Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 31 Jan 1901, p. 13

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ee eeetetneseeeme wees eee x ‘ = Entered at Cleveland Post Office as Second-class Mail Matter. MARINE REVIEW ~ Published every Thursday at 418-19 Perry- VOL. Ae St I I ° Payne Bldg., by the Marine Review Pub. Co. JUST ABOVE NINETEEN MILLION MARK. TOTAL OUTPUT OF ORE FROM THE LAKE SUPERIOR REGION IN 1900—RAIL SHIP- MENTS OF 489,078 TONS—FINAL REPORTS FROM ALL THE MINES. As was expected when navigation closed in December last, and the total output of iron ore by water from the Lake Superior region during 1900 was announced, the rail shipments, 489,078 tons (tons of 2,240 lbs. in all cases), have proven sufficient to bring the grand total up to nine- teen millions. The exact figures are 19,059,393 tons. The shipments from the different ports, from the different ranges and from each of the mines, will be found in the following tables. A large table giving the output by mines since the first ore was shipped forty-six years ago will be found as a supplement to this issue of the Review. This table shows a total out- put from the beginning of 171,418,984 tons. The output of the last five years has been about 71,000,000 tons as against 100,000,000 tons for all the years between_1855 and 1895 inclusive. The Mesabi range last year con- tributed over 41 per cent. of the total. SHIPMENTS BY PORTS AND ALL RAIL—GROSS TONS. 1898. 1899, 1900. PORCAIa DAS os egos cc eas 2,803,513 3,720,218 3,436,734 UMPArqueties ooh. et scsi. 2,245,965 2,733,596 2,661,861 PUSAN sciadiy eni se oe 2,391,088 2,703,447 2,633,687 SWO> ElarDOrs so eid 2,693,245 3,973,733 4,007,294 Gladstone ois ae ee 335,956 381,457 418,854 LIDENIO’ Cho. aye yea eee 590,403 878,942 1,522,899 TE ee oe wa eee ees 2,635,262 3,509,965 3,888,986 PORE PAR OE Oe ev aes 369,241 390,446 489,078 14,024,673 18,251,804 19,059,393 SHIPMENTS BY RANGES—GROSS TONS. 1898. 1899. ‘ 1900. ‘Marquette range ........ 3,125,039 8,757,010 3,457,522 Menominee range ..:.... 2,522,265 3,301,052 3,261,221 Gogebic range .......... 2,498,461 2,795,856 2,875,295 Vermuillion-range . v.20. 1,265,142 1,771,502 1,655,820 Mesabi rancve 2.2) 344 .ce: 4,613,766 6,626,384 7,809,535 14,024,673 «18,251,804 ‘19,059,393 MARQUETTE RANGE. ; MINE. GROSS TONS. MINE. GROSS TONS. PeathObta ans sre oe es 1,583 INEOOLGSe Ponca ee ee 4,648 Cambtiqe a: oe. as eee 80,482 NG SalInee ene, ove 126,829 CAM IOM esc. an costae as 113,743 NeweViotk ac oe 3,327 CHEStEE ee aye ca eee 22,585 PINCELON: « fea occa age 75,037 Cleveland Cliffs ....@... 881,021 Oucen AG ee 398,298 Hast. New. Vork-....<25.. 27,987 REPUDMC aca ean eer 130,126 UN pPEtinl ay. ces eae we 62,321 Richmond! sia cea 51,303 Vackson: = .6)05 ee 31,714 Starwest:. ee ee 15,987 Lake Angeline .......... 389,128 Wolunteer 3 a 47,578 (ake Superior ac, cise. s 709,143 Webster. oaek eee 20,797 Tees eee ee 114,990 Winthtopec ick ce. a 148,945 ROCA Sere Soe sre oa Ones oe eo ee 8,457,522 MENOMINEE RANGE. NTOINE Ls cee DaG is Maa es 119,940 ENtopeacec ae 6,410 PTAC OD aoe sie cee sa ss ies 404,645 Loretto. 2 ees 61,219 BTiStOl eels ces ois wea or uiea 51,639 TARO lI eleea arte ae eat 72,959 hanitt 2 eco oes tee 929,937 isamont so eet ee 81,323 Commonwealth ......... 53,342 Mansheld: e534 05242 90,155 Calimbiaes ee oe 97,531 Males Ria Sie eee 14,922 Crystal Mallsat 2: 33t2 ae 197,770 Balint Rivets sk oie scenes: 1,316 CTE ar 38,209 Penn Iron Mfg. Co...... 197,606 Rent See a Se 141,148 Pewabie ser 374,043 HODES oor ee 49 203 Quinnesee oe aa 25,967 Plorence crises gece... <2 85;706 Riverton’ ses es vee 71,004 Great Western .......... 