Marine keview SHIP OPERATION SHIPBUILDING CARGO HANDLING The National Publication Covering the Business of Transportation by Water CLEVELAND FOUNDED 1878 NEW YORK CONTENTS Vol. 64 September, 1934 No. 9 Page Hditorial |. ccc genio sec oie a se ny en 11 ‘ross Channef Ferries, Twickenham Ferry ................ 12 Naval Building, Bids Received, Awards Made ............ 15 Welded Tanker, Poughkeepsie Socony ..................:06055 16 By Robert D. MacMillen Communications, Use of by Merchant Marine ............ 19 By Capt. S. C. Hooper Cleveland Office, Penton Bldg. Algonquin, Coast Guard Cutter Launched .................. 21 ay CULE Beetcnn Mow ne Havre—New Terminal for French Line .................... 23 Maritime Law—Late Decisions ..................ccceccceeceenee tence es 24. N York Office, 220 Broad : (eon here ene! By Harry Bowne Skillman ee c ice ZBERG Ports—Marine Business Statistics Condensed ............ 25 New Construction, Ordered and Contemplated ............ 26 sci fe oo pata ta Pennies Ole See Bunker Prices—Domestic and Foreign ................0005 27 Wee GOPE Stevedoring and Dock Management Progress ............ 28 Truck-Pallet Method Found Effective Pittsburgh Office, 507-8 Oliver Bldg. S. H. JASPE By H. E. Stocker R E. A. FRANCE JR. Useful Hints on Cargo Handling .................c eee 31 Washington, D. C. Office, Up and Down the Great Lakes ......:....... 7.000 32 LM LAMA pe aia Peace, River Towboat Launched .................... Cee 34 wine. Calc House Personal eben s of Martie, Meni 3.25 ee ae. 35 Westminster, S. John McKenzie, Commissioner of Docks VINCENT DELPORT By Ben K. Price Published monthly by The Penton Publishing Co. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. A. La! RA year; single copies 35 cents, back numbers over three months 50 cents. Subscription in Canada $4 per year; in Great Britain and other foreign countries £1 per year. Cable addresses: Penton, Cleveland, and Irotrapen, London. MARINE REVIEW is published monthly on the first of each month by the Penton Publishing Co., Penton Building, Cleveland, O.; JoHn A. PENTON, Chairman of the Board; C. J. STARK, President; J. D. PEASE, Vice President; F. V. U.S. CoLeE, Secretary. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations, As- Entered in the post office at Cleveland, O., ee reer Papers Inc., and National CODE as second class matter under the act of — ublishers Association. 8, 1879. Copvright 1934 by the Penton Pub- Subscription in the United States and its lishing Co., Cleveland, O. possessions and in Cuba and Mexico, $3 per GRAPHIC ARTS INDUSTRY c MARINE REviIEw—September, 1934