THE MARINE RECORD. 19 ye <The Shaw & Spiegle Patent Steam Towing Machine. Patented June 5, 1888, and July 16, 1895. ang Mining, Bridge Erecting, Dock Build’g, Pile Driving, Coal Hoisting and ESTABLISHED 1857. AmerRIcan SHriep Winocass Co, PROVIDENCE, R. 1. MORE THAN SEVEN-EIGHTHS OF THE STEAMSHIPS OF THIS COUNTRY HAVE THE PROVIDENCE. . . WINDLASS AND CAPSTANS. ’ ’ ADDRESS FRANK S. MANTON, AGENT. The ‘‘Providence”’ Patent Steam Capstan Windlass. Quarry Engines BUILDERS OF ALL KINDS OF of any power,sugar cane F. W. WHEELER & COMPANY., a transferring engines, transferring machines for depositing cane IRON, STEEL AND from car to carrier,with of reference WOODEN SHIPS, given. Established 1870. 4a Send for ‘Catalogue. J, s. MUNDY, Newark, N. J. 1744 Market St., Sealer Pa. 22 Light St., Baltimore, M LLG Water St., Bitisburel, Pa. 249 South Jefferson St., Chicago, Ill. 715 North Second St., St, Louis, Mo. 39 Magazine St., New Orleans, La. 34 Fremont St., San Francisco, Cal. 85 Front St., Portland, Oregon. Fourth &Wakouta sts.,St.Paul.Minn. 218 Congress St . Roston. Mass. FOR LAKE OR OCEAN SERVICE. West Bay City, Mich. F. W. WHEELER, Prest. E.T. CARRINGTON,V.-Prest C. W. STIVER, Secretary & Treasurer. Pid! NYrleé IRON WORKS, MARINE ENGINES, a DETROIT. Micu. INCORPORATED 1794. - Insurance Company of North America, $3,000.000.00. 9,562.599.92. ‘CAPITAL, PAID uP IN CASH, ~ = ASSETS, f ind ; py - ay CHARLES PLATT, President, WILLIAM A, PLATT, Vice President. EUGENE L, ELLISON, 2d Vice President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Cake Marine Department. GEORGE L. MCCURDY: Manacen, LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS The best equipped plant in America for a Fj w7 uu i aa the manufacture of i > i) Th) MODE RN —} Kee MARINE tik QO ea BOI LERS. BUFFALO, N.Y: THE CASE THE BERTRAM ENGINE WORKS CO., ints Ont. OUTWARD THRUST PROPELLER WHEELS. © MODEL A, MODEL B, MODEL C, MODEL D, MODEL E. wete~_The Speediest, Smoothest Running and Most Economical Wheels Yet Made. MANUFACTURED BY A WELLS CASE, Patentee, Highland Park, Conn, MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE . mm” Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co,, Organized 1842, Office 51 Wall Street, NEW YORK. - _Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and Issues Policies making Loss Payable in England. Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security or its Policies. The profits of tse Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year; thereby ) educing the cost ofi insurance, Forsuch dividends, certificates areissued bearing interest until ordered to be redeemed, iu accordance: the charter, W. H. H. MOORE, Vice Pres, J. D, JONES, Pres, A. A. RAVEN, 2d Vice Pres, J. H, CHAPMAN, Sec. Marine |ron Works, Clyhourn & Southport Aves. , CHICAGO. BUILDERS OF STEAM YACHTS, MARINE ENGINES, MARINE BOILERS. Write for List of Boats for Sale. MODEL D THE GLOBE IRON WORKS CO. Cleveland, 0. F, HODGE & CO., Detroit, Mich.