98,550 Sheridan 2s75 Sees so oe 8,063 He MUOCKs yak cis oa a oe 72,413 NMCLOM AS tise «Paces 5,143 Patani nas cose se bas ae 11,008 ie es BRO tal. yori hs ee aes a a eS Oa ee ee 3,261,221 GOGEBIO RANGE. Na cose: Caaplenscate SRS ae» 25,047 WELGOB sv iscss choles cae 7,844 Astilatid = aco ee oat 232,961 WWithxa gn. cttw oo oe ee cece 1,096 AtlgMiie 23aic etic ees oa a foes 135,955 Montreal ch oe 107,524 Jaki dongs) Ou Sop Wy eee eee 193,111 INiew Davis). ie ge soe: 3.569 BretvertOn osc. s ue ceed 89,804 NeWDORE fs sk Poe ese 217,201 Meas Oe Re ces 125,496 INGE o5% pa secs usern en os 666,389 MORON OO 61 ooo Seca 633 PaDSte ccd va acceso eee 239,242 (CE Bd RR aE a 32,572 Palms 3034) ses aeue ae 139,658 CESNGLETLYZI OTE ae a CAN EE eas 986 Pike cos ener ee. a 3,484 Liles ab ae) a) ha Wate cae ser a etree 7,728 Sunday. ake co: 20.. .c: 74,097 eon: Bele. soos uc cu cs 54,664 Tilden Oss css Cea. 481,909 WACK Ol esti cece ces es 33,893 Windsor <3..4.50.a5 28.3 488 BREA es aoe Ms as Clarettly Pb oes kena Wee ee eae 2,875,295 VERMILLION RANGE. handler 66.6 ooo, 644,801 SavOVs Sets oe 175,11é MeIUNAEOlA (ok si ees ES Zen: 2.7 o e oe 37. + 00,089 PeOMReh se. 36. hE 450,79: —_— Total Ee eh wp es So RS OL EG eet na oe 1,655,820 CLEVELAND, O.,. JAN. 31, 1901. Forsan GC 08 a yene, No. 5 MESABI RANGE. : AAS copie. toe 777,346 (Malta <i 0cse. se ee 65,346 AUDUEH se cA eee cad 263,692 (Mountain Iron -......... 1,001,824 Biwabik: . sve ce ener 924,868" Oliio’er sc cscceuees es O97 ClACR sacra ee ees 63,071 OUVGR yu, 3. oes eee oe 244,876 _ Commodore 2-24... 5... 278,416 Penobscot <:iscs2. i222. 146.64 Dilvth: sess ee 128,587 Pilisbty i, cee ne . 101,032 Elba gee. Meee, een 121,707 RODEEtS 2 sc iain 41,965 Paval srs cen os ses eas 1,252,504 Satintinvis issih baw been 68,560 Franklins oie oe 168,524 Sellers cut salsa grea 56,280 Genoa 52 2ie so shat eee 253,651 Spattass.. <1. eas cones ae 202,144 Asie) Coe eee ae ee eee eer 82,901 Spruce 23 secant aes 101,675 Wana wiltas es) sesagtee 8 64,218 Stevenson & ai: wdeee ees 56,031 Lake: Superior issc ssc 284,023 Union i4 . etter 8,297 Mahoning: acre eras 911,021 Williams: ive aise cee 18,238 Total io v0id's vce sade Bilgk ¢ tee Nekalas Cae nebess eeueen ee ee 7,809,585 Total all ranges: 2 0... aie. oso eudae week bien a ee 19,059,393 REPORTS FROM SHIP YARDS OF THE GREAT LAKES. The visit of-General Manager James Wallace and Mr. A. B. Wolvin of the American Ship Building Co. to'Montreal, Ottawa and Halifax un- doubtedly has to do with the plans of the company for acquiring a ship yard at some point below th: canals of the St. Lawrence where ships built in parts on the great lakes for salt water service may be put together and where possibly the American company would also enter into the building of ships for ocean service in order to keep up a yard organization. Officials of the consolidated lake yards have been very quiet about their plans in this regard, but it is more than probable that they will shortly be in control of a yard in Canada. The people of Halifax are prepared to give decided encouragement to any kind of ship yard enterprise. A dis- patch from that city says: “Halifax is prepared to negotiate with the capitalists who, acting apparently on an understanding with the Dominion Iron & Steel Co., propose to form a company to establish and operate yards for building steel vessels at Halifax and St. John. A special meet- ing of the Halifax city council was held recently to deal with the subject, and a crowd of influential citizens were present. A letter was read from ‘C. Ochiltree (Macdonald of the Gowrie and Blockhouse mines. In it Mr. Macdonald, who knows much about the steel ship building industry in the United Kingdom, said Halifax was a promising center for the industry, its distance of 300 miles from