Products that will make shipyard modernization profitable FLOODLIGHTS All kinds of dependable light sources for protection of ship- yards and for night work, made by the foremost manu- facturer of lighting equip- ment. Moderately priced units of open or enclosed type, finished to withstand adverse weather : i ARC WELDERS Not all welding sets produce equally good results. ee For your jobs, a G-E welder which is light, com- pact, portable, and flexible, designed for both bare and heavy-coated electrodes, will richly ‘reward your decision to py a welder Uf oh E manuf: acture | i ; ; j "WELDING ELECTRODES G-E electrodes : : available for COMBINATION MAG. NETIC SWITCHES A combination of a magnetic _ : switch, a test jack, and a dis- connecting device in a single case. Permits easy checking _ of power required by any motor-driven machine without shutting down the equipment ; | Cetex, : rol, and Textolite * 8, which include all ds of insulations in ~ tube and sheet form; _ gears and gear blanks; finish surfaces; etc. _Fabroil gears and pin- ions stand up under the most severe service conditions THRUSTOR VALVES GEAR-MOTORS An entirely new type of valve, grown popular over night as the most satisfactory kind for opening and closing pipe lines from one to 10 inches in size. With suitable accessories, i can be made to operate according to changes in tem- perature, pressure, or vacuum, or by remote control — 13 rpm. to 600 rpm, is re- quired, insist on a G-E gear- motor-—-a combination of a mormal-speed motor and a speed-reducer, built into a single, compact, efficient unit that delivers full rated horse- power at the desired low speed _ Where a low-speed drive from | WIRE AND CABLE Every type and every size © for every purpose. G-E . tellurium- compounded portable cable and cords, and arc-welding cable, are tough enough for the hardest jobs yo can give. them at the output shaft UR Ss Ss clean caeSyaaanb soa co ENERAL ELECTRIC’S service to the marine and shipbuild- G ing industries is complete. Everything electrical, from wire, conduit, cable, and switches to the floodlights which speed night work, can be obtained from one reliable source. Expert engineer- ing advice is available to you from the nearest of the 78 field offices maintained by this company. Prompt service on electric products is available from the nearest of a nation-wide chain of Service Shops and Warehouses. Our nearest office is ready to help you. Or, write to Department 6-201, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. ELECTRIC HEATING DEVICES Strip heaters, cartridge units, immer- sion units, metal-melting pots, heat- treating furnaces, etc. Efficient heat- ing devices that give a uniform, easily controlled heat just where you want it. 011-8 GENERAL @ ELECTRIC MARINE REVIEwW—May, 1934 :