12 THE MARINE RECORD. PROPOSALS. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, 157 Ottawa St., Grand Rapids, Mich., March 5, 1895. Sealed proposals will be received here until 12 o’clock noon, April 4, 1895, and then publicly opened, for Breakwater construction at Petoskey, Mich., and for Pier extensions at Frankfort Harbor, Mich. Specifications furnished on appli- cation to G. J. LypEcKER, Lt. Col. Engrs. 10-13 U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Newport, R. I. February 9, 1895. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for dredging on Green Jacket Shoal, Providence Harbor, R. I.,. in Taunton River, and in Hyannis, Kdgar- town and New Bedford Harbors, and Canapitsit Channel, Mass., and for re- moving ledge rock in Pawtucket River, "RR. IL, will be received here until 12 o’clock, noon, March 20, 1895, and then opened. Full information furnished on application. W.H. Brxpy, Capt., Corps of Engineers, U.S. A. 8-11 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, 'D. C., February 26, 1895. Sealed propos- als for building a steam launch, to be named ‘‘ TvsEHE,’’ for the Revenue Cutter Service, will be received at this Depart- ment until 2 o’clock p. m. , Wednesday, March 20, 1895. Bids must be in accord- ance with the instructions accompanying the specifications, be addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and be en- dorsed on the envelope, ‘‘ Proposat for building a steam launch for the Revenue - Cutter Service.’? Specifications and plans for the work will he furnished to parties desiring to submit bids upon ap- plication to this Department. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive defects if deemed for the inter- est of the Government so to do. C. S. HAMLIN, Acting Secretary. 10-11 U.S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Hickox Build- ing, 185 Kuclid Avenue, Cleveland, O., February 15, 1895. Sealed proposals for Cutting an Opening in Shore Arm of West Breakwater, at Cleveland Harbor, Ohio, will be received here until-2 o’clock p- m., standard time, Friday, March 15, 1895, and then publicly opened. All in- formation furnished on application to JARED A. SmitH, Lt. Col., Engrs. 10-11 U. S. ENGINEER’S OFFICE, Duluth, Minn., March 1, 1895. Sealed proposals for repair work to revetment at upper entrance, Portage Lake Ship Canals, Mich., will be received here until 12 m., April 1, 1895, and then publicly opened. Further information furnished here or at branch office, Houghton, Michigan. CLINtTon B. SEARS, Major, Engineers. OFFICE OF LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD, Wash- ington, D. C., March 11, 1895. Sealed proposals will be received at this office ‘until 2 o’clock p. m., on ‘Thursday, the lith day of April, 1895, for furnishing the materials and labor of all kinds nec- essary for the construction and delivery of one first-class composite Light-Vessel No. 66 for a fixed sum for said vessel delivered. Forms of proposal, plans and specifications, showing what is required, can be had or seen by applying to this office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. JOHN G. WALKER, Rear-Admiral, U.S.N., ‘Chairman. 11- 12 OW IS THE TIME TO WRITE and obtain rates for advertis- ing space in this, the only Marine Directory ‘published, where your business should be represented, your name and address under appropriate headings. comes from press April I5th, there is no time to be lost if, as I trust, Please specify probable amount of space Size of page is 8 & 1-2 in. Personal and prompt attention assured by ot this will interest you. desired, either 1-4, 1-2 or whole page. deep by 5 in. wide. addressing the Publisher, HARVEY C. BEESON, Grummond Tug Line ESTABLISHED 1871. INCORPORATED 1893. MONTAGUE IRON WORKS C0. € MONTAGUE, MIOH. MANUPACTURERS Maring ana Stationary Engines AND BOILERS OF ALL KINDS. Heavy Castings a Specialty, Prices Quoted on Application. MARINE ENGINES SINGLE AND COMPOUND. 10 HORSE-POWER UP TO 100 HOR3E-POWER. These engines are high-class in workmanship and material and moderate in price. Send for cuts, description and prices. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Fore and Aft Compound Marine Engines, The Engines in the ollowing boats are of our manufacture. Edward Buckley, Manistee, 18 and 36x30. Sachem, Grand Haven, 21 and 38x36. Charles A. Street, Chicago, 20 and 36x36. Isabella J. Boyce, Michigan City, x9) and 32x26. M. T. Greene, Chicago, 20 and 36x36 Passenger and Freight Soedin er, Mabel Bradshaw, Muskegon, 16 and 28x26. Tonia, Grand Haven, 24 and 46x42. Survey Steamer, W. S: Hancock, 12 and 21x20. Mark B. Covell, Manistee, 18 and 30x26. Passenger and Frieght Steamer, Bon Voyage, Sauga- tuck, 16 and 30x26. Tug, Hunter, Chicago, 15 and 28xee. Tug, Edward G. Crosby, Muskegon, 16 and 30x24. Oval Agitator, Chicago, 14 and 28x20. Tug, Peter Coates, Sault Ste Marie, 10 and 20x16, Luella H. Worthington, Cedar River, 19 and 36x30. Passenger Steamer, E. G. Maxwell Pentwate 14 and 28x20. The engraving represents our zo and 36x36 Fore | and Aft Compound Marine Engine. We build them =“ all sizes and guarantee them to give satisfaction. — > Prices furnished on application. Montague Iron Works Co., Montague, Mich, PRANK MORRISON, COMPASS ADJUSTER AND MANUFACTURER OF NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. COMPASSES. BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS, BINNACLES, STEAM GAUGES, MARINE GLASSES, ENGINE INDICATORS, All Nautical Instruments Carefully Repaired. Office with Upson, Walton & Co., 161 River St., Cleveland, 0. 5 WRECKING. TUG SWAIN STATIONED AT MACKINAW CITY. TUG CRUSADER STATIONED AT THE “SOG:”? TUG ao eee AT DETROIT. ALL WITH WRECKING OUTFITS ABOARD. U. CRANT GRUMMOND, Mer. DETROIT. MICH. J. H. OWEN, Prest., Chicago. F. H. VAN CLEVE, Sec’y, Escanaba. Capt. GEO. BARTLEY, Supt., Escanaba. ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING CO., Escanaba, Mich. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready. TUG MONARCH = Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 & 30 in. diameter, 30 in. Stroke, Steam Pressure allowed, 125 lbs. TUG DELTA—Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure allowed, 105 lbs. TUG OWEN—Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure allowed, 104 lbs. SEVEN AND FOURTEEN INCH SUCTION. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. if only as subscribers, with As the work For raising coal, sand, &c. For dredging, wrecking and circulating. Write for catalogue. MORRIS MACHINE WORKS, Baldwinsville, N. Y. HENION & HUBBELL, Agents, 61-69 North Jefferson St., Chicago, Ill. Record Supplements - - PHOTOGRAVURE AND PHOTOTYPE. S1zE, 10x17 INCHEs. Whaleback Steamer Christopher Columbus, Prominent Lake Marine Underwriters, Steamer CITY of ALPENA, STATE of OHIO—STATE of NEW YORK, Steel Ship Builders, : Steamer ARTHUR ORR, | English-Bullt Steamer TURRETT, Dry Dock Representatives, Schooner JOHN FITZPATRICK. Complete set of nine mailed to any ad- dress on receipt of 30c in stamps. SMITH & SWAINSON, Cleveland, 0, PATENTED. AGENTS; WANTED. Watertown Brass & Mfg..60,, WATERTOWN, N. Y. | Baker’s Quadruple Grip Anchor Send Stamp for Catalo- Mfrs. Yacht, Boat and Canoe Hardware. Special Work a Specialty. Boat Rails, Stanchions, Htc. MENTION THIS PAPER.