March, 1916 THE MARINE REVIEW 113 Merchant Ships Sunk in War, June 30—Dee. 31, 1915 British Merchant Tonnage Destroyed Name and cause— Gross tons Oakwood, submarine ............ 4,279 Rosales: submarine 4. kecne secs © 4,243 India, auxiliary cruiser, submarine 7,940 Jacona, Submarine. 056i seeks as ,969 Osprez,: Submarine .o% 66. ci 8 es 310 Summerfield, submarine ......... 687 Cairo, submarine ...... Reikicuesiomud 1,671 Princess Caroline, submarine..... 888 Royal Edward, transport, submarine 11,117 Costello; submarine cic. as ca oh es 1,591 Portia, stibmarine << (sco. i 494 Glenravel, submarine ........... 1,092 Midland Queen, submarine....... 1,993 Mangards; submarine sits 60sec. es 1,821 Tberian,*-sirbmariné= (so. iscsi 5 5,223 Benvorlich, submarine .......... 3,381 Clintonia, submarine cUpeiemen.s 3,830 Fulgens; submarine: 505.5 oie es 25 t2 Ranga SUDManiMe nce csre wes leeie 2,320 Firth, Submarine 400. 66s tie secerass 406 Grangewood, submarine ......... eS Aao, Giido, Submarine. o30 56 ces. oe 6 oe 2,090 Ellesmere, submarine ........... 1,170 Weelburg,. Submarine 2.3.8... 5 a OeO OL Tunisiatia,. Submarine 0. ..< es. cu: 4,220 Huntly (ex Orphelia), sunk...... 1,153 Belford. SUNK ss c swine Serene ne 488 Afmenian; submarine... .. 7... 8,825 Lomas; submarine: since. ee 3,048 Caucasian, submarine ........... 4,636 Inglemoor, submarine ........... 4,331 Craigard;, submarine’. 0.3.05. 3,286 Gadsby, “stibmarine .03..4.....20. 3,497 Larchmore, submarine .......... 4,355 Renfrew, submarine <0. 5.2... 05 3,488 Richmond, submarine 3... ¢:4%5<.. 3,214 Frdrani,. submarine. esi .1508 3,640 Lucena, “submarine: 26... oa 243 Strathnairn, submarine .......... 4,336 Traftord, submarine... .¢.c.c09.' 215 AISA, SUDMATING, erg eres cosines 876 Dalcie; SUbMATING 5 ease ieisiers ss 2,033 Cansbrook, submarine ......... 2,352 Bontiys SUMS, (cuties oc visiae earns 2,702 Maggie, ‘sunk 0.6.0... s eee 269 WT hornheld,: SUNK ws eee sacs oi 488 Arabic, submarine .............- 15,801 Grodno “sunk: foie yen 55 1,955 Serbino, Sumi ors os Sains orem ele 2,205 Carterswell, sunk: ..:........5..... 4,308 Coober, cSumk 45 Seo avct ere ee 3,060 Windsor; «Sunk totes sires sees seo 6,055 William Dawson, blown up...... 284 Baron Erskine, sunk............. 5,585 Ben Vrackie, sunk...........++- 3,908 Bittern: Sunk 3.5 sce ovine tet 1,797 Dunsley,: sunk® 2. 0 oe ee see es 4,930 Name and cause— Gross tons Gladiator. simk schon ee oe 3,359 Newev ork: City, “Sutlkwisiens sone 2,970 Restormel; stinks 2.3 sauces 2,118 anlara, osunk wigs yeas ies 3,172 Diomeds Sunk cites Sha veend woe 4,672 Silviag (Surle) aco sae cavers cues ae 5,268 ATUStEATIER SUNK. uae ees 4,029 A steamer, Stinks <7 sceareraee es 3,576 AL steamer, stink, 5 qs pene). 2,196 Ake StCAMer,. SUNK 2.5, artes 3,034 UNS StCAMIeT, =. SUNK ae siscsyeatovn sascha 557 A. Steamers: Sunk 02 ek a ee 4,572 Savona sunk cise es ce 1,180 Churston, “surk-(. ta vac. cae 2,470 Whitefieldy.sunk cured. sicoie nan 2,422 Cymbeline, “sunk... 2a; aces ee 4,505 Hesperian, submarine .40........ 9,599 Mimosa; -6utile 55.505 scotia ies 3,466 Dictators sunk’ coe rec ee 4,116 DWOUTO;. SUI Cee ks lee 1,603 Miotays Stank ie cic nis oaiaeacmer anne 3,047 Ashmore; 2 Sunes a. crccors gave ce eas 2,519 Corun bia. stink 20.) wc. cn aion can 1,736 San Zeferino, beached, refloated.. 