Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), September 26, 1895, p. 12

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“j2 THE MARINE RECORD. MARINE ENGINEERING Also Stationary and Locomotive); Me-f chanics; Mechanical Drawing; Electric- Branches. CANDIDATES PREPARED TO OB- TAIN LICENSES. Courses begin with Arith- metic. Send for Free Circular, stating sub-4z72 ject you wish to study. g The International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa. Walter H. Oades’ Shipyard, — MARINE RAILWAY AND SHEERS, Ship Carpenters, Calkers & Joiners. ' Working on reasonable terms. Yard: Foot of Dubois Street, DETROIT. Telephone 1670, 3 rings. ABRAM SMITH. ANGUS H. SMITH. ABRAM SMITH & SON, SHIP-BUILDERS, ALGONAC, MICH. - . Wooden Ships of any description built, x rebuilt, or repaired. Send for specifications, prices, etc. Good slips for laying up boats. | wes {10 Be ACoNGRESS ST. >> PDD DD ID DLE, DD ID ID OD DID, IDE, DID PLAID DD DPD IPT | A, GILMORE & SONS ToLebDo Dry Dock. Telephone No. 457, TOLEDO, OHIO. Vessels Docked and Repaired - at Reasonable Rates. PATENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE- MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, -QOPYRIGHTS, Etc. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. John A, Saul, Atlantic Building, Washington, D. C. ROBERT E. HILLS, STEAM FITTING anD HEATING Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings, Engin- “. eers’ Supplies; General Jobbing F Work Done Promptly. = e “Also Proprietor of North Side Iron Works. 67 & 59 North Wells St. CHICAGO, ILL. REA SSE ROE -AGEN’Ss of the Nickel Plate Road are in possession of information which will en- able them to quote special excursion rates to points in the North-west, West, South- west and South for tickets sold during September and October. Further infor- .. mation may be secured by applying to ' Jocal agents of that Popular Low-Rate Line. ESTABLISHED 1871. INCORPORATED 1893. MONTAGUE IRON WORKS CO,, MANUFACTURERS OP MONTAGU Ey MIOH. Maring ana Stationary Engines AND BOILERS OF ALL KINDS. Heavy Castings a Specialty, Prices Quoted on Application. Fore and Aft Compound Marine Engines, The Engines in the following boats are of our manufacture. Tug, Hunter, Chicago, 15 and 28xe2. Tuy, ‘'acoma, Chicago, 16 and 30+24. Tug, Zenith, Duluth, 18 and 36x80. ; Steamer Glenn, South Haven, 14 and 28x20. U.S Survey Steamer, W. S. Hancock 12 and 21x20. Steamer Pine Lake, Charlevoix, 16 and 30x24. Passenger Steamer Pilgrim, St. Clair, 14 and 28x20, Steam Barge lona, Grand Haven, 24 and 46x42. Steam Barge M, T. Greene, Chicago, 20 and 36x36. Steamer H. W. Williams, South Haven, 18 and 36x30. Steam Barge Mark B. Covell, Manistee, 18 and 30x26. Steam Barge Isabella J. Boyce, Michigan City, 19 and 32x26. Steam Barge Luella H. Worthington, Cedar River, 19 and 36x30. Passenger Steamer City of Kalamazoo, South Haven, 20 and 40x30. Steamer Oval Agitator, Chicago, 14 and 28x20. Tug E. G. Crosby, Muskegon, 16 and 30x24. Tug Peter Coates, Sault Ste. Marie, 10 and 20x16 Steamer Lorain L, South Haven, 12 and 21x16. Passenger Steamer Lotus, Escanaba, 16 and 30x24. Steam Barge Sachem, Grand Haven, 21 and 38x36. = Passenger Steamer Bon Ami, Saugatuck, 14 and 28x20 Steam Barge Charles A. Street, Chicago,2 and 36x36 Steam Barge Edward Buckley, Manistee,18 and 36x80 Passenger Steamer E. G. Maxwell, Pentwater, 14 and 28x20. Passenger and Freight Steamer Ron Voyage, Saugatuck, 16 and 30x26. Passenger.and Freight Steamer Mabel Bradshaw, Muskegon, 16 and 28x26. _ 5 The engraving represents our 20 and 36x36 Fore and Aft Compound Marine Engine. and guarantee them to give satisfaction. Prices furnished on application. MONTAGUE IRON WORKS CO,, Montague, Mich, FRANK MORRISON, COMPASS ADJUSTER AND MANUFACTURER OF: NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. COMPASSES. BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS, BINNACLES, STEAM GAUGES, MARINE GLASSES, ENGINE INDICATORS. All Nautical Instruments Carefully Repaired, Office with Upson, Walton & Co., 164 River St., Cleveland, 0. l a, We build them all sizes TUNG ae FF iii J. H. OWEN, Prest., Chicago. F. H. VAN CLEVE, Sec’y, Escanaba. Capt. GEO. BARTLEY, Supt., Escanaba ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING CO., Escanaba, Mich, Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready. TUG MONARGH—Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 & 30 in. diameter, 30 in. Stroke, Steam Pressure allowed, 196 lbs. TUG DELTA—Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure allowed, 105 lbs. TUG OWEN—Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure allowed, 104 lbs. SEVEN AND FOURTEEN INCH SUCTION. FLUE SCRAPERS. HE OLD WAY CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. BAUER’S EXTERNAL THE New Way 7 HE only device that will ef- fectually remove Scale and Sediment from Flues without in- jury to flues or boiler. Made of tool steel, hardened, #ea concaved and ground, producing (| two sharp edges, and can be worked either way. A Set will last about 10 years. Used in more than 90 different cities and give universal satis- faction. A Shell Scraper and a paten- ted inside flue cleaner given with each set. Send outside diameter of your flues for a trial set. E. RAYFIELD, Sole Manufacturer, 373 Dearborn St., Chicago, TREGURTHA SAFETY WATER-TUBE BO/LERS Single, Compound and Triple Expansion Engines. STEAM YACHTS AND LAUNCHES. New and Second-Hand Launches in Stock. MURRAY & TREGURTHA, West First Street, foot of F Street, SOUTH BOSTON, MASS. Send three 2c. stamps for Catalogue. | HENION & HUBBELL, Agents, MARINE ENGINES « SINGLE AND COMPOUND. 5 TO 200 HORSE- POWER. These en- gines are high-class in workmanship and material and moderate in price. Send for cuts, des- cription and prices. Centrifugal Pumps For raising coal, sand, &c. For dredging, wrecking and circulating. Write for cata- logue. MORRIS MACHINE WORKS, Baldwinsville, N. Y. ie 61-69 North Jefferson St., Chicago, Ll. Baker’s Quadruple Grip Anchor PATENTED. AGENTS WANTED. Watertown Brass & Mfg. Co., WATERTOWN,N.Y. Send Stamp for Catalo-_ gue. Mfrs. Yacht, Boat and Canoe Hardware. Special Work a Specialty. & Boat Rails, Stanchions, Etc. : MENTION THIS PAPER. Katzenstein Self-Acting Metal Packing for Piston Rods, Valve Stems, Etc., of every description, for Steam Engines, Pumps, Ete. Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works, Steamship Companies, Mills and Kngine Builders, Hlec- tric Light and Power Plants within the last twelve years in this and foreign Coun- vAtries. Also FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC fy PACKING for Slip-Joints | MM =~ Ut] Oa Steam Pipes and for Hy- = . “s draulic Pressure. Also METAL GASKETS for all sizes and shapes of flanges. Double-Aoting Balanced Water-tight Bulk- head Doors for Steamers. Also Agents for the MecColl-Cumming Patent Liquid Rudder Brake. L. KATZENSTEIN & CO., General Machinists, Brass Finishers and Engineers’ Supplies, 357 West Street, N ewYork, N.Y. | dat Pe Se ee oti TRIE The Pennsylvania Brass Works, ERIE, PA. Automatic Piston or Mocking Bird Whis- tles. Special Whistles made to order. Penna. Steam Flue Cleaner. Water Gages, Penna. Gage Cocks, Air Cocks, Oil Cups, Brass and Bronze Castings a Specialty. E.G. ASHLEY, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, ALSO ALL KINDS OF Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Vessel orders attended to dayand night. Goods delivered by Steam Yacht ‘‘ Maggie D.’’ 36 & 38 Summit Street, TOLEDO, 0. Pays for six months ar subscription to THE — MARINE ReEcORD, and includes our Photo-Grayure Supplements.

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