arine Prime Mover It would be the height of business folly to spend the time and money to develop an entirely new type of expensive mechanical apparatus and then place it on the market if the builders were not positive they could prove its superiority over competitive equip- ment for the conditions under which it is offered. The Skinner Marine Unaflow Steam Engine has justified its builders’ confidence in the installations now in marine service. These engines were purchased only after careful investigations and comparisons were made with other methods of propulsion. Some of the novel features are: Direct drive running at economical propeller speeds, eliminating gears or electric drive. Per- manently steam-tight poppet valves, adapted for high pressures and temperatures. Approx- imately the same steam consumption per horsepower-hour at one-quarter to full speed, the steam rate per horsepower-hour being remarkably low. Simplified “and easily operated reversing gear, giving quick maneuverability, the time required in revers- ing from full speed ahead to full speed re- verse being approximately four seconds. Large overload capacity and the same maxi- mum horsepower developed in reverse as for forward speed. Perfectly balanced re- ciprocating parts, therefore, smooth opera- Starboard engine on Pennsylvania Railroad tion. Simple engines—all cylinders, valves Company’s new S.S. “Del-Mar-Va’’. and gear, reciprocating parts, duplicate and inter-changeable. Entirely enclosed in oil- tight cases, with force-feed lubrication of both reciprocating parts and valve gear. Compact design, requiring glimited floor space. The Skinner Marine Unaflow Engine is the result of the experience gained in the building of approximately 2,000 stationary ‘‘Universal Unaflow’’ engines; and it is offered by the builder who introduced the first poppet- valve unaflow engine to the American engineering public, who has built approxi- mately one-half of all the unaflow engines built in this country, and who has the largest shops in this country devoted exclusively to the building of steam engines. Marine Unaflow with oil cooler and tank Built only by SKINNER ENGINE CO. ERIE, FA. BRAN.CH OFFICES JN ALL PRIN CIP AZ CITIES MARINE REvIEw—June, 1934 5