6,430 Morden! sunk a4 oan ow oe 1,434 inkmoor.> suns: tas cegiec cca. 2 dare 4,306 Groningen, cutis ye cigs ci ee re 988 AS Steamer, < SUNK Gi scce ne aoe 4,792 Ghancellor,; sunlea ns eee tae 4,586 Wirbino; Sunk eucoaiib vac hse ares 6,651 PPESIONE. SUNK sehen arenas 3,363 Novocasthian, cic «akan oon ates 1,151 AR StCAMET 01s Seca bs see we 4,114 AS StEaMet ck sce tie saa aes arate eiats 2,124 Haydn; sunk: <5 ics) cutter as 3,923 Sailor: Prince, sank)... on 3,144 Arablatiee Sumer ts so veces oo cleres eine 2,744 Newcastle, sunk syn gr ient ooc a 3,403 Schawby, sunk 7.53 2 eae ences’. 3,658 Silverash, sunk: ci vedss Gunn wees 3,753 Thorp wood,” Stinky 3.¢ <icccy eve ace ape 3,184 Halizones, reported sunk......... 5,093 A steamer, submarine............ 4,037 Salerno, Stnle . sv eeee ue eee 2,071 Alepo,;:. beached) 155 3. cc: ssc aa ta laie 3,870 OME Stan eso ete ee eateries ere 1,055 City. of Berlin; ssunks.. 20.5 o. 999 Tris; Sule jcsn nn warn eee ee 942 Marquette (transport), submarine. 7,057 _ Hythia (aux. sweeper), collision.. 509 MOWaATGs. SUM syc5 once outer es coniate 1,218 Priarcates Sunk. since cs opciones 264 Milastaite “Sti, sissies ares vie erect 366 Ramaban (transport), submarine.. 3,477 Woodfield; sunk oi. oc siento 3,584 Pata Subinaniwe. i. .os ce we ere vie ie 1,862 © British Trawlers, Smacks and Sailing Vessels Boe Name and cause— George Crabbe (trawler), sub- MATING Slice cace cc weal vlet sie ste BA Tllustrious (trawler), submarine... Palm, submarine ........-....-.- Trevear, submarine .........-.-.- Utopia, submarine .............- Welcome, submarine ............ Young Admiral, submarine....... Esperance, submarine .......++-- George Bonow, submarine........ Oceans’ Gift, submarine.........- Amethyst (smack), submarine.... Humphrey (smack), submarine... White City (smack), submarine... Thrush, submarine ........-.++-- Gloria, submarine ......-...-..+- Bona Fide (smack), submarine... E. M. W. (smack), submarine.... J. W. F. T. (smack), submarine. . Sunflower (smack), submarine.... Grimbarian, submarine .........- Honoria, submarine .........+-++ Christmas Rose, submarine....... C. E. S. (smack), submarine..... Challenger (smack), submarine... Fisherman (smack), submarine... Gross tons Name and cause— Heliotrope (smack), submarine... Hesperus (smack), submarine..... Ivan (smack), submarine......... Ocean Queen, submarine......... Ben Ardna, ‘submarie.....2..... ; Westminster, submarine ......... Emblem;.stbmarine-, .0. 2.0.65..." Tcena, “Submarine (seas cn tee ey Salacia; submarine: 3. 0h 0.0.05 soc Westward Ho (smack), submarine Achieve, submarine ............- Athena: SUDMATING. 3.6 60 aa 1s eres Corlander, ‘submarine. snc... 3 Fitzgerald, submarine ........... Otest,. submaritie 40.5... veces Strives SUDMIATING “ac... ssc ese a Young Percy, submarine......... Alert (smack), submarine......... Tors; StUPMarine: 2. yeiiere oc wre wlemc Commander (st. drifter), submarine Piscatorial (st. drifter), submarine Uffa (st. drifter), submarine..... Star of Peace, submarine........ Activity (smack), submarine...... Henry Charles (smack), submarine Kathleen (smack), submarine..... (Continued on page 114) Gross tons 158 149 180 Name and cause— Gross tons Woolwich, sunk 009. 2,936 Glénmoor; sank =.) 3 eee 3,075 Burésk, (sunki.Gs 5.7. ae ee 3,673 Californian, sunk? ic. ieee ee ae 6,223 Clan’ Macalister; sunks 2 ou 4,835 Moorina, sunk: ices ie 4,994 Caria; sunk: ites nen 3,032 Moorside; sunk: 233000. Gate. 311, Rhinéland;* sunk es secre ee 1,591 Den of Crombie, sunk .......... 4,949 Sit Richard. Awdry, sumkis.c00 2,234 A“ steamers, Stile. 0th. ss ewe Go 1,400 Irene. Gyacht), osteo Se ease 543 Anglia (hospital ship), mine...... 1,862 Lusitania, sunk ~ osc. 4 oes se ho 1,834 Tréeneglos; sunk.) ate. oes ee 3,886 Lumina, torpedoed in2 ee a 6,218 Hallamshire; sumile: 2.02 oec tus 4,420 Merganser; sunk ..6......-2.%.4% 1,905 Avesteamen,: Sutik jive kere ee a 3,583 Acfsteamer; Sunk.s'cc vows foes a 3,409 Tunis: sunk.< cet san wen eek 3,655 Dotterel;: sunk 34.05. .s0 dete ecto 1,596 Ax steamers: SUNK iti creek see ew 2,154 Colenso, sunk: oc, sc:. sawikie cen ee 3,861 Kingsway, sunk: ..34 sAcmeciee e. 3,649 Malinche; stink 6 Wenn ceniencting 1,868 Orange Prince, ‘sunk... 3) 6.05 604 3,583 Langton Hall, sunk.......... peo eA AST Clan Macleoad, sunk............. 4,796 Middleton,..sunk <..0/. <0. cco wa eee 2,506 Commodore, sunk ............... 5,858 Wmeta, suk: tose sh son 5,312 Bustos sunksi4 ov og esas 2,720 Pinegrove, sunk (30.2.5 sian as te 2,847 Levenpool, beached ............. 4,844 Alexandra (transp.), submarine... 4,000 Hélmsmiurtr, Sunk: vice ne creas ees 4,111 Burrsfield (transp.), submarine... 4,037 Tonis; sunkicees Oe aoe cee cece. 2,042 Enosis, submarine .......... Ue Eat Sea OG Tringa; Sunk ii e.cis iares enero arate 2,154 G, H. Henry (trans.), submarine 4,219 Wetia. Sunken ce ctu ee 3,229 Heridia (transp.), submarine..... 4,944 Otteric): stinkocs Gato eee ces 6,535 Craigston (transp.), submarine.... 2,617 Transylvania, submarine ......... 14,000 Van -Stirum, sunk. cs. st es 3,284 Persia, submarine 2. 6p cine ne 7,974 Glengyle, submarine ............ 9,395 St: Oswald, «submarine, «....0.5.« 3,810 Abelia;:/sunks ccs cassis soe rasc. 3,650 Total (338 vessels)............ 1,150,826 Name and cause— Gross tons Prosper (smack), submarine...... aon King Athelstan, submarine....... 159 Perseus, mine: (es. sas aes 155 Roslin; submarine 23400 ass sae 128 Strathmore, submarine .......... 163 Géltic,= submarine} .c5. (4c oi eae 264 Cydonia, submarine: .f.jc.0:42% 2 es 259 Gadwell; submarine © 25. cc ass ean 192 Cassio, submarine: 2.4.0. GesG cs 172 Hermione, submarine 3.:..c0..%). oi 210 Honovia, submarine: io. ss sn onl 179 Sulton, ‘submarine... co. .e08 332 Purple Heather (smack), submarine Poe Speedwell (smack), submarine.... Woodbine (smack), submarine.... Lebanon (st. drifter), submarine. . Primrose (st. drifter), submarine. . Josephine (st. drifter), submarine. . Elizabeth (st. drifter), submarine. . Research (st. drifter), submarine. . Four (st. drifter), submarine..... J.M. & S. (st. drifter), submarine Ugiebrae (st. drifter), submarine. . Monarda (st. drifter), submarine.. Star of Bethlehem (st. drifter), sub- MATING. ck eke cee ae Spies ater ler ire 111