FEDERAL BUILDS GOOD BARGES RUGGED CONSTRUCTION... the severe ice conditions of last winter demonstrated to operators of FEDERAL built barges the advantages of the rugged construction of this equipment... FEDERAL welded channel barges are designed and built to meet the most exacting operating conditions. FEDERAL SHIPBUILDING AND DRY DOCK COMPANY US GENERAL OFFICES AND WORES: LINCOLN HIGHWAY, KEARNY, NEW JERSEY SUBSIDIARY OF UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION PLAN NOW The marine industry is of tremendous importance as a market for your. products and service. Marine Review can assist you in securing better sales re- turns. It is subscribed for by more steamship executives and ship operating officers than any other marine pub- lication. Further, Marine Review gives you complete coverage of the shipyards as virtually every one of them subscribe for one or more copies. Be sure to include Marine Review in your sales and advertising plans to reach the really important menwho say yes, and O. K. requisitions in the marine trade. E. H. READING PROPELLER WHEELS Machinery Repairs 226 Ohio St. BUFFALO, N. Y. ’"Phone Washington 5361 John J. Boland Adam E. Cornelius BOLAND & CORNELIUS VESSEL OWNERS AND BROKERS Marine Insurance Agents Marine Trust Building BUFFALO, N. Y. Classified Advertisements FOR SALE: MARINE BOILERS, MARINE engines, auxiliary machinery and boats, steel and wood tugs. Inquire P. O. Box 1043, Green Bay, Wis. MARINE REviEw—ZJune, 1934 39