THE MARINE RECORD. 1S Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., Mounted upon Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the 39 & 41 CORTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK. WHEELER’S IMPROVED SURFACE CONDENSERS Soa ‘\ Xe . WHEELER STANDARD SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER ADMIRALTY SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER LIGHT HALL SURFACE CONDENSER. VOLZ PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER anp FRED-WATER HEATER WHEELER FEED-WATER HEATER, AIR anp CIRCULATING PUMPS. EDMISTON PATENT FEED WATER FILTER. WHEELER SURFACE Co PENSEE is Send for Pamphlet, “Machinery for Small Boats, etc,”’ PATENT COMBINED SURFACE coe AND Mounted on Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. P.M.CHURCH & Co. SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH., c ' MACHINISTS, ENGINEERS AND BLACKSMITHS, Ship Chandlery, _c.c-|££, MANUFACTURERS OF Hardware, Paints, Oils, tevarcceee LANG & Marine Engines & Steam Pumps, VESSEL SUPPLIES. | SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE ee connesdon. CHASE AUTOMATIC FOG WHISTLE MACHINE, Corner Portage and Ashmun Sfs. | IN USE ON NEARLY ALL LAKE STEAMERS. TELesHONKS eee OFFICE NO. Lic, ee Agents for AsBEstos SteAM, BoiLeR AND PIPE CovERING. | Telephone 994, Ht Elm Street, CLEVELAND, G. Attention Vessel Men. | The undersigned has been appointed Receiver for the Vessel Owners’ Towing Company,of Chicago, by the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois. THE COMPANY OWNS THE FOLLOWING TUGS: ALI, KINDS OF 3} fas) >| e e 2 e ie Bel & gle] Sls Machinery and Friction Hoists. - So pee 5 earl ee =| otc ia ee oe ee eps JACKSON & CHURCH, Saginaw, Mich. Se Eee ce eee Re lel an eare ie Send for Prices A. @. Van Schaick., | 15x78] 22x22/82| 67.5| 14.6] 8.1 and Circulars. ces Protection 15x79} 22x20/90) 77.4! 15.8] 8.9 Calumet....... ....| 14X75} 22x22/79] 64.2! 17.8] 8.6 DEES ae rc ce ae — erat 83} 68 | 18 | 9.3 E. P. Fer 12x72| 20x20|80| 66.8) 15 | 7.6 ‘ ; : Black Bali No.2... LaxT2 18420 73) 68.6] 15.5] 8.4 Ol STI N G We build them in all sizes A. A, Oarpenter ...| 12x72) 18x20/75| 60 | 15.6] 8.6 from new and improved Thomas Hood......- 18x72| 18x20/71| 59.5]. 15.6| 8.6 ee ee : J.V. secccree. | 19X72| 18x21/75} 60.8] 15.6] 8.6 esigns. Every engine Satisfaction ......,.|12x72| 18x20|73| 58 | 15. | 8 ENGI NES thoroughly tested before M. eldssi. fe 12x66 48x20 i OP eG) 80 eee ee leaving. (our. shop; and ” sis A aa rod} | 1 LL | BYORISHSRISSISBISEVSS[S guaranteed to be satisfac- ODESSA go Gr ar ris ge tory in every case. When &. I will be pleased to receive offers at in want of a Hoist form once for any or all of above tugs. | marine work, dock work, mining or any other pur- Yours very resp*ctfully, pose, kindly permit us to name you prices. We know J. L. HIGGIE, JR., we can please you. Receiver Vessel Owners’ Towing Co. “BUFFALO HARBOR CHARTS..| _— oct 1, DECK HOISTSwhea: Containing full information regarding BUFFALO, “Wm BLACK ROCK and TONAWANDA HARBORS Also all Canals, Slips and Basins, to- gether with Directory giving location of various business houses. For sale by THE MARINE RECORD, 144 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, O. + $team Steering Gears and + Conveying Machinery For all Purposes. THE CHASE MACHINE COMPANY, Dock and Deck Hoists. MARINE IRON CoO., " = BAY CITY, MICH. Coal and Contractors’ Hoists, MANUFACTURED BY Wh. H. WHITTEMORE, Prick $2.00 RacH. WRITE FOR PRICES. WEST BAY CITY, MICH. | FEED-WATER HEATER. DRAWING AND ROUGH SKETCHING For Marine Engineers. Just published, price $2.00, postage prepaid. Sixth edi- tion, 13th thousand, enlarged to 226 pages and 100 plates and diagrams. IN Two PARTS BOUND IN ONE VOLUME. By JAMES DONALDSON, Consulting: Engineer, 25 Tower Buildings, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DONALDSON’S ENGINEERS’ ANNUAL AND ALMANAC | FOR THE YEAR 1896. A record of progress and events in con- nection with steam shipping. Price 35 cents, postage prepaid. Address any agent of the Nickel Plate Road or B. F. Horner, General Passenger Agent, Cleveland, O., for lowest rates to California. Our express trains connect at Chicago with through lines reaching California points in three days. 5-9 chicago. F. H. VAN CLEVE, Sec’y, Escanaba. Capt. GEO. BARTLEY, Supt., Escanaba, J.J. KEENEN, RIVERSIDE STEAM BOILER WORKS. ““ Ecoanapa TOWING & WRECKING C0. Escanaba, Mich, Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving atinhase always ready ——— ot Asa i se. | TUG MONARGH—Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 & 30 in. diameter, 30 in. Stroke; Steam Pressure allowed. 18 Ib Marine Work a Specialty. . . . " TUG DELTA—Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure allowed, 106 Ibs. - _—$—_——_——————————————— TUG OWEN—Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure allowed, 104 Ibs. SHEET IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. SEVEN AND FOURTEEN INCH SUCTION. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Office and Works, Cor. Cologne and Fuller Streets, CHICAGO. | Telephone, Canal 401 __ss—_im Telephone, Canal 401mm CHICAGO. JEFFERY'S Marine GLUE — | For Paying Seams of Decks and other Purposes. iT a coal: ihc ee BOSTON, MASS. X L WwW. FERDINAND & CO., SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Nautical Watoh Chain. SOLID GOLD. SHIP-SHAPE IN EVERY DETAIL. Sheaves work, snatch block opens out and seizings are passed correctly. MORGAN A. ROBERTSON, 26 John Street, New York. Send tor Descriptive Crcruiar,