- pumps, THE MARINE RECORD. EE ESS SS ca WELL EQUIPPED FOR BUSINESS. Messrs. Patker & Millen, of Detroit, have enlarged, remodeled, and decorated and furnished their offices at No. 15 Atwater street, West, in a manner to more effi- ciently care for the varied branches of their rapidly growing business. In addition to the general offices there are provided handsome private rooms for the members of the firm. Mr. A. A. Parker has active charge of the marine insurance-business, and represents the Western (of Ontario), British and Foreign (of En- gland), Standard, Security, Orient, London (of England), Commercial Union (of England), British America (of Toronto), and others. The fire insurance business is managed by Mr. W. A. Eldridge, also traffic manager of the Red Star Line, and who is aided by J. E. Dickinson, assistant manager. They look after the insurance of eight fire insurance companies, including the Niagara and Continental, of New York, the Firemen’s Fund, of California, the Cooper, of, Ohio, and the Fire Association, of Phila- delphia. Capt. J. W. Millen looks after the Swain Wrecking ‘Co. *s towing and wrecking business, directing both the Canadian and American tugs in the hands of the firm, as well as the well-known wrecking tug Favorite, which will be in charge this year, according to present arrangements, of Capt. P. L. Millen, former com- mander of the’ Centurion. The wreckers Saginaw and Wales are stationed , about % mile NNW. % W. from Cedar Point Light House, and about 500 feet northerly from the 18-foot contour on the northerly side of ‘‘Deep Hole’’ off Cedar Point. The light will be shown from an octagonal lantern, with copper roof, surmounting a square tower projecting slightly from the southerly side of a square one-story dwelling, with sharp roof and dormers, slid- ing on asquare red crib. The house and tower are of wood, painted yellowish drab. The focal plane of the light will be 33% feet above mean lake level. The approximate geographical position of the light, as taken from chart No. 43 of the U. S. Survey of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes, is: Latitude, north, 41° 29’ (31’’); longitude, west, 82° 41’ (49’’). Sandusky Bay Range Light (vear),—On the same datea fixed white light of the sixth order will be established in the structure recently erected on the northerly pro- longation of the axis of the Straight Channel in San- dusky Bay, in 8% feet of water, and about 1,500 feet N. 17° 04’ EH. (N. by E. % E.) in rear of the front light. The light will be shown from an octagonal lantern, with copper roof, surmounting a square, pyramidal, yellowish drab, wooden tower, on a square red crib. The focal plane of the light will be 50 feet above mean lake level and the light may be seen in clear weather, the observer’s eye 15 feet above lake level, nearly 14% miles. The approximate geographical position of the light, at Detroit, as well as the tugs Balize and Onaping (Br.) and are looked after | by Capt. Joseph King. The Swain Wrecking Co. in- cludes ten steam which are looked after by John S. Quinn and James Quinn, who are also proféssional divers, and who operate un- der the firm name of John S.Quinn &'Co. Mr. J. O. Snyder is chief engineer of the firm’s floating prop- erty. , His. post is quite. important, as besides the four steamers and four schooners of the “Tron’”’ fleet, owned by the Detroit, Ham- tramck, and Duluth & Atlantic Trans-— portation Cos., and» the towing and wrecking fleet, he has to look after the steamers Greyhound and City of Toledo, of the Red Star Line... William W. Sumner has charge of the clerical works of the firm’s steamship and other marine business. There is also a private office provided for Mr. B. W. Parker, who conducts the firm’s jobbing and retail business,,in coal, coke and sand, the yard and ware- house being at the corner of Riopelle and Atwater streets. Although the firm has so many branches of business, all moneys taken in and disbursed through these varied channels is deposited with and disbursed by one money department, which is directed by Mr. IW. Green, the general cashier. Parker & Millen have good reasons for counting;on a much heavier business next season than they have ever enjoyed before, and have the best facilities for taking care of what. offers. They are equipped with a long distance telephone (No. 690) anda private, telegraph (Postal) line, and are in every way equipped.to make things hum. ED — ” ° NOTICE TO MARINERS. * SANDUSKY” BAY STRAIGHT CHANNEL, Sandusky Bay Range Light (front),—Notice is given that, on or about April 1, 1896, a fixed white light of the sixth order will be’ established in the structure recently erected on the northerly prolongation of the axis of the Straight Channel in Sandusky Bay, in 514 feet of