372 THE MARINE REVIEW FIG. 2—CONVEYOR, PULLEYS AND MECHANISM FOR OPENING SLIDING GATES ments. A continuous double hopper ex- tends fore and aft through the cargo space, the cross section of the hopper being in the form of a flattened W -with an extreme width of 60 feet. A double bottom, 4 feet deep, is fitted, extending from the engine bulkhead to the collision bulkhead. It is divided by center keelson and watertight bulk- heads into ballast and trimming com- partments. Suction pipes are fitted into each compartment and are operated from a common manifold located in the engine room. By this arrangement the compartments can be filled or emptied separately or together. From the coal bunker bulkhead to the forward cargo bulkhead, the double bottom extends up to where the slope of the hopper meets the shell and is fitted so that no shelves are left in the cargo hold. The total water ballast capacity is 7,500 tons. There are 29 hatches, 38 feet wide and: 9: feet fore and -.att.:’: They are spaced on 12 foot centers. The hatch covers are of the steel telescopic type and are fitted with Mulholland hatch fasteners. The covers are operated by wire cables running through portable tripods on deck and fixed cleats in the gunwale bar, power being supplied by FIG, 3—CONVEYOR IN CENTER, ELEVATING TWO-WAY PANS AT HOPPER. AT LEFT: ANd EXTREME RIGHT October, 1915 the deck engines. In construction, W. F. WHITE is unusually staunch. All her deck beams run fore and aft and are 12 inches deep, 3% inches flange and Y%-inch thick. The propelling machinery consists of a triple expansion engine with 25%, 4] and 67-inch cylinders, and 42-inch stroke, developing 1,800 horsepower. The high pressure cylinder is placed forward with the intermediate cylinder adjoining, while the low pressure cylinder is aft. The high pressure cylinder is fitted. with piston valves. The low and intermediate pressure cylinders are fitted with double- ported slide valves with relief frames on the back, the weight of the valves being carried by a Lovekin assistant cylinder. The high pressure piston has deep re- movable followers and the intermediate FIG, 4—SHIPPING ENGINE and low. pressure pistons have pring ring packing, All valves are opereted with double bar Stephenson link motion, the low pressure being operated by a single rocker arm. The cylinders are covered with magnesia block and are lagged with planished steel. Metallic packing, fur- nished by the U. S. Metallic Packing Co., is fitted on the high and interme- diate pressure valve stems and on all piston rods. The low pressure valve stem is fitted with soft packing. All valves are of ample area and are readily accessible for quick overhauling. The engine is carried by three back and four front cast iron columns. The back columns are of box section with water jacketed slides. The slides can be re- moved without disturbing the crossheads or connections.’ The crossheads are cast