Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 24 Jan 1901, p. 25

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1901.] MARINE REVIEW. 25 neem ANNUAL REPORT LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD. The annual report of the United States light-house board is one of the most comprehensive that has been issued by that body. The board has recommended in the proper places in the report that appropriations be made for building a light-vessel for Cape Lookout Shoals, N. C.; a relief light-vessel to be used for both districts on the Pacific coast; a small, in- expensive light-vessel for Peshtigo reef, Green Bay, Lake Michigan; a steel steam light-vessel for Martins reef, Lake Huron, and a steam light- vessel, with all modern improvements, for use at Blunt’s reef, off Cape Mendocino on the Pacific coast. The board recommends that appropri- ations be made for building six new tenders and that further appropri- ations be made for four tenders, for which partial appropriations have already been made. The recommendation which has been made in the last three annual reports that a steam tender be built for the use of the inspector of the tenth light-house district (Lakes Ontario and Erie) is renewed. The appropriation for a tender for the inspector of the ninth light-house district (Lake Michigan) has been found insufficient to com- plete the vessel, owing to the increase in the cost of labor and material in metal ship building, and an additional appropriation is urgently recom- mended. The board also recommends the construction of a steam tender for use in St. Mliary’s river, Michigan. In consequence of the increased commerce passing through this river and the great necessity for keeping its aids to navigation in the best possible condition an iron steamer draw- ing not more than 6 ft. of water and a specially strengthened bow for crushing ice is required. Special appropriations for the lake district are as follows: NINTH DISTRIOT—LAKE MICHIGAN. Milwaukee breakwater and harbor of refuge, light and fog signal. .$75,000 7h Fisherman’s shoal light and fog signal station...............see00- 75,000 Pointe aux Barques light and fog signal station.....:....0..cse0e 32,000 Portage Lake light station, keeper’s dwelling.................002 3,500 Kewaunee light and fog signal station, keeper’s double dwelling... 7,500 ‘Calumet pierhead light station, keeper’s dwelling.............. Authority Prod. pretiicad Trance, loo Sistal cic. ca eet Sos sud ce seas 6,000 St. Martin island light and fog signal station, additional........ 14,000 Pate (iu island light.and fog sietial. stations:.<'.... i «ie ahsc oe. c. 20,000 Hettuqeo tee light, vessel, Gteen Day. i cue sks ucete ue tan eet 15,000 WOVE OLCOSL cy cr ty ee eee eet eee Authority remot yor the fit: light-nouse- district... y..ckimadscedeus oie. 50,000 TENTH DISTRIOT—LAKES ERIE AND ONTARIO. Chapman shoal light and fog signal station, St. Lawrence river.... 25,000 Oak Point, St. Lawrence river, range lights and keeper’s dwelling... 10,000 Tibbetts point, St. Lawrence river, keeper’s dwelling............. 3,500 Bore Niagara small-leht av mouth of tiver.. ois. oo 2,000 Toledo harbor light and fog signal station, completing............ 62,500 Grosse Isle south channel range light station, keeper’s dwelling.. 5,000 Grosse Isle north channel range light station, keeper’s dwelling.. 3,500 Tender for the: tenth light-house district. (22. ...0... 7 120,000 ELEVENTH DISTRIOT—RIVERS, LAKE HURON AND LAKE SUPERIOR. Middle island light and fog signal station. ...2), <. 2.0.02... 2 ee 25,000 Crisps point light and*fog signal station. 6%. .9.. 48... 1 ee 18,000 Rock of Ages light and toe signal’ station: ., 2914.5.4.). oe 125,000 Eagle river light station, moving to Sand hills. ............... 25,000 Isle aux Peches range; additional lights.1.403 3.045... 400) 12,000 Tawas light station, keepers dwelling..c.n1. 3). 5,000 Martins ‘reef: light vessel, Lake: Hurons. 2. eens ce ee 35,000 Tender for-St.: Marys rivers... 5. 2a vee, 60,000 Regarding vessels for the lake districts the report says: “By the act approved ‘March 3, 1899, an appropriation of $85,000 was made for con- structing, equipping and outfitting complete for service a new steam tender for the ninth light-house district, Lake Michigan. Plans and speci- fications were prepared and bids asked, to be opened June 25, 1900, but not one bid was. received. It is understood that the reason for this is that the amount appropriated is insufficient to pay for the work needed. The estimates made for the cost of this vessel two years ago would have been sufficient to build her then, but the great advance in the cost of labor and the material needed in metal ship building is such that she cannot be built now for less than a third more than she would have cost then. It is estimated that it will cost at least $15,000 more to build this vessel. The board therefore recommends that an appropriation ‘of $30,000 be made in addition to the $85,000 already provided.” ; : The board recommends that $120,000 be appropriated for a tender for the tenth light-house district (Lakes Ontario and Erie) to replace the Haze, which is twenty-four years old and has no longer suitable quarters to provide for such a fast growing district. The sum of $60,000 is also asked for the tender for St. Mary’s river. The steamship Norfolk, which has been undergoing a thorough over- haul at the yard of the Maryland Steel Co., completed repairs last Mon- day. She belongs to the Washington & Norfolk line of passenger boats. Her two boilers of 13 ft. length and 13 ft. diameter have been replaced with four boilers of 12 ft. length and 11 ft. diameter, with a heating sur- face of 1,424 sq. ft. in each boiler. The engines have been put in first- class shape, while the staterooms and cabins and the whole ship has been brought up to prime condition. The Washington of the same line is ex- pected shortly at the Maryland company’s works, to be renewed in the same manner. The Nickel Plate road will send its 1901 Pan-American exposition calendar to anyone sending their address to the general passenger agent at Cleveland, O. Ye Jano. “LITTLE GIANT? tec oe _ Recognized by the Mechanics of the World to be the Most Efficient and Practical AIR Tools Manufactured. New Little Giant” Long Stroke Hammer. ** The Best Yet.’’ Will Drive Perfectly One Inch Rivets. No Vibration. Guaranteed Against Repair for One Year. Our Hammers are un- excelled for all classes of Riveting, Chipping, — Calking, Beading, Etc. MADE IN ALL SIZES. SENT ON TRIAL. Send for our latest Catalog ‘‘E.”’ It will interest you. We make AIR DRILLS of all kinds. General Offices—Marquette Bldg., CHICAGO. STANDARD PNEUMATIC TOOL COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF PNEUMATIC TOOLS AND APPLIANCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Branch Offices in all the Principal Cities of the World. The “Little Giant” Reversibie Boring Machine No.5 Especially Designed for Shipyard and Dock Work. Will Bore up to 4” in Diameter in any kind of wood. Piston type. Weight, 14 Ibs. Very Powerful. Will perform the work of five men. In use in all the U. S. Navy Yards and Large Shipyards. Eastern Offices—14! Broadway, NEW YORK.

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