A - DULUTH AND SUPERIOR. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record. ~ The West Duluth Lime Co.’s dredge is about to begin work on a slip for the West Duluth blast furnace. Docks for. coal, coke and limestone will be constructed, and material which formerly came by rail will be brought in by water. The furnace has been idle two years, but will soon resume. The low water at the Sault prevented the new steamer Penobscot from breaking the wheat cargo this week. She was able to load only 114,300 bushels on 14 feet 2 inches. The Selwyn Eddy’s wheat cargo record was 121,000 bushels, but she drew 14 feet 11 inches of water; so the Penobscot has relatively reduced the Eddy’s record, as she could have taken 125,000 bushels on the same draft. The Zenith City will be up here ina few weeks, however, to set the pattern for a big load. ‘The new men on the Superior coal dock, whom the company refused to discharge at the end of the strike are rapidly dropping out. The ex-strikers intermingled the new men in gangs of their own men, and by putting _ in their best licks at work to which they have been long accustomed, have speedily broken down the new men, who found it impossible to keep pace. - The steamer Victory arrived here last week with 3,741 tons and 600 pounds of 1% inch anthracite coal for the Ohio. Coal Co. This breaks the coal record by néarly 300 tons, the biggest cargo heretofore being 3,500 tons brought here by the S. S. Curry. : : The Pioneer iron mine, adjoining the Chandler, is shipping 400 to 500 tons of ore per day to Two Harbors. The ore is practically the same grade as the Chandler. Duluth and Superior lumber handlers have been granted an increase in wages from 35 to 45 cents per hour. John Sanborn, of the Minnesota Supreme Court, has decided in favor of the American Steel Barge Co. to the effect that a judgment growing out of a lien of the company. on $500,000 worth of stock held by the Mer- ritts, isa bar tothe suits of the Merritts to recover. The barge company held the Merritts’ notes and collat- eral to the extent of $500,000. The company entered suit against the Merritts in the New York courts and obtained judgment for non-payment. The Merritts then endeavored to bring the case into the Minnesota courts and the decision of Judge Sanborn was on the question of the hearing in that state. The Steel Barge Co. has scored a clean victory over the Merritts in this matter. Elevator No. 3, of the Globe system, is about to be raised eight inches and given a stone foundation. A new engine and boiler house will be built outside the elevator. Flax, barley and smut machinery will also be put in. : : Capt. Alex. McDougall does not commit himself to any great extent as to the intentions of the American Steel Barge Co., for next winter, but says the shipyard will be busy. Sante For some weeks surveyors have been working in the vicinity of West Duluth and Spirit Lake, and from in- formation secured there is little doubt that a new line of railroad to the Mesaba range is being surveyed. SAULT STE. MARIE. Special Correspondence to The Marine Record, Contrary to a general impression which seems to have gotten abroad, there is little or no danger that vessels nearing the new Canadian lock from above will be in danger of injuring their bilges on the rocky sides. In fact the sides of the approach are of timber crib to within one or two feet of the surface, and on top of this the stone work is laid with an incline away from the water. The timber crib sides under water project out- ward two feet, so there is little chance of the vessel striking the stonework under any circumstances. The date of opening the canal is still uncertain. It is be- lieved that the Canadian government will not accept the canal until the cribwork of the approaches is entirely completed. Several of the officials and employes have resigned because they are dissatisfied with the pay. Capt. W. W. McNaughton has sold his yacht Santa Maria to ex-Gov. Hoard, Col. Jesse Stone, Hon George C. Greene, Hon. H. D. Fisher, prominent Wisconsin cit- izens, and Chase S. Osborn. All belong to the Espanore Island Club. Near the third red stake this side of the dike there isa submerged stake which was placed there when the new channel was being dredged out. It is in a dangerous position for the smaller boats, which run close to the present mark. It is said thata large number of the old stakes are submerged in different places near the chan- nel. If so they should be removed. PORT HURON. Special Correspondence to The Marine Kecora. ; Ed. J. Kendall and Capt. A. J. Bonnah have pur- chased the tug W. W. Richardson from H. C. Strong, of Cleveland, and will station her at Port Huron for har- bor towing. Ed. will act as agent. She made her first tow Saturday and works very satisfactorily. : The tug Roy is at work with wrecker Johnson, trying to ~ locate the schooner John Shaw, which foundered off Schl Sturgeon Point last fall. Mr. J. BE. Botsford and family are getting ready to go to New York in their yacht Vulcan. They expect to be gone about four weeks.: ; : Arrangements have been made with Gen. Manager THE MARINE RECORD. Gordon, of the Northern Steamship Co. to have ‘the North West stop at this city when the regular passenger season is over. ‘The North West will make a special trip from Buffalo to Duluth and return that will take ten days, and will stop at this port for two or three hours to give the people of this city and Sarnia an op- portunity to look this grand passenger ship.over. Mr. Gordon says that the North West will be here about September 17. A late editon of the Port Huron Herald gave special attention to the leading commercial and industrial in- terests of the city, including. Muir Bros., the coal, wood and brick dealers; David McMorran & Co., coal dealers, shipchandlers and wholesale grocers; J. EK. Miller & Son, proprietors of the Tunnel Coal Docks, and wholesale and retail coal dealers; the Michigan Flour- ing Mills; Port Huron Machinery and Supply Depot; Tunnel City Flouring Mills; Union Dock & Storage Co.; Grand ‘Trunk Elevator Co., and the Excelsior Iron & Brass Foundry. The issue also contains a number of handsome illustrations, picturing localities inside and outside the city. The dredge at work at the foot of Lake Huron is making some great finds. A few days ago she brought up a piece of oak timber 38 feet long and 16 inches square, in an excellent state of preservation. A short time ago the dredge brought up an iron rudder post weighing several hundred pounds. $$ $$ $$ $$$ 0 FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. The Flora and Atlantic are in ordinary at Detroit. At 8a. m. Thursday August 29, the stage of water at the Sault was 14 feet 3 inches. An incendiary tried unsuccessfully to burn the tug Pup at Saugatuck Sunday night. The tug Golden has been laid up at Menominee with a defective boiler, and will not be out again this season. Capt, Joe Doville’s schooner P. S. Marsh will carry blasting powder from Cleveland to Portage at $3.50 per ton. A large number of lake yachtsman are arranging to go to New York next month to witness the international races. ona About 650 feet of the piling for the revetment work at Sturgeon Bay Canal has been finished, and the rest is being pushed along at a rapid rate. Nothing is being done as yet toward beginning work on the projected coast light at the Sturgeon Bay Ship- Canal. The structure is to cost $20,000. The Dominion government has been asked to putin range lights at Port Dover, the Canadian terminus of the Shenango car ferry line, and will probably make the improvement soon. The body of an unknown sailor was found on Bear’s Island, Lake Michigan, last Friday, with $48 on his per- son and a plain gold ring on his finger with ‘‘ Din Car- oline’’ engraved inside. The question whether barge 117 and steamer Alva shall be repaired under their own policies, or under the collision liability clause, will have to be decided in the United States Court next winter. Cant. James Murray, a well-known vessel owner and contractor died at his home in St. Catherines, Ont., Tuesday, aged 63 years. He was best known as a heavy contractor, having built a part of the Welland canal, besides other works along the lakes. The steamer R. J. Hackett was the first steamer on the lakes to carry iron ore, and she took her first load in 1870, towing as a consort the Forest City, also ore- laden. The experiment was so successful that the For- est City was given steam power and each was furnished with a consort, which they are towing to this day.—De- troit Free Press. Three engineers from the Dominion department of public works are at Amherstburg and will make a sur- vey of the river in front of the town and as far up the river as the foot of Bois Blanc Island. Itis also under- stood that they will prepare an estimate as to the cost of removing the New York and Boston shoals just below the town, which have caused so much trouble to boats in the past. dredge Ontario from the shoal on the east side of the river, over which there was but 13% feet of water. rr Notice is hereby given that a reef with 16 feet least water has been discovered 20 miles W. % N. from Beaver Island light station, Michigan. A 25 foot spar buoy, red and black, horizontal stripes, has been established near its N. W. extremity in 12 feet of water, on the fol- lowing bearings: South Fox Island light S.S. E. % E. 16% miles; Beaver Island light, E. % S. 20 miles; S. E. point of Gull Island, N. E. 10 miles. The shoal will be known as Boulder Reef. A large boulder has been removed by the . NOTICE TO MARINERS. ECORSE RANGE LIGHTS. Notice is given by order of the Light-House Board that, on or about September 15, 1895, a fixed red light of the sixth order will be established in the structure re- - cently erected on the west side of the Detroit River, near Ecorse, Michigan, on what is known as Ecorse marsh. The structure is a square white pyramidal tower, sur- mounted by an octagonal lantern, with copper roof and surrounded by a balcony with black hand rail. The focal plane of the light is 28 feet above the mean level of theriver. The tower stands on a platform supported on piles, in 3% feet of water, about 150 feet, on the range line, from the contour of 18 feet depth in the river. On the same date a fixed red light of the sixth order will be established in the structure recently erected in the marsh about 550 feet N. 1° 42’ W. (N. % W.) from the preceding, and about 160 feet from the shore line. The structure isa square, white pyramidal tower sur- mounted by an octagonal lantern, with copper roof and surrounded by a balcony with black hand rail. The focal plane of the light is 45 feet above the mean level of the river. The tower stands on a platform sup- ported on pilesin 2% feet of water. Each light will illuminate 135° of the horizon lying between S, 69°12’ K. (HSE. 4% KE.) and S. 65°48’ W. (SW. by W. 4 W.) or 6746° to the eastward and 671° to the westward of therange line. These lights will form a range for running the main channel of Detroit river, in- tersecting the Mamajuda Range at a point about 950 . feet to the eastward of Grassy Island Light (about 350 feet to the’ eastward of the curve of 18 feet depth abreast of Grassy Island Light) NEW SHOAL IN DETROIT RIVER. A shoal was struck by the steamer Briton several days ago about 6, 400 feet south of the Bois Blanc Island light on the range of the Detroit River light, and just oppo- site the upper red can buoy. It is 450 feet west of the center of the Amherstburg ranges. The shoal extends 160 feet east and west, and 300 feet north and south. _Capt. George P. McKay has marked the shoal witha black spar buoy, which is in 22 feet of water on the eastern edge of it. He also placed'a float with two white horizontal lights four feet apart at the entrance to the Detroit River, east of the Bois Blanc Island light. DON’T RUN DOWN SIGNALS. The following letter has been received by the Cleve- land Branch Hydrographic Office: U. S. S. Micuican, Pur-In-Bay, August 25, 1895, ° _ Sir: It being necessary for the survey of Pelee Pass- age to establish one or more water signals some dis- tance to the southeast of Dummy Light, will you kindly notify masters of vessels to be on the lookout so as to avoid running them down. They are about 20 feet high, painted black and pyramidal in form. Please ex- tend this information as far as possible to other ports on south shore of Lake Erie. Respectfully, B. L.. RICHARDS, Lieut. Com. U. S. N., Commanding. NOTES FOR NAVIGATORS. The demolished range light at Lorain is being re- paired, and a temporary light is being displayed mean- while. Leo Bernard has placed his red light on Vital Shoals on a larger float and erected it to a height of 12 feet. A box four feet square has been placed on the scow and painted red. H. W. Ferris, keeper of the life-saving station at Huron City, warns vesselmen that three of the balls in the bell buoy off Point aux Barques light are fouled and only one ball can strike the bell, the sound being heard only occasionally and at a short distance. ‘The keeper of the lights Nos. 1 to 6, Southeast Bend, St. Clair River, reports that a scow in tow of the tug Genevieve ran into and carried away the cluster piles from which light No.6o0n the west bank of the St. Clair is shown. While repairs are being made a tem- porary light, fixed white, will be exhibited. Capt. Joseph Rouleau has erected a set of target ranges 12 feet square at Hay Point, at the foot of Big Mud Lake and has placed a pair of range lights on them. Boats bound up in making the turn at the lower end of Mud Lake with these targets or lights in range will bring them directly up to the turning point can. buoy at the upper end of the lake. Round Island sec- tion for down-bound boats and Hay Point ranges for those bound up.