Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), March 14, 1895, p. 14

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THE MARINE RECORD. to explain his process. He boils his goods in oil. Send for Descriptive Catalogue and Samples. New York, 136 Liberty Street. $85.00 foran Indicator when you can get either of these for $40.00, packed in finest cases, finest workmanship, finest mater- ial, nisi the best designs. — : Send for circular of Reducing Wheels, Planimeters, Three-Way Cocks and 25 other high grade specialties. HINE & ROBERTSON CO., Cortlandt St., New York. MARLAND SY SSIV/AELLAEL MEL LHL LLL LL \MELLAPL SUE ALMELLMTMESOMTYL ELL MEL MELE MELT MUTATED LEMME AMPLLMPL IATL LLLP MELLEL AAPL ML ELL LL ROBERTSON q © THOMPSON ed IMPROVED = | B= Straicht Line CALLUOLTROLTMOLTET LL MEL (AEG MELT ELL UED LMS MEDDELELSER) nit L, $, 6. Graphite Paint. NO BLISTERING, CRACKING OR SCALING. Made especially for Stacks, Decks, Sides, Hulls and Water Compartments. Strictly anti-rust, and most durable and economical. DETROIT GRAPHITE MFG. CO. 542 River St., Detroit, Mich. STANDARD TECHNICAL BOOKS w® PERIODICALS. Marine Engines and Dredging Machinery (Man), Illustrated by over 150 Steel Plates and 295 Wood Engravings, Showing the Engines of Leading Screw Steamships of England and Other Nations.........sssssssccsrsssceccsscseessesssevareneeisensesssanoensesenenesees $18.00 American Marine (W. W. Bates).......cccceresecccseeesssnscceccenssvaevsnscessaese sseeesearseseeeeecens 4.00 American Marine and the Marine Record.............sscccecscosesees serescens scenes seeessees sevenseee 5.00 ‘Wrinkles’’ in Practical Navigation (Lecky).... .....ssscces socseeses ooseeee pce chia cesiheneaencais 6.00 ‘‘Wrinkles’’ in Practical Navigation and The Marine Record.,.....cccesrescssressscnss sesees 7.00 Practical Seamanship (Todd & Whall)......... sccesos: scscesecsnceconsessccnssosscensesceosesecseesees 6.50 Practical Seamanship (Todd & Whall) and The Marine Record.............scecssccsssseceees 7.50 Treatise on Screw Propeller, Screw Vessels and Screw Engines, with The Marine Record 5.00 Steam Engine Catechism (Grimshaw)........sessecssccssessossrescesssssccoecees sesscsans senceeesetacees 2.00 Manual of Marine Hngineering.. 5.00 Drawing and Rough Sketching for Marine Engineers (Donaldson)....... eee huwane ahenis oa xe 2.00 Manual of the Steam Engine (Thurston) Part [..........cc00 ::+0+ seccsscssecensecnscneees eeceesees 7.50 Manual of the Steam Engine (Thurston) Part I1...........cccsccsessessocnsstessrecsceserescccscsess 7.50 SeotiteGonsbablatin «aks sevice cis cups swncnswenses ssislaeas pope solbin Ghd dtol Ws ab Sb ab Cua eed Gah vb SeMaenIns bao 1.50 HGGK Oma DmmGatory, [Oy ABGO 51.05... ccosk esas car's sores see vcoweceos cose sdutsivicer ted wesesicga sucess sQeasinss sch 5.00 Great Lakes Register of Shipping.............-.sssccosessssceessssonececesceees sic erie repent 5.00 Dominion Admiralty Court Practice (Howell)........... Wands Binds sehaceeeets ote aaeee estas cacaes 6.25 BEA Ot OMA L Otel aA CITI P) GE OTLCT) ccs cciecacasssnsessh sso pkahep Gotlsnoueinn ap dane Saen sppecesientis \ecst seats #86 fs aueicey Copies of any of the above Books or Periodicals, or any others relating to Steam Power or _, Shipbuilding, in any of their details, furnished at proportionately low rates by addressing SMITH.