ESTABLISHED 1878. 10c. SINGLE COPY. _ CLEVELAND, OHIO, JANUARY 9Q, 1896. NO. 2 Lake Carriers’ ASSOCIATION. ; To eietics and take action upon all general questions relating to nk the navigation and carrying business of the Great Lakes, - maintain necessary shipping offices and in general to protect the common interest of Lake Car- riers, and im rove the character of the Service rendered to the public. ~ PRESIDENT. WILLIAM LivinGsToNE, —- Detroit, Mich. SECRETARY. Cuartes H. Kexp, - < Buffalo, N, Y. TREASURER, GrorGE P. McKay, — - - Cleveland, O. COUNSEL. Harvey D. Goutper. - Cleveland. O. VICE PRESIDENTS. i eek GrLcHRIST, Cleveland. Tuos. CRANAGE, Bay City _A. A, PARKER, Detroit. W..S. BRAINARD, Toledo. ~~ §, D. CaLpwet, Buffalo. E. D. Carrer, Erie. Witzy M. Ecan, Chicago. J.C. RrcketTson, Milwaukee. AUS N. LaSatts, Duluth. F. J. Firtx, Philadelphia. i EXECUTIVE AND FINANCE COMMITTEE, _ H.M: Hanna,, ‘Cleveland, Ohio. D.C. Whitney, Detroit, Mich . H, Brown, Cleveland, Ohio. W. P. Henry, - Buffalo, N. Y. Oe Corrigan, Cleveland, Ohio. 5 jee Brown; Buffa o, N.Y. . A. Haw-o-d, Cleveland, Ohio. avid Vance, Milwaukee, Wis. Thomas \\ilsun, Cleveland, Ohio. R P. Fitzgerald, Milwaukee, Wis. ~M \. Bradiey, Cleveland, Ohio. John G. Keith, Chicago, III. |. C. Gilchrist, | . Cleveland, Ohio. J. S. Dunham, Chicago, Iil. : - M. Gees ‘ Detroit, Mich. % COMMITTEE ON AIDS TO NAVIGATION: Ww. C Richardson, Cleveland. Ohio. W. M. Egan, Chicago, Ill. - George P. McKay, Cleveland, Ohio. Frank Owen, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Hl G. Dalton, ~~ Cleveland, Ohio. A. W. Colton, Toledo, Ohio. }i. L Pennington, Cleveland, Ohio. James Davidson, Bay City, Mich, ‘Thomas Wilson, Cleveland, Ohio. Alvin Neal, Port Huron, Mich, Jehn W Moore, Cleveland, Ohio. M, M. Drake, Buffalo, N. Y. W.S. Mack, Cleveland, Ohio. W. Bullard, Buffalo, N. Y. ~~ Davil C. Carter, Detroit, Mich, COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION: <7 D. Caldwell, Buffalo, N. Y. dares Corrigan, | Cleveland, Ohio. ~ James Ash, Buffalo, N. Y. m. Livingstone, Detroit, Mich. ‘E. T Evans, Buffalo, N.Y. James Millen, Detroit, Mich. PP Miller= Buffalo, N. Y, Jesse Spaulding, Chicago, Il. John ‘Gordon, Buffalo, N.Y. C. A. Eddy, Bay City, Mich. _W. Bullard, Buffalo, N. Y Alex. McDougall, Duluth, Minn. Rdward Smith, Buffalo, N. Y F. J. Firth, Philadelphia, Pa. H M. Hasna,’ Cleveland, Ohio. : ees: ANNUAL MEETING. Bee will be held at the Russell House, Detroit, Wednesday and "Thursday, January 15 and 16. | Sr 0 a a DRY DOCK ASSOCIATION ANNUAL, The next annual meeting of The ‘Dry Dock Association of the. Lakes will be held at Detroit on Thursday, Jan- wary 16, 1896, ‘Russell House. : he Hamirron J. M1115, Secretary. - Marine Recorp Life Savers’ Series. CAPT. HARRISON MILLER. (SHE ILLUSTRATION.) Capt. Harrison Miller is certainly a veteran in the ser- _ vice of the government, having been in the life-saving “service ever since its establishment on the Great Lakes, and having served eleven years prior to thisin the light- house work. He is now keeper of the Point Betsey (Point au Bec Scies) life-saving station, near Frankfort, ‘Mich., and stands very high on the records. The; annual meeting of the Lake Carriers’ Association Capt. Miller was born in New York State in 1838, and when about 11 years old removed with his parents to Michigan, where they settled on Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, which was then occupied by King Strang and his followers. Since this time he has never lived out- side Michigan, nor has he dwelt so far from the water that he could not throw a stone into the lake. From the time he was big enough to handle gill nets he en— _gaged in fishing, and, as he grew older, in boat-build— ing. He was appointed to the charge