line Co... United Mail S.S. Co........ Grace Steamship Lines..... Grace Steamship Lines..... Newport Oil Transp. Co... Federal Barge Line........ B. Turecamo Towing Corp.. La.-Tex. Waterways Corp. Harris County, Texas...... Wi S. Lines Ines. ee 2S Wolf River Transp. Co..... U.S. Bureau Lighthouses... N. J. Clay Products Co..... United States Navy United States Navy United States Navy United States Navy Mach. .Recip. .Recip. Oil Eng. Oil Eng. .Oil Eng. . Oil Elec. Oil Eng. Oil Eng. .Oil Eng. .Recip. Oil Eng. .Recip. .Recip. . Turbine .Oil Eng. H.P. 500+ 1000 1340 300 235 700 1000 1340 1800 500 1000 800 1000 22000 250 Turb. Elec.10500 Turbine Turbine .Oul Eng. Oil Eng. Oil Eng. .Oil Eng. Oil Eng. Turbine Oil Eng. Oil Elec. Oil Eng. 12000 12000 180 1000 725 750 150 30000 600 240 700 360 180 180 360 600 Len. Beam Dep. Fuel ft.in. ft. in. ft. in. oe aS Oil 174 61432 146 Oil 165 254° -13.3< Ow 131 24 46 Oil 812 20 9:6 - Ou 213 10 32 13:4 Oil 160 40 8 Oil 165 25:4 VSS Oak 140 36 9 Oil 131.4 246 ATS: Ou 134 38 10 Oil 109 28 146 Coal 170 32 13 Oil 6316 79 529 Oil 140 2711 82Y%Oil 4469 60 349 Oil 508 72 39 Oil 508 LZ 39 Oil 986142216 10 Oil 160 40 8 Oil 93 23 11 Oil 100 24 8 Oil 94 38 9 Oil 7053 86 47 Oil 996 17 7 Oil 1214 25 9 Oil 185 43 19 Oil 120 30 12:3 On 1138'S =" 26 12:9: Oil 1183 26 12.9: Oil 104 30 7 Oil 1106 24 Oil Remarks Sternwheel towboat Atlantic Coast Twin Screw Diesel River Towing Great Lakes Service Barge Canal, Coastwise Twin Screw, River Towboat Twin Screw Diesel River Dredging New York Bay Dredging Shipyard Service Delaware Bay, River California-Hawaii Harbor, River Service United Fruit Co. N. Y. -Cent. Amer. & W. Coast N. Y. -Cent. Amer. & W. Coast New England Ports Twin Screw, River Towboat Towing, N. Y. Harbor Twin Screw, Shallow Draft Houston Ship Channel N. Y. to Channel Ports Diesel, Screw Propulsion Chesapeake Bay Twin Screw Diesel Freight Lighterage Garbage Lighter Garbage Lighter Seaplane Wrecking Derrick For Towing Service Status Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed