fering SERVICE TO USERS OF SHIPBOARD CABLE AVE you ever needed a publication which would enable you to determine easily the answers to the following questions regarding shipboard cable: What types of insulation are available, what sizes of conductor? W hat are the outside diameters, the thickness of insulation, the weights of these cables? Is there a standard size of cable which will better suit your needs than the type you are using? New 12-page Book Engineering Assistance Answers to such questions as these will be found in In tke event that this publication does not give you a new 12-page General Electric publication, Shipboard all the information you require, we offer the assist- Cable. This book was prepared for the express pur- ance of our cable engineers and specialists, men who pose of assisting the user of shipboard cable to order have had wide experience in the application and in- cable which will best meet his needs. It covers all stallation of all types of insulated cable. To obtain cable which is designed especially for shipboard use, their services, simply address a request to the nearest but does not list other industrial cable. Every shipyard G-E sales office. and drydock should have a copy of it on file; every port engineer, chief engineer, and chief electrician should have one for reference. All Types and Sizes D The General Electric Company is prepared to fur- OBR nish insulated cable of every type, size, and voltage opiP® | for every application, together with the necessary BLE accessories for installation. Available for shipboard Ch \ use are not only the standard basket-weave armored cable, but also portable cable of two, three, or four conductors; arc-welding cable; and ship-to-shore cable for power connections in drydock. oe GEMERIL €3) ELECTRIC For Copy of Book For your copy of this new publi- cation, Shipboard Cable, mail the attached coupon, or write or call the nearest G-E sales office. If you desire more than one copy, make your request on the coupon. General Electric Company Department 6B-201 Schenectady, N. Y. Please send me a copy of your new publication, Shipboard Cable. i | | 1 I Po NG Me... .2.--ne-nnnnnnnnnnnnnenn nnn nent nen nennnnnnnananarananannnncanacenrarsnserannranerasaranacnennsasnanecsndeassanesenmauaaasanesenaansen | | | MARINE REvIEw—June, 1934