MATOA’S VOYAGE ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN Mariners have always believed in the complete separation of quarterdeck and foc’sle, but seldom is it so literally carried out as in the case of this Great Lakes vessel, cut in two in order to pass the Welland canal on her way to new service on the Atlantic. U. S. S. MELVILLE ON HER TRIAL TRIP This fast vessel, recently completed by the New York Ship Building Co, Camden, N. J., is a tender for Uncle Sam’s big torpedo boat squadron. Part of her complement of quick-firers is visible in the illustration. : Photo by New York Ship Building Co. LEWISTON, IDA., THE ONLY SEAPORT IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS The completion of the Dalles-Celilo canal has opened the Columbia river and its big tributary, the Snake river, to navigation as far as this thriving Idaho town, situated at the foot of the Craig range of the Rockies Boston Photo News Co. 338