Marine keview SHIP OPERATION SHIPBUILDING CARGO HANDLING The National Publication Covering the Business of Transportation by Water CLEVELAND FOUNDED 1878 NEW YORK CONTE eee Vol. 64 July, 1934 No. 7 Page 1 OU (RC) ol (| Ueteenees anritne ee ee ere RRE EN A ery onace minnie Sac icine mleeece nnn ¢ Boilers, Marine, Welded Construction of...................... 10 Part II Anchor Chain for Giant Cumarder ..................:0..secee 13 By Capt. J. G. Bisset Wolverine, First Tron Ship of Navy..............cccceeeeeeees 14 By Dana T. Bowen Feed Water Treatment on Lakes................c ccc eee 1 ey By N. B. Graham Maritime Law—Late Decisions ................ccc cece eee eeeee eee 20 Published monthly by By Harry Bowne Skillman ‘The Penton oe ve Ports—Marine Business Statistics Condensed............ 21 Cleveland, Ohio, U. New Construction, Ordered and Contemplated ............ 22 Bunker Prices—Domestic and Foreign .................... 2 Minneapolis, New U. S. Cruiser Completed................ 24 Cleveland Office, Penton Bldg. Equipment Used Afloat and Ashore.....................c0cc.0ee 25 AH: ANSSON, E x ‘ ‘ ‘ FV. COLE, ee Makicus Stevedoring and Dock Management PYrOGTeSS............0665 28 Analyze Your Cargo Handling Problems New York Office, 220 Broadway By H. E. Stocker . = ee MANAGER Stockton, Calif., Now an Ocean Port .............6..ccccc cece 30 B. K. PRICE By ©. 0; Burgin Useful Hints. on Cargo Handling .......................ccceeee eee 31 Chicago Office, 1118 Peoples Gas Bldg. Motorship Completed in British Shipyard.................... 32 a - Aas Up and Down the Great Lakes ..................cccceccccceeee ee 33 ee Personal Sketches of Marine Men........................0.0005 35 Thomas F. Baker, President Ioreign Commerce Club ci ge) day Office, 507-8 Oliver Bidg. Ss. ASPER E. re RANCE JR. Washington, D. C. Office, 1050 National Press Building L. M. LAMM London Office, mee Heese Westminster, S. W. VINCENT DELPORT PN ee OR Yan aes a eae ee re i eS By Ben K. Price Ferries—Cross Channel] of Nove! Design ...................... 36 Books—Review of Marine we DO OUR PART Marine Review is published monthly on the first of each month by the Penton Publishing Co., Penton Building, Cleveland, O Joun A. Penton, Chairman of ae Board; Stars, President; J. D. Peass, Vice President; F. V. Cote, Secretary. Member, "Audit Bureau of Circulations, Associated Business Papers Inc., and National Publishers Association. ubscription in the United States and its possessions and in Cuba and Mexico, $3 per year; single copies 35 cents, back numbers over three months 450 cents. ‘Subscription, in Canada $4 per year; in Great Britain and other foreign countries £1 per year. Cable addresses: Penton, Cleveland, and Irotrapen, London. Entered in the post office at Cleveland, O., as second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Copyright 1934 by the Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O. MaRINE REVIEW—July, 1934