HARBOR CUTTERS, Single Screw, Diesel Electric Drive the large new shipbuilding program of the United States coast guard is now nearing comple- tion. This group includes four, single screw, diesel electric harbor cutters, named CALUMET, NAVESINK, TUCKAHOE and Hupson. The building of these new vessels was awarded on Dec, 8, 1933 to. the navy department on its estimate of $235,953 as the cost for each boat. The navy deparment al- located the building of the Hupson to the navy yard at Portsmouth, N. H. ‘The HupDSOoN was launched on Oct. 5 ‘and completed on Oct. 29. Building of the CALUMET, NAVESINK and TUCKAHOE was allocated to the navy yard, Charleston, S. C. All three of these vessels were launched by floating from drydock, Sept. 28. The CALUMET was completed on Nov. 15. The NAVESINK was scheduled for completion about Dec. 15 and the TUCKAHOE about Jan. 15, 1935 These cutters, though not large, represent the latest development in modern marine engineering as applied to diesel electric drive. They were designed especially for harbor use. Te third group of vessels in Deck of Wrought Iron The hull construction is rugged. The shell plating is all of medium steel and is worked on the in and out system. All shell rivets are of wrought iron. The sheer strake is of 15.3-pound plate amidships, tapering to 12.8 pounds at the ends of the vessel. Side plating is 12.8 pounds throughout except along wind and water forward, where 15.3-pound plating is used, Bottom plating varies from 12.8 pounds amidships to 10.2 pounds at the ends. Furnaced plates are somewhat heavier. pth. 14 ‘i xf ae Tes al IT ens Fender guards of split 8-inch extra heavy pipe are welded to the shell plating. Vertical guards of split 6- inch pipe are interposed between the longitudinal guards amidships. The main deck is constructed of 5/16-inch wrought iron plating throughout, with wrought iron rivets. The main deck plating is finishel flush with double riveted butt, and single riveted seam straps on the under side. No wood decking is fitted. These vessels are, generally speak- ing, of the large powerful tugboat type. The general arrangement is shown in the accompanying inboard profile. The engine room is located just aft of amidship. The main pro- pelling motor is located aft. The erew’s and officers’ quarters are located under the main deck forward. Principal Particulars Coast Guard Harbor Cutters Names....Hudson, Calumet, Navesink, Tuckahoe PSU GAOTS) eaccosecscesescsnccs ccc Hudson, Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H.; Calumet, Navesink and Tuckahoe, Navy Yard, Charleston, S. C. Owen ioix cscs United States Coast Guard VISESWUD oN ed 6 Vals Cesetey pene ree RE EE Te Hudson, Oct. 5; Calumet, Navesink, Tuckahoe, Sept. 28, 1934 Completed sii ccsiicecdcsvevercscas Hudson, Oct. 29; Calumet, Nov. 15; Navesink, (abt.) Dec. 15; Tuckahoe, (abt.) Jan. 15, 1935 Length overall, feet, inches ................0066 110—6 Length between p. p., feet, inches.......... 104—0 Beam molded, feet, inches.................cccceee 24—0 Depth molded, feet, inches...............c0000 12—7 Draft, mean, feet, inches...............ccsc00e 9—114 Draft, maximum (aft), feet, inches... 10—8 Displacement, loaded, tons (abt.).......... 290 Propelling machinery, single screw, diesel electric drive, s.h.p. motor @ ZO OED) ANN ccs ouaaaccases ccensakscnbneseccianeotarecseeus 800 Generators, diesel drive, each 530 h.p. 2 Auxiliary generator, diesel, 15 k.w..... 1 Bunker fuel capacity, gallons (abt.).... 3800 CrGisine- Nagas: MILES! os. ccicseccsesccacssoecteas 650 Speed, designed, in knots .........cccecceesees 12 WA ae, spare ate a SIM ttn rir tart | MARINE REVIEW—January, 1935 ant Ld eal Passenger space is provided in the after end of the long steel deckhouse. In this house are also the galley, mess room and lavatories, The in- spectors’ room is located aft of the wheelhouse on the boat deck. Tow- ing bitts are fitted on the main deck forward and aft. The steering gear is of the electro- mechanical type manufactured by the Sperry Gyroscope Co. The rudder is of balanced streamline type and is of specially strong construction to pre- vent damage should it take bottom when the vessel is maneuvering in confined waters. No boats are carried on these cut- ters. Each vessel, however, carries two 25-person life floats and two 10- person life-floats. Machinery Installation Propulsion is by means of diesel electric machinery. Electric current for the propelling motor is supplied by two generators, each direct con- nected to a McIntosh & Seymour, 6- cylinder, 4-cycle, single acting, trunk piston diesel engine, of 12%-inch bore by 13-inch stroke, developing 530 brake horsepower at 550 revo- lutions per minute. These engines are airless injection and use an in- jection nozzle pressure of 3600 pounds. One engine is right hand and the other left-hand, each turin- ing outboard, with the exhausts in- board and the starting controls for- ward. Regulation of the engines from no load to full load is possible within 3 per cent of normal speed. Direct connected, to the aft end of the main engines, the main gener- ators, of General Electric Co. make. are each of 325 kilowatts capacity at 550 revolutions per minute, 1390 A NBOARD profile of the diesel elec- tric Coast Guard cutters, Calumet, Nave- sink, Tuckahoe and Hudson. The first three were built at the Navy Yard, Charleston, S. C. The Hudson was. built at the Portsmouth, N. H., Navy Yard ®