Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), January 2, 1896, p. 14

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14. THE MARINE RECORD. ~ CRANDALL'S PATENT PACKINGS, FOR STEAM, WATER AND AMMONIA. : ast all others, and never melt and gum. We are constantly ¢ is s ; £ ‘Sapir : ‘ boili oil, outl . i ; : Not having been subjected to the injurious chemical action of boiling oil, cine werk. AGH the man offering “the same thine placing other packings on Lake and Ocean Steamers, and can guarantee our goods for m to explain his process. He boils his goods in oil. Send for Descriptive Catalogue and Samples. CRANDALL PACKING Co. = as ag : Colo G1 New York, 136 Liberty Street. Chicago, 51 §. Canal Street. Main Offices and Works, PALMYRA, N vaweun OUperior Graphite Paint THE SHIP QWNERS DRY Dock Co. NO BLISTERING, CRACKING OR SCALING. Made especially for Stacks, Decks, Sides, Hulls and Water Compartments. Strictly anti-rust, and most durable and economical. DETROIT GRAPHITE MFG. CO. 542 River St., Detroit, Mich. WHITTON & BATES, Agents, 5u3 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, 0. | Largest DOCK H A HAWGOOD, Pres'’t. GEO. ELSEY, Jr., Gen’l Mang’r. J. A. SMITH, Sec’y. PHILIP MINCH, Vice-Pres't. J. R. SPRANKLE, Treas The Cleveland Tug Company, | van First-class Tugs, = Se Steam Pumps, : Divers, Hawsers, Lifting Screws, = Etc., furnished Promptly on Steamers when outside wanting our Tugs, blow on the one long whis- tle and as many Orders by Tele- —— = —= == Short ones as GREAT graphoroth- & Beene Se We ea ae = ae they want tugs. erwise See ae SN a BESS OPEN DAY and NIGHT. 4-DOCK and OFFICE FOOT of FRONT ST. @& Long Distance Telephone 725. » Cleveland, Ohio. LAKES, Cc. D. THOMPSON, Manager. Cc. L. BOYNTON, Sec. & Treas. LILOMPSON Eee LINE, GENERAL REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY uve TO. foe Gonoe Ys aces Being equipped with Lucigen Lights we can do work at night as well as day. Tug Geo. E. Brockway, engine 28x30; Tug M. F. Merick, 2 engines 20x24, each ; Tug James Ash, engine 14x16; Lighter Clinton, 650 tons capacity, with full wrecking out- TELEPHONE 1635. _ Foot of Weddell St... CLEVELAN D. 0. : fit, stationed at Sault St. Marie, Mich. = Tug C. D. Thompson, engine 2214x26; Tug C.-L. Boynton, compound engines, a EE 17x34x30 in. stroke; Tug J. C. Ingram, engine 17x19; Lighter Mentor, 450 tons. Com- ESTABLISHED 1857. Calvin Carr. ee lets i C. Blair. | A. A, Parker. James W. Millen. . plete wrecking outfit stationed at Port Huron, Mich. Sch. John Wesley, 85 tons. ; ope B. W. Parkers © : THOMAS WARKS 860. [CARR & BLAIR| PARKER & MILLEN, ants, Forwarders ani Peas The “CINCINNATI” Automatic Vo tenes Ones Vesser, anv Insurance | Vessel & Insurance Agents. — PORT ARTHUR, CANADA. AGENTS, } Iron Ore & Coal Cargoes a Specialty. STEAM STEERING GEAR N. B.—Special attention given ee and 2. os oe Main 869. | Rooms 3&4 15 Atwater St., West, Simple, Powerful Machine. Noiseless and Sure, Send for Circular, to chartering vessels. ee : Hane oe DETROIT, MICH, q a FRONTIER IRON WORKS, Detroit, Mich. Sof Seas ae pe oe Dy Saliva: » Mich., y | SOHN PRINDIVILLE, Capt. J. A: Calbick. AGENTS FOR THE LAKES. ————_ | Palmer, Cook & Calbick, J. G. KEITH & 60. VESSEL anp VESSEL AND ‘ : Vessel Agents and Underwriters, INSURANCE AGENTS, INSURANCE AGENT, ; No. 6 Sherman Street, Chicago, Ill. } 140 and 141 Rialto Bldg, | Cutcaco. re Sherman Street,” e Telephone, Main 3952 Telephone No. 3658. Telephone Main 129. CHICAGO. ; ‘STEEL AND METAL SHIPS Cc. A. MACDONALD & CO.” OF ALL CLASSES BUILT ON SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE AT OUR YARDS AT WEST SUPERIOR, WIS., and also at EVERETT, WASH. Ge aggre INSURANCE. Aa Hee PHOTOGRAPH OF 300 FT. BOAT IN DOCK = : RIALTO BUILDING, CHICA G agra a ae a oa Plates and Best THOS, WILSON, Material Qualit uality Always on edie so Sedalrbaa MANAGING OWNER WILSON'S TRANSIT LINE, Repair all nore for kinds of Repairing | General Forwarder, Freight and Vessel Agent: CLEVELAND, :O. Metal Wooden Pas Bf pe RE. eee ee Ships in Vessels Shortest eratt Cc. R. JONES 2€ CoO., VESSEL AGENTS... Time. Classes. =a Nec ee “em FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. tee SIZE OF DOCK ee. Tobeth, BiKtrenie:s 6c). 12s dies. ec 587 feet. 4 Entrance, TO): :55ssey sasiececnssiseantesies 55 feet 9 in. Roepe ns ot Percact syne Bless, oe EVELAND, oO. Lhe Dae MOD isis, sitcccenaes cs seacscece 90. {Sd ins Entrance, Bottom, i.ccscc..sevesesdeessees00 >! readth, Bottom ..... ....cssgcceteeveee OZ & Depthover Sillervc<.csestiatecscats 1S: LARGEST DRY DOCK ON THE LAKES. oe pon wag: ALFRED MITOHRLL, | Gee ee Ae ok Eositle and occKing MITCHELL & CO., Vessel and Insurance Agents, —— SAME AS AT LOWER LAKE PORTS. S U iad E at i O R 5 W | S. iffice Telephone, 767. 508-509-510 Perry-Payne Building, A NUMBER OF PROPELLER WHEELS IN STOCK AT DRY DOCK. Rodince soe caren CLEVELAND, O.

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