Bird’s-eye View of Municipal Pier No. 2 le Service Four-Million-Dollar Municipal Utility Co rabiacs Freight, Passenger and Recreation Features—Will Relieve Traffic Congestion on Chicago River 3,000-foot municipal pier combin- ing freight, passenger and recre- ation facilities, served by railroad trains and street cars and designed to provide dockage for all sorts of freight except bulk cargoes, will be opened for the use of the public at Chicago, with the beginning of the navigation season of 1916. This great structure, which is to be known as municipal pier No. 2, is situated imme- diately north of the mouth of the Chi- cago river, and is 292 feet wide, with three decks. Its cost, when = com- pleted, will be about $4,000,000. The Chi- the Chicago river to a point approximately a mile north, including an area to be known as harbor district No. 1. The present outer breakwater, with a pro- posed extension at the north, will pro- vide a safe harbor, permitting vessels to reach their berths and to depart, without depending upon the assistance of tugboats. As soon as the pier is completed, all LAKE MICHIGAN cago harbor and a eonerocsene pS ales Eee Tea subway commission: Ihe es is in full charge of pis eta marae Sa) maa its construction and JQuIc— A \ administration. The sh FEM | 1 || UE REECE. build; € this oi pal f FSS | a | SRC REASEEA SD, Y eee es jt | a [a,c is the rst im- eS | a | Fa || | esa || Reema ee ONTARIO ST. portant step in a On0 se Co oO oO EE | Eee TOT Sana 2 SSS O00 [rien whan ween movement to im- bed (gene |v [ona fs nes eames prove Chicago’s har- Sei OUP | EF bor and to aid ves- sel owners. and shippers in decreas- ing the costs of freight. han dling, by providing a ter- minal rendezvous for rail and water transportation. <A comprehensive plan has been outlined for the construction of a-series of piers from the mouth of D CHICAGO FIVE R™ DREAK WATER LisHT (Sour) . STRATEGIC SITUATION OF NEW CHICAGO MUNICIPAL PIER 100 CHLLAGO PIER-HEAD " PANGE Lisn7ts & focBen. =" BREAKWATER LisHT WoRTH) By G. H. Manlove transportation lines carrying passengers and package freight will be invited to apply for space, a reasonable rate being charged. The city owns a large portion — of the dockage space along the Chicago — river, which is now leased to steamship companies, and no difficulty is antici- pated in effecting the transfer of consid- erable business to the new pier. One ' effect of this con- centration will be — to lessen the pres-_ ent traffic conges- tion on several streets which cross the river. The num- ber of boats leay- ing and arriving, at the beginning and end of the day, with the attendant opening of bridges, now interferes seri- ously with _ street traffic. By keeping many of these boats out of the river, much loss of time will be avoided, While steamship lines carrying on a — regular business — from the port of Chicago will have space reserved for their exclusive use, — it is provided in the ordinance _ regulat- ing the pier that 25 per cent of the total space must be re- served for the use of transient vessels, — payment for _ this CHICAGO HARBOR LicHT & Foo WHISTLE PROPOSED SOUTHERLY EXTENSION ages 2 es See a |