MERICAN SHIP celebrates, this month, its 35th anniversary of service to the shipping industry. When a man is 35 years old, it is just another birthday. But when a corporation, dependent upon the serving of a comparatively small group of customers, and the good will of those customers, celebrates its 35th birthday, it is an event. It has a significance as important to the company’s friends as to itself. Now, what have 35 years brought to us that is worth something to you? They have built up an organization that is strong, experienced and efficient —at your service. They have given us a group of plants, second to none on the Great Lakes, in capacity and completeness of equipment—at your service. They have left in our files the drawings of every ship built by us during these years —and patterns for most of the bulk freighters—a service that saves you time and money. We hope that the shipping industry keeps us doing good, dependable work for 35 years more—and for many years beyond that. Meantime, we are completely at your service. Ihe AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING CO. Main Office: Foot of West 54th Street, Cleveland, Ohio e) CLEVELAND Lorain BuFFALO SoutH CxHicaco SUPERIOR & American Ship American Ship Buffalo Dry Dock Chicago Ship Superior Ship- e638 is) Building Co. Building Co. Company Building Co. building Co. €