386 THE MARINE REVIEW Storrway to rr Deck October, 1915 =n OU A ail é EE: amt hel ws |e oa = KOSS ae tal m “748 ion il il il 1 Ae GODS oe Quarters Sliding Door % We [Pesce FIG. 2—ARRANGEMENT OF MAIN AND SALOON DECKS le ee és \ Main Deck ie SREP AET + DRT San Osa axa” \ \| Web frames 23.485 Engine R001 ; af & Sheer Strake x extending ad above 4 Gunwale ‘7 Space Setwcen Whee! Beams Ordinary Frames 4neKd” Double Feverse/RS for é Engine Room only Web Fromes Beams with Braceand O19. sped 6-0'qeart Le -4'-108 ae we eg 6 { fo 8 ONS pe Stinger ae REINS OSE Reap oatieiea te? "Share Y SA pay a Ae Se | Aan Baseline FIG. 3—MIDSHIP SECTIONS OF SANTA CLARA > Section ¢ Shaft geneur mensions i Section AA Oe nae ea Lea eee