Sydney, the source of the material, not being a greater disadvantage than is to the Belfast ship yards the distance they have to bring their material. After some discussion a resolution was passed authorizing the appointment of a committee of six to act with six members of the board of trade to investigate the matter and report back to the council. A committee was appointed. A similar committee was appointed by the Halifax board of trade. By the board of trade committee the idea was favored that the city’s aid to the enterprise should be in the form of a bounty of $2 per ton on every steamer built and put afloat, this arrangement to hold for five years. For a further period of five years the board of trade committee would give $1 per ton. The city council com- mittee proposed another arrangement, which was as follows: A city sub- sidy of $6,000 a year if the proposed ship yards were constructed, ‘and an additional subsidy of $4,000 a year if the establishment should include boiler and engine works, this for a period of twenty years. The promoters say that the steel ship building works they are to erect at Halifax will be as large as any in the world. Swhsidies are expected from both the Do- eis and the Provincial government, as well as from the city of Hali- ax: : Of the steel vessels under construction at different yards around the lakes, seventeen are building under the supervision of the Great Lakes Register of Cleveland, Capt. F. D. Herriman, surveyor general. The list includes four for Charles. Counselman and two for C. W. Elphicke at Chicago; two for A. McVittie and one for D. C. Whitney at Detroit; one each for the Hawgood Transportation Co., for the Holland & Chicago line and for the Booth Packing Co. at Toledo; one for Chesborough Bros. and one for Samuel Neff at Port Huron; two for the American Naviga- tion Co. at Cleveland; one for the Northern Navigation Co. at Colling- wood, Ont. The register officials also have in hand fifteen vessels already in commission that are to be given ordinary classification. It has been reported, several times of late, that the Lehigh Valley company would have constructed at the Buffalo works of the American Ship Building Co. two large package freighters in addition to the steamer now on the stocks. Negotiations for these vessels have been under way for some time past, but it is not probable that contracts will develop until the building situation is eased up by a general clearing of the stocks. The Buffalo yards have orders for repairs that will keep them very busy until the opening of navigation and some of the steamship companies have undertaken work of this kind on their own account. Among vessels now being repaired or on which operations well begin shortly are the steamers Vulcan, City of Venice, City of Paris, W. H. Stevens, Eber Ward, Avon, Portage. Bulgaria, Commodore, Australia, Buffalo, Troy, Ramapo, F. L. Vance, ‘M. A. McLachlan, Mecosta and D. C. Whitney. E. G. Crosby & ‘Co. of Muskegon, Mich., entered into negotiations with the ship builders a short time ago for a combination car ferry and package freight steamer, to be of steel and to be operated summer and winter across Lake Michigan, but concluded to postpone the letting of a contract until next season. The average rate (tonnage average) at which all iron ore (nearly 12,- 00.000 tons) was moved from the head of Lake Superior (Duluth, Two Harbors, Superior and Ashland) during the season of 1900 was $1.2068. In order to determine.this average, the representatives of the mining com-’ panies in Cleveland kindly furnished the Marine Review with statements showing number of tons shipped and freight paid on same.

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