of Beaver Island light in 1863, when he was 25 years old, and continued to act as light keeper for eleven years. In 1876 Capt. Harris was appointed to the command of the Beaver Is- land Life-saving crew, this being one of the first sta- tions on Lake Michigan. He remained in charge of this station until 1876, when he was transferred to his ( CAPT. HARRISON MILLER. present command. Capt. Harris has had a great deal of experience, but is very modest withal. After giving the above data in response to a request for a sketch of his life, he says: ‘This is my nineteenth year in the ser- vice. During this time I have been to a number of wrecks, accounts of all of which appear in the records of the service. Have always been successful at every wreck attended. Ihave had some narrow escapes, but have always come out all O. K., either by good judg- ment or by the providence of God—who shallsay which? I am now fifty-seven years of age, still hale and hearty, and expect to remain in the service a number of years yet, or until the government pensions the old vets or tuns us out to grass as the farmer does his old horse,”’ SHIP MASTERS’ ASSOGIATION. GRAND LODGE MEETING. The Grand Lodge of the Ship Masters’ Association will meet atthe Effitt House, Washington, January 21. Those who expect to attend are requested to notify Grand Secretary W. A. Collier, of Cleveland, if they have not already done so. PORT HURON ELECTION. * Port Huron Lodge No. 2,S. M. A., installed its officers on Jan. 4, as follows: President, W. E. Rice; first vice president, H.. Zealand; second vice president, W. G. Pierce; treasurer, H. Davis; financial and recording sec- retary, M.A. Budd. The appointed officers are: D. M. Sinclair, chaplain; O. J. Holmes, marshal; Byron Brown: warden; and L, Carey, sentinucl, BUFFALO QUARTERS REMOVED. Buffalo Lodge of S. M. A., has removed its quarters to No. 55 Main street. Officers for the year are as fol- lows. President, Frank J. McCabe; first vice president, Patrick O’Neil; second vice president, A. E. Huff; treas- urer, Alex Clark; secretary, John Perew. CLEVELAND LODGE. At last Friday’s meeting of Cleveland Lodge No. 4, of the Ship Masters’ Association, President C. BE. Ben- ham installed its officers. The appointive offices were filled as follows: Chaplain, Capt. Toland; marshal, Capt. Nelson; warden, Capt. Woodford; sentinel, Capt. McNally. Capts. C. EK. Benham, W.S. Mack and J. A. Holmes will represent as delegates the Cleveland lodge at the Grand Lodge, which will meet in Washington on the 23d inst., but about thirty members will attend from Cleveland. ——_— Po ae IMPROVEMENTS AT LORAIN. Besides the six ore hoists for which the Johnson Com- pany of Lorain has placed an order, the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling Railroad Co. is arranging to con- struct six more hoists at its dock near the mouth of the Black River, this doubling the capacity of its dock for the coming season. The increase in ore consumption along the line of this railroad, with the consumption of the new Lorain blast furnaces, will possibly itreble Lorain receipts for next season. McEnteE & Ditton, Rondout, N. Y., are building one tug and two lighters for parties at Nicaraugua. The tug is of iron, 65 feet by 19 feet by 7 feet; has twin screws, direct acting surface condensing engines. She is of light draught and is intended for freight, passen- gers and towing. The lighters are also of iron and of very light draught. EDO ea THE intelligence office of the Navy Department has records showing that Great Britain has just 52 vessels of war whose draft will permit of their entrance through the Welland canal. One of these carries eleven inches of armor; but the remainder are ordinary cruisers, with no protection to their sides.