1901.] MARINE REVIEW. 27 TRADE NOTES. The Standard Automatic Releasing Hook Co., (Chesebrough building, New York, have issued a very tasty calendar devoted to their celebrated hooks for the safe launch of life boats. It is embellished with a picture of a launch of a life boat, now very well known to the trade. _ The Schultz Bridge & Iron Co. has been awarded the contract for a pier and warehouse at Progresso, Yucatan, Mexico, for the Compania del ferro carrill Muelle y Almacences del Commercio. The pier is to be con- structed for a double track railroad and will be 40 ft. wide and 550 ft. long; 8-in. solid steel piles will be used. “Draft Without a Chimney” is the title of an interesting little booklet of which the fourth edition has just been issued by the B. F. Sturtevant Co., Boston, Mass. This brings the total number of copies printed up to 50,000. It relates to the experience of the Sturtevant Co. in the use of a fan to produce draft without a chimney in its own works. (Copies will be furnished on application. a The Continental Iron Works, New York, has issued a book, ex- cellently bound in cloth, body of red and embellished in gilt, devoted to the Morison suspension furnaces for marine boilers. Rarely has so beau- tifully prepared a volume been offered to the trade. The book contains a complete history of the development of the furnace of which they are the sole makers in the United States. The Olds Motor Works of Detroit, ‘Mich., manufacturers of a gaso- line marine engine of the four-cycle type, are reaping the benefits of the reputation which they established in past seasons for a speedy and reliable motor, as even at this early date they are booking orders for the coming season, to say nothing. of a very large number of inquiries from parties who contemplate purchasing during the coming season, The Bethlehem Steel Co. has been informed that a concern styling itself the Edison-Holzer Steel & Iron Process Co. has been using the name of the Bethlehem company in a letter issued by them, in which they ask for subscriptions to the stock of their company. ‘We beg to state,” says one of the officers of the Bethlehem company, “‘that our company has no connection whatever with the Edison-Holzer Steel & Iron Process Cas nor do we in any way endorse the merits claimed by them for their process for treating steel.” A note from the Cleveland Punch & Shear Works Co. is to the effect that a new battery of boilers was placed in operation at their works on the 17th inst. and that they will soon have a new engine installed and running, With modern electrical equipment throughout their shops, they expect to have one of the most complete plants in the country for the production of heavy tools. They recently received an order from the government for one of their heavy punches for the Mare Island navy yard; an order for a 72-in. multiple punch for the Ohio Cultivator Co., Bellevue, O., and for eight punches for American Car & Foundry Co., Detroit. The Buffalo Forge Co. has recently placed upon the market an ex- tremely novel folding forge, which by reason of its light weight and exceedingly small compass, when knocked down and packed within its case, renders it a valuable article for army and navy use. The outside dimensions of the case into which it packs are but 2214x27Y%4x10 in. The forge is designated as the Buffalo army and navy forge. It is in use in the imperial Japanese navy. The.company recently received a rush order for 100 of these forges for use by the United States army in the Philip- pines. Owing to the necessity of shipping these forges on a certain trans- - port only three days were given in which to fill the order, but the forges were completed and placed upon the transport in the specified time. ‘* Seaboard Steel Castings.”’ MANUFACTURERS OF A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY. OHE -ADMIRA KL) ANEHOR: OPEN-HEARTH STEEL CASTINGS F THE HIGHEST GRADE. FACILITIES FOR CASTINGS UP TO 8 .,COO POUNDS WEIGHT. MACHINE WORK AND PATTERNS FURNISHED WHEN REQUIRED. RAIL OR WATER DELIVERIES. CAPACITY, 1505 TONS PER MONTH. Seaboard Steel Casting Co., CHESTER, PA. THE LATEST AND BEST STOCKLESS ANCHOR. APPROVED BY LLOyYD’sS. ANCHORS CAST AND TESTED ON ORDER, OR STOCK ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Contains NO ZINC nor any weaken- ing metal. Send for Booklet with treatise on ‘‘Electrolysis of Condenser Tubes.” nham Mfg. Co. y Mills and Offices, Waterbury Conn. Boston, 172 High St. Chicago, Cor. Lake & Clark Sts. B t & Bur New York, 253 Bd’wy. Paris Exposition, 1900, confers Highest Award and 2 Gold Medals (Only Gold Medals in this Class.) HAMMERS for Chipping ** Calking ‘* Riveting “© Beading ** Stone Cutting, etc. RIVETERS for Shipyard use ** Boiler work ** Bridge work PNEUMATIC HOISTS DRILLS CRANES for Railroads a Ties JACKS pe ** Foundries PAINTING Machine Shops Wood boring ee MACHINES MOTORS for every use CASTING CLEANERS, etc. Pneumatic Appliances Sent on Trial Subject to Approval. . Welders Expanders Reducers Rollers Cutters FLUE sage TOE a aeiees CHICAGO P N EUMATIC TOOL CO. Monadnock Bloek, Chich aut BRANCH OFFICES: 418 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass. 1016 Carnegie Building, Pittsburg, Pa. “CHICAGO PNEUMATIC 241 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio. ~ 421 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. By actual statistics 95% of all Pneumatic Tools sold all over. the world are our tools. UNITED STATES COMMISSION TO THE PARIS EXPOSITION OF 1900 PARIS CHICAGO 20 AVENUE RAPP AUDITORIUM BUILDING NEW YORK EQUITABLE, BUILDING PARIS OFFICES, August 21, 1900. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, Chicago. Gentlemen: Officially I desire to inform you that your pneumatic tools received at the hands of the International Jury of Award, a Gold medal. Also that Mr. Boyer was awarded a Gold Medal as collaborator and inventor of the tools. Yours very truly, 47 SEkuh, Director of Machinery Blectricity. Binz Building, Houston, Texas. 316 Lincoln Trust Building, St. Louis, Mo. 605 Fidelity Building, Philadelphia, Pa. x 4 ; 4 <-How 7 Co., Lrp., General European Agents, 63 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. Joun Macponaup_& Soy, EORAIGN REPRESENTATIVES: eet Gieare, Even ee A See Spandauer-Strast® 50-61, Berlin, Germany ; Brussels, Belgium; St. Petersburg, Russia; Vienna, Anstria; Stockholm, Sweden. H.QGriagnzerR & PeRRKAUD, 1 Avenue De La Republique, Paris, France and Spain. New South Wales. H. W. Peasopy & Co., Sydney,