& SWAINSON, PusiisHers THE MARINE REcoRD, Leader Building, Cleveland, Ohio. — THE CUDDY-MULLEN COAL COMPANY DE ALERS IN COAL. Docks at babe bo ei Sta yor Island, and Adjoining All fully equipped with Revolving Derricks; also, Lighter Carrying Derrick, and One Hundred 'wo and One-Half Ton Buckets. Main Office, 81 Perkins Building, East Side of Main Street Bridge. Dock Office, 127 West River St., Cleveland, Ohio. Telephone No. 8. Boats Coaled Day and Night. Docks at Amherstburg and Sandwich, Ontario MULLEN-GATFIELD COAL Co. Dealers in the Celebrated MANSFIELD 4nlD YOUGHIOGHENY COALS. Docks at SANDWICH, ONTARIO, opposite the Fort at Detroit, with chutes for rapid fueling. Elevated docks and derrick at AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO. 7G. L. STUEBNER & CO. A\ MANUFACTURERS OF SS SELF-DUMPING anpb 5 a 1 a Self-Righting Hoisting Tubs ' 6S FOR COAL, ORES, CLAY, SAND, Etc. * CS 4s Side, End and Bottom Dumping Cars, Coal and Coke Barrows, WY «LY Iron Dock and Hook Blocks, Etc. 68-176 East Third Street, - - LONG ISLAND GITY, N. Y. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE SENT ON APPLICATION. Chicago, 51 §. Canal Street. _ 108 and 109 Royal Insurance Bldg. - tffice Telephone, 767. «= CRANDALL’'S PATENT PACKINGS, FOR STEAM, WATER AND AMMONIA. CRANDALL PACKING CO. Main Offices and Works, PALMYRA, N, Y, THE SHIP QwNersS DRY DOCK GO. Largest Capacity ‘DOCK 3 Two Docks to Dock the YARD on the GREAT Ships on LAKES, GENERAL REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Being equipped with Lucigen Lights we can do work at night as well as day. TELEPHONE 1635. Foot of Weddell St., CLEVELAND, 0. Calvin Carr. G W. Millen. John Mitchell. Ww. Pore so CARR & BLAIR| PARKER é& MILLEN, VussEL AND Insurance | Vessel & Insurance Agents. AGENTS, Iron Ore & Coal Cargoes a Specialty. ESTABLISHED 1857. . C. Blair. THOMAS MARKS & C0., Merchants, Forwarders and Ship Owners. PORT ARTHUR, CANADA. A. A. Parker. B N. B.—Special attention given Rog aus 2. Tel. Main 869. | Rooms3 &4 15 Atwater St., West. to chartering vessels. 12 Sherman St. CHICAGO. | DETROIT, MICH. C. F. Palmer. H. W. Cook. | J. G. Keith. D. Sullivan. JOHN PRINDIVILLE, VESSEL, AND INSURANCE AGENT, 1z Sherman Street, CHICAGO. Capt. J. A. Calbick. Palmer, Cook & Calbick, Vessel Agents and Underwriters, J. G. KEITH & 60. VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 140 and 141 Rialto Bldg, CHICAGO. Telephone No. 3658. Chicago, IIl. Telephone, Harrison 698. Telephone Main 129. CHA! MACDONALD 4 Ce. GENERAL MARINE INSURANCE AGENTS. RIALTO BUILDING, OFLLG A Gt). dare et On, Wak teeny MANAGING OWNER WILSON’S TRANSIT LINE, CLEVELAND, O. General Forwarder, Freight and Vessel Agent. Cc. R. JONES € CoO. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Nos. 501, 502 and 503 Perry-Payne Bldg... CLEVELAND, O. VESSEL AGENTS.... JOHN MITCHELL, JOHN F. WEDOW. ALFRED MITOHELI, MITCHELL & CO., Vessel and Insurance Agents, 608-509-510 Perry-Payne Building, Residence John Mitchell, 8506. CLEVELAND, oO. SWAIN WRECKING 60., | PARKER & MILLEN, Detroit, Mich. Teegt | oa M. SWAIN, Cheboygan, Mich. Tugs ee AND SAGINAW. k. Ask the man offering ‘“‘the same thing” 7 ® Not having been subjected to the injurious chemical action of boiling oil, outlast all others, and never melt and gum. Weare constantly dis. as placing other packings on Lake and Ocean Steamers, and can guarantee our goods for marine wor

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