Tamarack, Lighthouse Tender, Diesel Electric HE new diesel electric lighthouse Ticsoer TAMARACK, built by Mani- towoe Shipbuilding Corp., Mani- towoc, Wis., for the bureau of light- houses, department of commerce, was launched Aug. 21, and completed Nov. 20, 1934. Contract was awarded Dec, 13, 1933 ata price of $233,917, and called for delivery within 300 days at Detroit. Of substantial all steel construc- tion, with the bow reinforced and double plated for ice breaking, the TAMARACK is a single screw vessel designed for handling supplies for lightships and lighthouses. A 10-ton derrick and cargo hoist are fitted for lifting buoys. Trimming tanks are located forward and aft. Accommodations for 16 Men Accommodations are provided for a total complement of 16 officers and men. There is also a spare room for the use of the district superintendent of the lighthouse service. Principal particulars are: Length overall, 124 feet, 234, inches; length between perpendiculars, 111 feet, 8 inches; breadth molded, 29 feet; depth molded, 10 feet; draft forward, 6 feet, 6 inches; draft aft, 7 feet, 6 inches; and crown of deck, 6 inches in 29 feet. The displacement loaded ® INGLE screw, dies- el electric light- house tender Tamarack, com- pleted Nov. 20, 1934, by Mani- towoc Ship- Drive is 400 tons. diesel fuel oil is 45 tons. service is 10% knots. Propelling machinery consists of a direct current electric motor, direct connected to the propeller shaft and two diesel driven electric generating sets for supplying the power for the main motor and auxiliary purposes. These generating sets have Westing- house generators, each of 190 kilo- watts capacity at 550 revolutions per minute, each direct connected to a 300 horsepower, 8-cylinder, 8% inches bore by 12 inches stroke, 4- cycle, solid injection, Winton diesel engine. Each set has a 15 kilowatts direct connected exciter. The double armature, propelling motor, also of Westinghouse make, develops 450 brake horespower at 400 revolutions per minute. It is of the open, direct current, shunt-wound type separately excited from the 125- volt excitation bus. This motor, also the main generators and the electric control equipment, were supplied by the Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Auxiliary power is normally sup- plied from the exciters driven by the main generating sets but the vessel is also fitted with one 2-cylinder, 7 45- kilowatt Winton diesel engine gen- erating set. Bunker capacity for Speed in = UM building Corp. A sain Dae ea ‘* = HH race Sie Se eis =a O wc Among the auxiliaries on _ the TAMARACK are: One _ 18-horsepower, 5-drum cargo hoist located in the main hold for handling buoys and other equipment and supplies up to a weight of 10 tons. This cargo hoist was supplied by Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. The anchor windlass and capstan, driven by a 10 horsepower motor, was furnished by the American Engineer- ing Co. The same company also sup- plied one 61%-horsepower _ boat hoister. The steering gear of hand and electric drum type was supplied by the Sperry Gyroscope Co. Other Auxiliary Equipment The pumping equipment of this vessel is quite extensive for her size, and includes one self-priming centrif- ugal, fire, deck and bilge pump of 120 gallons per minute capacity at 60 pounds head; one 10-gallons per min- ute, centrifugal, sanitary pump, and one 6-gallons per minute drinking water pump. All three of the above pumps were furnished by the Nash Engineering Co. There is also one 1 horsepower Viking fuel oil transfer pump. Other auxiliaries include: A No. 3 air whistle and automatic whistle air compressor set furnished by Allan Cunnigham; one starting air com- pressor of 5 horsepower and 16 cubic feet displacement, furnished by Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp.; one coal fired heating boiler, supplied by the Almy Watertube Boiler Co.; and one galley range with Ray oil burner, supplied by Elisha Webb & Son Co. - Refrigerator equip- ment of 18 cubic feet of food space and not less than 20 square feet uf shelf space was supplied by the Kelvi- nator Co. A new and completely revised edition of Precautions and _ Safe Practices is now being offered by The Linde Air Products Co., 30 Hast Forty-second street, New York. Another valuable addition to oxy- acetylene literature is Recommend- ed Practices for Gas Cutting of Structural Steel, also just recently issued by The Linde Air Products Co. 20 MARINE REVIEW—January, 1935