water, YS _ unt SHORT HISTORY OF THE ROBERTS BOILER In the year 1878 Mr. E. E. Roberts, the invento: the Roberts safety water-tube boiler, took up his r dence on the banks of the Shrewsbury River, and be passionately fond of aquatic sports, and particularly of steam yachts, he commenced the construction of the next year according to his own ideas, and invented the boiler which bears his name, and which is ma factured by the company of which he is president. Th - steam yacht was the first one to contain a Robe water-tube boiler. After having used this boat for tw seasons, it was sold to Mr. A. E. Clark, of Chicag: from whom the company has the following letter: “T cannot see but that the Roberts boiler in th Mamie C. is just as good as it ever was, even if it is 17 years old.. I had no complaint from it last summer.” The boiler was constructed of ordinary materi which could be obtained anywhere in the open marke Nothing was made specially for it. It was so successs that other people who saw its advantages requested Mi Roberts to build similar boilers for their boats, and th demand increased so that he was forced from his bus ness as consulting engineer into that of manufacturin the Roberts safety water-tube boiler. The demand - these boilers has increased year after year, on the own merits since the above date. ; On November 1, 1890, The Roberts Safety Water-Tub Boiler Co. was incorporated with a capitalization o $250,000; and a bric building 50x100 fee erected, with the ex pectation at tha time that it would b sufficiently large t meet all demands; it this company. the summer of 189 it was necessary t double the capacit of the works, and consequently, building 50x120 wa added to the original one, and additio machinery was pur chased. There wer also erected shippin platforms, and othe appliances to fac tate the loading o the boilers, and store house for ra material 18x24 fee two stories high, was also added to the 3 'Y WAT, Z oe Pe, “) co: P “ BOILER op, a PLANT OF THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO. as taken from the above chart is: Latitude, north, 41° 29' (45’’); longitude, west, 82° 41’ (44”’). Rach light will iluminate 270° of the horizon, from S. 27° 56’ . (SSK. % EK.) through eastward and southward to N. 62° 04’ R. (NE. by BE. % HE.) (bearings from sea- ward) or 45° to the westward of the range line, and the remainder of the illuminated arc to the eastward of the range line, and showing in the lake. The lights mark a range line for running the Straight Channel in Sandusky Bay, from Cedar Point to the docks of Sandusky, coinciding with the axis of the channel. Bearings are true. On the establishment of the Sandusky Bay (Straight Channel) Range Lights, the lights of the two ranges in the northerly part of Sandusky Bay, about 14% miles west of Cedar Point and heretofore marking the axes of the old dredged channels in the bay, will no longer be required as aids to navigation and will be discontinued. WHITEFISH POINT LIGHT. Notice is given by order of the Lighthouse Board that on the opening of navigation, 1896, the character of the light at this station, on Whitefish Point, west side of the entrance from Whitefish Bay into Lake superior, will be changed to show a brilliant white flash every five Seconds. 0 MARINE RECORD Office for Hydrographic Charts. ‘ etc., together with two similar machines, cutting from ‘and punch an inch hole in three-quarter plate. plant. In the early part of 1895 it again became necessary to large the works, anda building 20x125 feet, togethe with another storehouse 18x24 feet, and a boiler hous 15x24 feet were constructed, and the plant was again doubled. About a dozen new and specially designed machines have been purchased to facilitate the construction of, and improve the workmanship on their boilers, com- prising large power. bending rolls, which will handle a steel plate weighing nearly three-quarters of a ton, a 6-inch latest design tapping machine, an 8-inch thread ing machine with expansion dies, 011 pump attachments, half-inch to four-inch pipe, an automatic feed punching machine, with spacing table, used in the construction of boiler castings, a double angle iron shears, which will cut up to 5-inch angles, and a number of punching and shearing machines, cutting-off machines, and cir- cular shears which will shear 1}4-inch square bar iron — The works are operated by the Roberts boiler. Notwithstanding the numerous additions that have been made to the plant, the business of the company seems to be increasing with such rapidity that the in- dications point to further additions in the near future. There have been 800 Roberts boilers built to January ~ 1, 1896, and among those which have lately been shipped from the works is a 300 h. p. boiler which went to