THE MARINE RECORD. "1 —_——————————— _ The Shaw & Spiegle Patent Steam. Towing. Machine. ESTABLISHED 1857. @ @ American Ship Windlass. Co., PROVIDENCE, R. I. ~ii_ BUILDERS OF THE BEST WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS IN THE WORLD. STEAM TOWING MACHINES, ; GYPSEY WINDLASSES, BABBITT’S PATENT ANCHORS, ETC, The ‘‘Providence’’ Patent Steam Capstan Windlass. Address FRANK S. MANTON, Agent.’ . Hoisting, rf Bridge de Dock Building, Pile Driv- ing, Coal Hoisting and Quarry Engines. of any power,sugar cane F. W. WHEELER & COMPANY., BUILDERS OF ALL KINDS OF transferring engines, transferring machines for depositing cane IRON, SLE ERLOUAND from car to carrier,with my improved Patent EON Friction Drums, with fy) or without Boilers. Any WOODEN SHit., yamount of reference given. Established 1870. a@-Send for Catalogue. J S.M MUNDY, Newark, N. J. 1744 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. 22 Light St., Baltimore, Md 117 Water St. Pittsburgh, Pa. 249 South Jefferson St., Chicago, Ill. +e North Second St-; St, Louis, Mo. 9 Magazine St., New Orleans, La. gr Fremont St. San Francisco, Cal. 85 Front St.. Portland, Oregon: Fourth &Wakouta Sts . ot. Paul,Minn. 218 Congress St., Boston, Mass. FOR LAKE OR OCEAN SERVICE. West Bay City, Mich. F.W. WHEELER, Prest. EH. T. CARR(NGTON,V.-Prest OC. W. STIVER, Seeretary & Treasurer. IRON WORKS. MARINE ENGINES, DETROIT. MicH. N TIER IN SORPORATED 1794. Insurance Company of Nort America. — $3, 000,000.00. 9,562.599.92. CAPITAL, PAID UP’IN Case, : ASSETS, ae eee Fife 8 ma CHARLES PLATT, President, WILLIAM A, PLATT, Vice President. EUGENE L, ELLISON, 9d Vice President, GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. ORM H, ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Lake Marine Department. _ GEORGE L. oer iiaae ManaGen, LAKE ERIE E BOILER WORKS Lhe best equipped plant in America for the manufacture of h\\ MODERN MARINE BOILERS. BUFFALO, N.Y. THE CASE. OUTWARD THRUST MODEL A, MODEL B, MODEL C, MODEL D, SF ie) “4 Zep SS =a j 4 THE BERTRAM ENGINE WORKS CO., Toronto, Ont. THE HARLAN & HOLLINGSWORTH CO., Wilmington, Del. GAS ENGINE & POWER CO., Morris Heights Station, N. Y. City. MARYLAND STEEL CO., Sparrows Point, Md. MARINE IRON WORKS, Chicago, Il. = Propeller WiG6ls. @. MODEL E. ~se_The Speediest, Smoothest Running and Most Economical Wheels Yet Made. maNuFacTURED BY A WELLS CASE, Patentee, Highland Park, Conn. MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. __ 7 Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co,, Organized 1842. Office 51 Wall Street, NEW. YORK, Insures against Marine ane Inland Transportation Risks and Issues Policies aking Loss Payable in England. = Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security or its Policies. The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year; thereby 1 educing the cost ofinsurance, For such dividends, certificates are issued bearing interest until ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. J.«:D-JONES, Pres; W, H. H, MOORE, Vice Pres. A, A. RAVEN, 2d VicePres, J. H,CHAPMAN, Sec, PINTSGH GAS LIGHTED Buoys Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. BURN GONTINUQUSLY BRILLIANT AND STEADY ILLUMINATION ECONOMICAL AND RELIABLE IN OPERATION. Controlled by the SAFETY CAR HEATING AND LIGHTING CO., 160 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. from 80 to 365 days and nights without abchingat os and can be seen a distance of six miles. MODEL D \ THE GLOBE IRON WORKS CO., Cleveland, 0. S. F. HODGE & CO., Detroit, Mich. THE LOCKWOOD MW’ F’G CO., ‘East Boston, Mass. SEND TO PATENTEE FOR 1896 CATALOGUE.