28 MARINE REVIEW. [January 17, NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILL. A Washington dispatch announces that the house naval committee has completed consideration of the naval appropriation bill. No authori- zation of additional vessels of the Holland submarine class will be recom- mended by the committee at this time. The total amount carried by the bill is $77,000,000, an increase of $11,000,000 over that for the present year. Two battleships and two cruisers are to be contracted for under the head of increase of the navy. The sum of $21,000,000 is allowed under the head ‘of increase of the navy, as against $12,000,000 for the current year. This amount is for the continuation of work on vessels, etc., already con- tracted for, no appropriation being made for the ships authorized by the bill. For continuing the improvements at the naval academy the com- mittee allowed $3,000,000. An increase of 5,000 men in the enlisted strength of the navy is provided for, bringing it up to 22,500 men. Pro- vision is also made for the commission as ensigns of the two classes ot naval cadets now at sea and the class which finishes its four years’ course at the naval academy in June. This will add immediately about 150 men to the commissioned force of the navy. For armor plate the committee allowed the amount required during the year by the department to carry out the terms of the contract recently made by the secretary of the navy from the armor furnishing companies. Appropriations approximating $400,000 were made for the new coaling station at Algiers, La., to pay for the necessary land, equipments, buildings, etc. The submarine torpedo boat Holland is being prepared at Norfolk preparatory to her trip to Pensacola, where she will join the North At- lantic squadron. The distance from Annapolis to Norfolk is 160 miles— the longest trip yet undertaken by the Holland. Down Chesapeake bay an average speed of 5% knots an hour was recorded on the surface and 8 knots was accomplished on a spurt. An armature bar on the electric engine broke, but the Holland was not disabled, as she was at the time using her gasoline engine. Officers of the Milwaukee lodge, Ship Masters’ Association of the Great Lakes for ensuing year, are: President, Fred Schwerman; first vice- president, John Tower; second vice-president, Frank Van Patten; treas- urer, T. C. Starke; financial and recording secretary, John M’cSweeney; delegate to grand lodge and to Washington, Daniel iC. Sullivan. The Nickel Plate road will send its 1901 Pan-American exposition calendar to anyone sending their address to the general passenger agent at Cleveland, O. 3) Jan ol: We Don't Offer ==‘ | Thearle’s Works Something for Nothing We are not in the gift enterprise or in the chromo business, neither can we give away a ON SHIP BUILDING. farm or a free trip around the world with = every pound of packing sold. We are in the packing business pure and STANDARDS IN simple. Have devoted a quarter of a century to ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND practical study and hard ebb and a a small beginning have built a large and suc- cessful trade-SECOND TO NONE. We| KNOWN AND USED WHEREVER manufacture STEEL SHIPS ARE BUILT. GATIOGK’S ceo: PACKINDS| scoseme souomes son oure exclusively. They are well known and used the world over. There is nothing pertaining “Ship Building in Iron and Steel.’’ to the experimental in their use. We are serving thousands of engineers in $ every section of the globe—can we serve you? (Plates in separate volume.) $5.25. Send for catalogue and samples to our nearest office. “Ship Building and Laying Off.” THE GARLOCK PACKING-GO--— (Plates in separate volume.) $3.00. NONE witHout | «Theoretical Naval Architecture.”’ GENUINE Us (Plates in separate volume.) $3.50. New York. Philadelphia. St. Louis. Boston. Pittsburg. Denver. Chicago. Cleveland. San Francisco. MAIN OFFICES AND FACTORIES: THE MARINE R VIEW PUB. CO, PALMYRA, N. Y.; ROME, GA. CLEVELAND. This illustration shows our GATE SHEAR which we build either as a Shear or as a Multiple Punch. DISTANCE BETWEEN HOUSINGS IS 42 IN. DEPTH OF THROAT 7 IN. This machine has an adjustable holding down arrangement for holding the plate level while same is being sheared. We build this machine with any capacity desired, and will be pleased to quote price upon application. The Cleveland Punch and Shear Works Co.. CLEVELAND, O., U.S.A LARGE PRIVATE SCHOONER-YACHT STARLIGHT of Chicago for sale or can be chartered for private parties by the day, week or month. For charter apply to'R. E. Smethells, Master, care of Columbia Yacht Club, Chicago. For terms of sale apply to L. F. Smeth- ells, South Haven, Mich. Feb. 7. PATENT PROPELLER WHEEL. Wanted, man to establish office in New York and look after sale of wheels. Already in use on hundreds of vessels. Rare opportunity for the right man. Address Manufacturers Patent Propeller, the Marine Review Pub. 'Co., Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. RUODER, WINDLASS, Etc., FROM WRECKS. _ For Sale—Iron rudder from wrecked steamer St. Lawrence; steam windlass and capstan from wrecked steamer Tuttle; also chain and anchors from Tuttle. E. G. Crosby & Co.. Muskegon, Mich. Feb, 7. WOLVERINE GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE. Two cylinders, upright and of 47 H.P.; weight 5,500 Ibs. Cost new $1,285. Used less than sixty days. In perfect order. Showed a brake test of 47 H.P. Spot cash price $675. Backus Gas Engine Co., 171 Lake street, ‘Chicago, Ill. Feb. 7. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP FOR SALE. To close an estate. Located in one of the large cities on the lakes. Long established, well equipped, doing good business, marine and gen- eral. Splendid chance for the right parties. Will sell plant or lease for a term of years. Address “Administrator,” care Marine Review Pub. Co. Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. _ oe TUG FOR SALE. Good Tug, six years old. Engines 18x20. Boiler allowed 130 pounds steam pressure. Address Box 284, Ashland, Wis. Feb. 28. BOILER FOR SALE. Marine boiler 812x16 ft. Allowed 109 lbs. of steam. Address E. G. Crosby & Co., Muskegon, Mich. Jan, 24 A 300-TON VESSEL FOR SALE. In good condition. _Will sell cheap. Carries about 300 M. ft, pine lumber. Suited to carrying grain or any other first-class cargo. Address Box 475, ‘Marine Review Pub. C., Perry-Payne Bldg, Cleveland. Jane 1% MARINE ENGINES FOR SALE. One fore-and-aft compound 28 and 50x42 in. stroke: One fore-and- aft compound 27 and 50x40 in. stroke. Address E. G. Crosby & Co. Muskegon, Mich. Jan, 24 WANTED TO CHARTER. For the towing season of 1901, a tug of about 200 H. P. which can be loaded with 50 tons of coal and will draw not over 10 ft. 6 in. Red Cliff Lumber Co., Duluth, Minn. Dec, 20,Jan, 3, 17. FIVE ELECTRIC PASSENGER LAUNCHES FOR SALE. In fine condition. Length over all, 35 feet. Seating capacit 28 Send for price list. Yacht brokers, please note. Milwiulee Bless Launch Co., 1504 Monadnock Block, Chicago. tf