THIS scene in one of its five machine shops, suggests the breadth of American Ship’s ability ay... to serve you.. | , . V f R N A T | [ | T Y ~ . As this shop is capable of handling any size job, so the complete facilities for building and repairing ships which we place at your disposal can provide you with anything from an entire ship to a piece of marine hardware. Equally vital to ship operators is the fact that our service is swift, competent and dependable. Five convenient yards, equipped with dry docks, on the Great Lakes await your commands. The AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING CO. re) CLEVELAND Lorain BUFFALO Sourn CHicaco SUPERIOR & eo e@© @e American Ship American Ship Buffalo Dry Dock Chicago Ship Superior Ship- eee e 9 Building Co. Building Co. Company Building Co. building Co. € Vol. 64, No. 8, August, 1934, issue of MARINE REVIEW, published monthly at Cleveland, O. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Cleveland, O., under act of March 38, 1879, Subscription price $3 a year in U. S.; Canada, $4; Great Britain and other foreigf countries, £1. Single copies, 35c