14. THE MARINE RECORD. ity CRANDALL’'S PATENT PACKINGS. FOR STEAM, WATER AND AMMONIA. Not having been subjected to the injurious chemical action of boiling oil, outlast all others, and never melt and gum. We are constantly dis: placing other packings on-Lake and Ocean Steamers, and can guarantee our goods for marine work. Ask the man offering ‘‘the same thing’ toexplain his process. He boils his goods in oil. Send for Descriptive Catalogue and Samples, CRANDALL PACKING CoO. “Cold Oil New York, 136 Liberty Street. Chicago, 5! S, Canal Street. Main Offices and Works, PALMYRA, N.Y. THE SHIP OWNERS [RY DOCK Co. amen oUperior Graphite Paint ' NO BLISTERING, CRACKING OR SCALING. Made especially for Stacks, Decks, Sides, Hulls and Water Compartments. Strictly anti-rust, and most durable ~ economical. Largest Capacity DETROIT GRAPHITE MFG. CO. 542 River St., Detroit, Mich. WHITTON & BATES, Agents, 503 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, 0. Dock with hk 00D, Pres't. . ELSEY, Jr., Gen’l Mang’r. _ A. SMITH, Sec’y. PHILIP MINCH, Vice Pres, ee ae y. R. SPRANKLE, Treas Two Docks The Cleveland Tug Company, to Dock First-class Tugs, == —— See Steam Pumps, : : Steamers when Divers, Hawsers, : outside wanting © on the the Lifting Screws, = our Tugs, blow Etc., furnished B= one long whis- Promptly on tle and as many Largest short ones as GREAT Orders by Tele- graphoroth- : IO Oa @ they want tugs. i erwise. Bes BA A SJ SSC Ships on OPEN DAY and NIGHT. 88-DOCK and OFFICE FOOT of FRONT ST.-@a LAKES S Long Distance Telephone 725. Cleveland, Ohio. ' i = the Lakes. 5 = = SS a = = = = GENERAL REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Being equipped with Lucigen Lights we can do work at night as well as day. "TELEPHONE 1635. Foot of Weddell St., CLEVELAND. 0. The “CINCINNATI” Automatic STEAM STEERING GEAR Simple, Powerful Machine, Noiseless and Sure. Send for Circular, FRONTIER IRON WORKS, Detroit, Mich., AGENTS FOR THE LAKES. 38 _ 5 Calvin Carr. G. C. Blair. i ESTABLISHED 1857. John Mitchell, ALA. apie fi pn sg W. Millen, THOMAS MARKS & C0, IC ARR & BLAIR| PARKER & MILLEN, AME IC A STE EL B AR Morchants, Forwarders and. | cr, axp Insurance | Vessel & Insurance Agents, . PORT ARTHUR,CANADA, AGENTS, Iron Ore & Coal Cargoes a Specialty. N. B.—Special attention given Regma Sad 2: Tel. Main 869. | Rooms 3 &4 15 Atwater St., West. STEEL AND MET AL SH IPS to chartering vessels. 12 Sherman St. CHICAGO. DETROIT, MICH. ‘ : C. F. Palmer. : H. W. Cook. | J. G. Keith. D. Sullivan. - OF ALL CLASSES BUILT ON SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE AT OUR YARDS AT Pal ty & Calbi ; J. G. KEITH & GO JOAN ERINDINILLE, aimer, LOO alvicK, | vessex AND ae WEST SUPERIOR, WIS., and also at EVERETT, WASH. Vessel Agents and Underwriters, INSURANCE AGENTS, INSURANCE AGENT, PHOTOGRAPH OF 300 FT. BOAT in Dock No. 6 Sherman Street, Chicago, Ill. | 140 and 141 Rialto Bldg. Cutcaco. rz Sherman Street,. a Telephone, Main 3952. Telephone No. 3658. Telephone Main 129. CHICAGO. =a eae ate ad sr GA NEAGDON AT 86°C, Material i Adige on: Ae GENERAL MARINE INSURANCE AGENTS. Hand to eo ew | RIALTO BULEDING Repair all Stock for. _ CE eee eereL. 3 Repairin kinds of bia Troe, WabisSOUw. Metal Wooden ? Ships in Vessels MANAGING OWNER WILSON’S TRANSIT LINE, Shortest of all Time. Classes: General Forwarder, Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, oO. 2a ae VESS votes EL AGENTS eae C. R. JONES € CO, GENTS... Length, E BSN cds pu empieh ane cca cdo 0 55 fee i d Breadth, Hoo Br ail) Baan Bt: mee ee ere aU sai eg rae te aed PR gg ‘ epth over .Ouls... 18 Nos, 501, 502 and 503 Perry-Payne Bldg... CLEVELAND, O. LARGEST DRY DOCK ON THE LAKES. | : —— PRICES FOR REPAIRS AND DOCKING : JOHN MITCHELL. JOHN ¥. WEDOW. ALFRED MITOBELL, SAME AS AT LOWER LAKE PORTS. SU PE R IOR, WIS. MITCHELL & CO., Vessel and Insurance Agents, = A NUMBER OF PROPELLER WHEELS IN STOCK AT DRY DOCK. affice arian late Be eae 508-509-510 Perry-Payne Building, esi ; . CLEVELAND, oO. Srenienee SAMUEL W. Gout, | .| - United States and Ganadian Gharts Gives instruction in Navigation and prepares Candidates for the Examinations \ j 1 for Master and Pilot’s Licenses, before the Local Steamboat Inspectors. OF ‘the Takes: and Connecting Rivers are for sale at the office of Also Instructions given in the Safety Valve and other Problems required by THE MARINE RECORD Candidates for Engineers’ License. : i | TERMS REASONABLE. _ TAKE WADE PARK OR PAYNE AVE. car. | Address SMITH & SMITH, 144 Superior St., CLEVELAND, O 9 —d tA , .