ABELL—Stability and Seaworthi- ness of Ships $5.00 Gives consideration to those practical problems affecting a ship’s stability and seaworthiness which the shipmaster may be called upon to deal with or consider in the ordinary routine of his calling. ADAMS—Modern Diesel Engine Practice $6.00 A complete text book on every phase of diesel engineering, construction, and installation. BEASLEY—Freighters of Fortune $3.50 A quick moving tale of adventure of fighting and of the first attempts at crude commerce on the Great Lakes all of which helped to lay the foundations for what is today one of the fo and most powerful sections of the world, CARR—Cost of Shipbuilding $3.00 This book provides a short method in calculat- ing the cost of the many different types of merchant vessels and to eliminate the practically obsolete system of figuring this class of work. CHALKLEY—Diesel Engines for Land and Marine Work $8.00 A discussion of the theory, operation and construction of the diesel engine as used in marine and land work. CUTHBERTSON—Freshwater $7.50 This book is designed to be of interest to all who want to know all they can about the BOOKS A selected list for the man interested in Marine Subjects ships and those who want a general story of Great Lakes history with a glimpse at men, ships and events. Illustrated with a series of excellent pictures showing early types of lake craft, etc. DOBBS—Canals and Inland Water- ways $2.25 This book is of especial value to students interested in the subject of canals and water- ways and to those who for one reason or another desire enlightenment on the subject FORD—Practical Marine Diesel Engineering $7.00 Deals with the construction and operation of the marine diesel engine from the view point of the practical engineer. HARDY—Bulk Cargoes $6.00 A clear and important discussion on how bulk cargoes are carried and in what ways the nature of the bulk cargo has affected the design and construction of vessels. MACELWEE—Ports and Terminal Facilities $5.00 A thorough and detailed discussion of marine terminal facilities. Traffic conditions are analyzed and studied in their relation to port facilities for best service. MANNING—Manual of Naval Ar- chitecture $2.75 Prepared primarily for operating officers, students and all those who wish to become familiar with the subject of naval architecture without any extensive previous knowledge of it. MORRELL—Oil Tankers $4.00 A complete and authoritative treatise on oil carrying vessels, the handling of bulk oil and the transportation of bulk oil by water. Covers the subjects of modern design, con- struction, repairs and operation with respect to hull, cargo system and machinery. PERRY—Ship Management and Operation $4.15 This book is the first to cover the subject and is based upon original research. Latest methods of organization and operation are described and illustrated. Organization charts showing the lines of advancement in various departments and fold-in drawings of main decks of modern ships are included. ROSBLOOM—Diesel Reference Guide $4.00 A book for reference purposes and instruction on modern diesel engineering, land, marine, locomotive, aero-service, automotive and portable duties. Includes a directory of manufacturers of diesel engines and products essential in diesel service and is profusely illustrated, containing tables, formulae, etc. WATTS—Hints to up-to-date Navigators $1.75 This little book would appear to be very useful to the junior officer who is taking his profession seriously and desires to adopt every means to advance his knowledge. THE PENTON PUBLISHING COMPANY 1213 W. 3rd St. Book Department Cleveland, Ohio 224-M Classified Advertisements FOR SALE “Tug Charlotte” Suitable for fishing or towing, tug is in first class condition with Dake steam steering engine, Sutton engine 14x 14, and Scotch boiler allowed 150 lbs. steam. This tug is now in commission and can be seen at our dock at Bayfield, Wis. Will make an attractive figure for immediate sale. Bayfield Fish Co., Bayfield, Wis. FOR SALE—VERY REASONABLE—TWIN Screw Wooden Sand Sucker. Length 116 feet, Beam 27 feet, Draft Loaded 8 feet, Capacity 200 yards. Two 8 inch pumps, direct connected. Boilers new 1925. Boat and equipment in splen- did condition. For further information ‘address, Lake Ontario Sand Company, Rochester, N. Y. FOR SALE Sand Steamer Pearson, capacity 300 _ tons. Fully equipped, ready to go. An exceptional buy. VALLEY SAND CO., Bay City, Michigan. FOR SALE: MARINE BOILERS, MARINE engines, auxiliary machinery and boats, steel and wood tugs. Inquire P. O. Box 1048, Green Bay, Wis. FOR SALE OR CHARTER TUG “BURGER” Address R. G. Evans, Cheboygan, Mich. FOR SALE 2 Double End Ferryboats 33 and 40 Vehicle Capacity Beam Engines Ready for immediate service. For further particulars or inspection —- communicate with P. W. Pierson, Asst. to Vice-Presi- dent, “80 Park Place; : Newark, N. - }. ’Phone, Market 2-7000. Riverside and Fort Lee Ferry Co. TWO GREAT FLEETS now offer an unexcelled Freight and Passenger Service to Europe via Bremen or Hamburg. Fast Freight Services To Bremen and Hamburg, also via Antwerp from outports . . including all shipping lanes from Montreal to Puerto Mexico and from all North Pacific ports. Special low rates in transshipments. Passenger Services New York to Cherbourg, Southampton, Bremen and Hamburg. New York to Galway, Cobh, Cherbourg, Bremen or Hamburg. North Pacific Ports to Antwerp, Bremen and Hamburg via Panama Canal. Pleasure Cruises Around the World, to the West Indies, to ve Northern Wonderlands and Russia, the Mediterranean, Around Africa. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE NORTH GERMAN LLOYD 57 Broadway, New York, N. Y¥. — or Local Agents PS SRP SUSI EE EEA SL TE EL LS TT TE I MARINE Review—April, 1934