42 CASTINGS Mavyari * PIG IRON Mavyari is a natural nickel-chromi- um pig iron and offers a simple, very economical method of making heat- resisting alloy-iron castings for grate- bars and other furnace parts. Cast- ings made with a small percentage of Mayari added to the cupola mixture have much longer life under high- temperature conditions, with but slight increase in cost. Mayari also gives increased wear-resistance and much longer life to machinery parts, such as engine and pump cylinders and piston rings. Further, the use of Mayari results in castings that are free from blow- holes, spongy spots and other imperfections, and that machine easily to a smooth, dense, highly wear-resisting surface even on a thick section. Just ’phone or write to the _ nearest Bethlehem office, and we will be glad to send one of our foundry specialists to dis- cuss the application of Mayari to your uses. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY General Offices: Bethlehem, Pa. District Offices: Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Bridgeport, Buffalo, Chicago, Cin- cinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Indianapolis Milwaukee, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St. Louis. St. Paul, Washington, Wilkes-Barre, York. Pacific Coast Distributor: Pacific Coast Steel Corporation, San Francisco Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland and Honolulu. Export Distributor: Bethlehem Steel Export Corporation, New York. InpEX To ADVERTISERS American Shipbuilding Co. ........::ccereee Back Cover Babcock & Wilcox Co. o..ccccccccccccccecceeereereteeeeesseneaeansanens : Bethlehem Steel Co. woicc..cceccscssccccceesessnceeeseseessseseeeseeeees ; Boland & Cornelius ......::ccccccccssssssccccesesessrsseesessesnseetonee 3 Diehl] Manufacturing Co. o......ceecceceececeereesestseeseseeteens 8 Electric Storage Battery Co. ...............+. seesssscesnscenseennss 4,5 Elwell-Parker Electric Co..............++ Inside Back Cover Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co..............:..00 41 Hamburg-American Limes ............:::cssseeeees esceseceseseeess 39 Jerguson Gage & Valve Co......... ci... ccsscerscsesctesensens 39 Wels W UWites©Oscc eco vt ccscnce coo tackcaescesssivavectiustaecevccsecostenes 39 ECinde: Aap Prague tay Oaks coerce asscolosc nese amecacs oad 7 New York Shipbuilding Corp. ...............ccccccccceeeeseees 6 Oxweldi Acetylene! Cos 2 Okc heii eicans sists eee sees 7 Prest-O= Vite: Coscia cases ventdeiseaceorseussoi wakes 7 Puseye @ Jones): Conpen sic ciess sie eceeeeckes 39 Reel ah rg seo ete sass ac Sot oa ean acca wath Saeco ehsueteudene 39 Sperry Gyroscope: Cos Une. eicicissWiccciecchivssussssaeesetvensss 37 Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Deck Co.....Inside Front Cover Union: Carbide & Carbon Corpo ici eines 7 Union. Carbide Sales’ Cor ao... atcnae tke 7 Westinghouse Traction Brake Co. .........:..c.cccccccceeeeee 10 BUSINESS COMES EASIER For those manufacturers whose products are nationally and favorably known as the result of proper advertising. The greatest business successes are ad- vertised products. Make it easier for your salesmen to sell your products by advertising them. SSS MARINE REVIEw—September, 1934