PEEL ‘Wd y—MAAGY ANIYVIA Vessels Under Construction as of December Alabama 2s say oes Ingalls Iron Works.......... Dredge Rivers Algonquin o..53 3 The Pusey & Jones Corp...... Cutter Coast Anigeling 6 So oe Newport News S.B. Co....... Cargo Ocean Asadne 2 eo Lake Union D.D. & M. Wks. .Patrol Coast Atalanta 202.8059 cee: Lake Union D.D. & M. Wks. . Patrol Goast WUTESs <r a os Marietta Mfg. Co............Dredge Rivers Calemet ci sah eee Navy Yard, Charleston...... Cutter Harbor Comanche..:.......<.. The Pusey & Jones Corp...... Cutter Coast NOV ANE ye eee Lake Union D.D. & M. Wks..Patrol Coast Dele Mar-Vaiis os as The Pusey & Jones Corp...... Ferry Bays TIONG eo eas Manitowoc S.B. Corp........ Patrol Coast Biscttac os. eo Manitowoc S.B. Corp........ Patrol Coast Rremiockes ae oe Berg Shipbuilding Co.........Tender Coast Piudsone Sos Navy Yard, Portsmouth..... Cutter Harbor Mali No. 1507. es Lake Wash. Shipyards....... Pass. Coast PualicNo: 150) 2 e220 Sun S.B. & D.D. Co.........Tanker Bays MullNo. 4146.6 ee New: York S."B.-Co.: 20.25. Tanker Ocean Mull Noc415.o one. New York S.B. Co........... Tanker Ocean Riu No: 822 2. . United Dry Docks Inc........ Tanker Coast Mull Noe 823i ok al. United Dry Docks Inc........ Tanker Coast Hull No. 824..........United Dry Docks Inc........Tanker Coast BIEN Ges ee a es Sp. Pt.,; Beth: S.B. Co: 0.0. Tanker Coast Jad wins sos) sre oe Marietta Mfg. Co............Dredge Rivers Buzrtanias: {50.5 ee Electric Welding Co..........Tanker Harbor Manele. Newport News S.B. Co....... Cargo Ocean INMOnaWK Sone ee es The Pusey & Jones Corp...... Cutter Coast Navesink 23.03.5505 Navy Yard, Charleston...... Cutter Harbor Wemesis. 25522. 0s: Marietta Mfg. Co............ Patrol Coast Sa Fg RMON PR Ce see arate ae Marietta Mfg. Co............ Patrol Coast Onondaga cr. Gee: Defoe B. & M. Works........ Cutter Coast Pandora s3 3). 28. Ge ches Manitowoc S.B. Corp........ Patrol Coast Manoma sso he ss ee Defoe B. & M. Works........ Cutter Coast Pamaracke 25 etki Manitowoc S.B. Corp........ Tender Lakes PRAT ON Ge Gace ae as Marietta Mfg. Co............Patrol Coast Puckahnoesio se Navy Yard, Charleston...... Cutter Harbor *Displacement Tonnage. **Capacity in Tons. {Estimated. 1093 1000* 5200 334* 334* 1502 290* 1000* 334* 1497 334* 334* 770* 290* 1900 600 9100 9100 1200 1200 1200 1200 1502 270 5200 1000* 290* 334* 334* 1000* 334* 1000* 400* 334* 290* McWilliams Dredging Co... U. S. Coast Guard......... A. H. Bull Steamship Co. . U.S. Coast Guard......... U.S. Coast Guard......... U.S. Engineers, Memphis. : U.S. Coast Guard........ U.S. Coast Guard........ U. S. Coast Guard...+..... Virginia Ferry Corp........ U. S. Coast Guard......... U: S> Coast Guard: 332. 3.2: U. S. Bureau Lighthouses... U.S. Coast Guard......... Northland Transp. Co...... Atlantic Refining Co....... Standard Vac. Transp. Co. Standard Vac. Transp. Co.. Standard Vac. Transp. Co.. Standard Vac. Transp. Co.. Standard Vac. Transp. Co.. Gulf Refining Co.......... U. S. Engineers, Memphis. Luzo Petrol. Transp. Co.. . A. H. Bull Steamship Co.... U.S. Coast Guard......... S. Coast Guard........ S. Coast Guard......... S. Coast Guard......... Gao . Coast Guard......... Cc n + Coast Guard... 4... <; c n ddaa 31, 1933, Alphabetically Arranged Recip. Turbine . Turbine Oil Eng. Oil Eng. Recip. .Oil Elec. . Turbine Oil Eng. Recip. Oil Eng. Oil Eng. Recip. Oil Elec. Oil Eng. Oil Elec. . Turbine . Turbine .Oil Eng. .Oil Eng. .Oil Eng. Oil Eng. .Recip. .Oil Eng. Turbine Turbine . Oil Elec. 1200* 1500 3150 1340 1340 2000 800 1500 1340 3000 1340 1340 1000 800 2000 500 4000 4000 800 800 800 800 2000 280 3150 1500 800 1340 1340 1500 1340 1500 450 1340 800 140 49 165 36 408 54 165. 253 165; 253 244 52 1106 24 165 36 165 253 260 59 165° 25.5 165 253 1746. 33 1106 24 22010 406 2012 34 500 659 500 659 260 40 260 40 260 40 247 40 244 52 1166 26 408 54 165 36 1106 24 165. 253 ios 252 165 36 165: 25-3 165 36 124 234 29 165-253 1106 24 9 Oil 21 Oil 306 Oil 132 Oil 132 Oil 9 Oil 127 Oil 21 Oil $3°2°- Oil 191 Oil 132 Oil 132 - Ol 146 Oil 12:7 Oil 23 114 Oil 12 Oil 37 Oil 37 Oil 14 Oil 14 Oil 14 Oil 146 Oil 9 Oil 106 Oil 306 Oil 21 Oil 127 Oil 132 Oil 132 Oil 21 Oil 13°20 a, Oil 10 Oil 132 Oil 127. Oil Non-self-propelled Coastwise Service Speed, 13 knots Twin Screw Diesel, Patrol B. Twin Screw Diesel, Patrol B. River Dredging Coast Guard Harbor Service Coastwise Service Twin Screw Diesel, Patrol B. Auto and Passenger Ferry Twin Screw Diesel, Patrol B. Twin Screw Diesel, Patrol B. Alaska Coast Coast Guard Harbor Service Northwest, to Alaska Barge Canal, Coastwise Tanker, Ocean Service Tanker, Ocean Service Coastwise Service Coastwise Service Coastwise Service Coastwise, Barge Canal River Dredging Harbors, Bays, Coastwise Speed, 13 knots Coastwise Service Coast Guard Harbor Service Twin Screw Diesel, Patrol B. Twin Screw Diesel, Patrol B. Lakes or Coastwise Twin Screw Diesel, Patrol B. Lakes or Coastwise Great Lakes Twin Screw Diesel, Patrol B. Coast Guard Harbor Service Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under con. con. con. con. con. con. con, con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. Ordered Ordered Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con. con.