A GOOD BATTERY MADE STILL BETTER! Exide-lronclad Batteries with the new Exide Mipor Separators offer outstanding advantages Exide-Ironclad Batteries are known for their reserve power in hauling heavy loads and climbing steep grades—in keeping trucks on the job when there’s work to be done. For more than twenty years, these batteries have made an enviable record of economy, with their long life, low cost of maintenance, and freedom from trouble. Now Exide-Ironclads have been made still better, through the use of the new Exide Mipor Separator — at no increase in price. Exide Mipor is vulcanized rubber, permeated by microscopic pores so numerous as to permit free dif- fusion of the electrolyte, and so minute as to form a barrier to the smallest particles of active material. Exide Mipor Separators easily withstand the most severe vibration, and will not deteriorate under the toughest operating conditions. They are unaffected by the electrolyte, and immune to the heat encoun- tered in a battery. They function as permanent plate insulators, and will last the life of the battery. Left (Below): Exide-Ironclad Positive Plate, showing the slotted rub- ber tube construction. Center: The new Exide Mipor Sepa- rator—the permanent storage battery plate insulator. Right: Negative Plate. In combination with the famous Exide-Ironclad positive plates that retain the active material in slotted rubber tubes, Exide Mipor Separators assure longer battery life, outstanding economy, reduced mainte- nance and freedom from service interruptions. Why not cut costs with Exide-Ironclads? Write for new folder giving full details on Exide Mipor, the per- manent storage battery plate insulator. THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY CO., Philadelphia The World’s Largest Manufacturers of Storage Batteries for Every Purpose Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited, Toronto * Exide IRONCLAD BATTERIES with ExinbEe MIPOR separators “MIPOR, |’ Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. MARINE REviIEw—October, 1934 29