Mayari PIG [RON 42 heat-resisting Castings By rue vse of a small percentage of Mayari Pig Iron in the cupola mixture, grate-bars and other furnace parts can be given much longer life at a trifling increase in cost. Mayari is a natural nickel-chromium pig iron and offers a simple, eco- nomical means of introducing those elements to make heat-resisting alloy-iron castings. Mayari is also an effective agent for improving castings for machinery parts. Machinability, sound- ness, strength and wear-resistance are all substan- tially improved by a small Mayari addition. Engine and pump cylinders, piston rings and similar parts ean be cast with assurance of freedom from blow- holes, can be machined at lower cost, and will last longer, if Mayari is used. Let one of our foundry specialists discuss the ap- plication of Mayari to your uses. A ’phone call or letter to the nearest Bethlehem district office will bring him. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: BETHLEHEM, PA. District Offices: Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Bridgeport, Buf- falo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, New York, Philadelphia, Pitts- burgh, St. Louis, St. Paul, Washington, Wilkes-Barre, York. Pacific Coast Distributor: Pacific Coast Steel Corporation, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland, Honolulu. Export Distributor: Bethlehem Steel Export Corporation, New York. INDEX To ADVERTISERS American Shipbuilding Co.................. Inside Back Cover Babcock & Wilcox Co..... 3 Bethlehem Steel Co........ 42 Boland & Cornelius...............c00c000 41 Blectric:Storave: Bettery COs ccccsssisscsscccessccscecvsessssctcene 39 Elweli-Parker Electric Co................... Inside Front Cover General: Wlectric: “Cosiecik cossessstacevesdosessctdtes cucastuesesace 8 Hamburg-American Limes. ........::ccccccccsssssserssssessssecseseses 41 Jerguson Gage & Valve COs 41 Eeincolm EveCtrie) Cog es se ii ccscsvsaaeceasnevoant dncods cotbesesaviotens Linde Air Products Co... Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co........... 7 Oxweld “Acetylene? C05 i. o acess cisipsorinccscasodechcopasngaccosesecacs 10 Pres OBihe iC 8s TING aiisicccchckcscscssscscecesaaceacesscecsssossesace 10 Propeller Club of the United States.. 6 USO Re POMS OND sic cezcd cscs es verso ssevavadecceccuccesssscacszaucgueese 41 FR Gaerne ee av cacasoscc kes cocwassncctadpeansosdanencccecce essa secsdesoee 41 Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co................... Back Cover Union Carbide & Carbon Corp 10 Winton Carbide: Sales Ooi sooo e sac ccvcnccgsscscassinsacscinsgecaes 10 KNOWN OR UNKNOWN Generally represents the difference be- tween big and little business. A known product sells with less sales effort because buyers have confidence in an advertised product. Non-adver- tised products are strangers to be doubted. Don’t handicap your business by fail- ing to properly advertise your products. MARINE REviEw—October, 1934