Linde Process Service aa ee N the construction of a modern steel and concrete building on soft ground, plans called for 250 steel pipe piles, concrete filled, in groups ranging in depth from 25 to 60 feet. Altogether, 13000 feet of 16-in. pipe were necessary. These piles were required to with- stand the sudden stresses from 4-ton blows of a steam hammer. The pipe dealer called on Linde Process Service for assistance in jointing short lengths of pipe for this purpose. The pipe had to be strongly joined to permit driving without any chance of crushing, bending or warping. A Linde Service Operator demonstrated the Lin- deweld method of making the pipe jointless. Results convinced the pipe dealer and the pile driving ei Sis ae ee. contractor—and the pipe was oxy- acetylene welded. Linde Process Service is prac- tical assistance given to users of Linde Oxygen—at no extra cost— in the application of the oxy- acetylene process of welding and cutting. It brings a background of sound procedure based on thou- sands of experiences in many industries. Its effectiveness is fur- ther amplified by the extensive research and engineering facilities of Units of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation. Ask your nearest Linde Sales Office about this service. Theseare locatedin A tlanta—Baltimore, Bir- mingham, Boston, Buffalo, Butte— Chicago, Cleveland—Dallas, Den- ver, Detroit—El Paso—Houston —Indianapolis—Kansas City— proves the DEPENDABILITY \of Lindewelded Pipe for FIRM Foundations ® GOING DOWN—Lindewelded sec- tions of 16-in. steel pipe piling surely reach bed rock without danger of crushing from 4-ton blows of steam hammer. Los Angeles—Memphis, Milwau- kee, Minneapolis—New Orleans, New York—Philadelphia, Phoe- nix, Pittsburgh, Portland, Ore.— St. Louis, Salt Lake City,San Fran- cisco, Seattle, Spokane and Tulsa. Everything for oxy-acetylene welding and cutting—including Linde Oxygen, Prest-O-Lite Acetylene, Union Carbide and Oxweld Apparatus and Supplies —is available from Linde through pro- LIL ducing plants and pepe Warehouse stocks in CLO all industrial centers. PRODUCT OF A UNIT OF The Linde Air Products Company Unit of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation : In Canada: cope Dominion Oxygen Co., Ltd. Toronto YOU CAN ORDER EVERYTHING FOR OXWELDING AND CUTTING FROM LINDE MARINE REVIEw—January, 1935 3