Tacoma, two boilers of 730-h. p. for New York parties, a small boiler of about 10h. p. which went out on Long Island, and one of 105h. p. to the same locality. Also one of 150 h. p. which was shipped to Tarboro, N. C., and one of 105 h. p. to the Pennsylvania R. R.Co. In addition to these boilers the company has in course of construction at its works, one boiler of 64 h, p. for Wil- liam Cole, one of 600 h. p. for the government, one of 430 h. p. for the lake district, a 53 h. p. boiler for Mr. Ware, of Philadelphia, one of 180 h. p. for South America, also one capable of develop- ing 160 h. p. for a Buffalo yachtsman, a 530 h. p. boiler for a ship building con- cern down east, one of 430 h. p. and one of 64 h, p. for South American parties, and three boilers 360 h. p. each for one of the largest shipbuild- ing plants in this part of the country. They are also con- structing a boiler of 220 h. p. for the gov- ernment and one of 150 h. p. for Central America, thus mak-- ing a total of nearly 4,000 horse-power under construction. The Roberts Boiler Co. have also lately received orders for the following boilers which are not yet in course of construction. One of 150 h. p. for a Buffalo company, one of 65 h. p. from an old customer in Connecticut. ‘The last order taken is for two boilers with a total of about 800 h. p., for.a factory in New Jersey. The orders in this latter list have all been taken in less than a week. The busy season has just commenced, and-there isa strong probability therefore that the Roberts Boiler Works will be run- ning night and day as in previous years, to meet the demands necessitated by the orders coming in rapidly. — TRANSFERS. John Stevenson has bought the small steamer John H. Pauly from Capt. Lon Cook of Cleve- land, giving. the steamer Toledo in part payment. It is said the Toledo will be put in the package freight trade May 1. Capt. Thomas Byrne, of Sault Ste. Marie, has sold the steamer Ivanhoe to C. H. Newman, of Chicago, for $14,000 cash and some Chi- cago real estate. Capt. James Skel- don and Engineer Lee Corns, of To- ledo, have purchased a one-third interest in the tug Wisconsin. The steam yacht Pastime, was sold on Wednesday of last week by the Brownsville, N. Y., Steamboat Co., to F. lL. Hall and Capt J. G. Wilson, for $2,000. They will use her for charter purposes on Black River. The following transfers of vessel property have been THE MARINE RECORD. 7 received at the Milwaukee customs office for record: Schooner Ida, Kdward Christensen of Racine to Anton Christenson of Milwaukee, one-fourth, $1. Same vessel, Anton Christensen to Niels N. Christensen of Milwau- kee, one-eighth, $1. Schooner Gen. Hancock, Everine Anderson to H. N. Anderson of Ephraim, Wis., the whole, $350. Schooner Driver, Rasmus Johnson to Hai- vor Hanson of Sheboygan, one-third, $350. THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO,’S WORKS—ERECTING Capt. Antone Johnson, of Manitowoc, has bought the schooner Merchant, of Racine. ALTHOUGH it has only been decided by the House Naval Committee to incorporate in the Naval Appropria- lion bill provision for four battleships and fifteen tor- pedo boats, the Navy Department authorities are al- NOTES. ‘ Ir is not improbable that the proposed New York dry. dock—when built—may be constructed upon plans fur- nished by Chauncey M. Dutton, similar in design to his famous pneumatic steel lift locks. A RECENT speed run of the cruiser Olympia between two Chinese ports is officially reported to have averaged 20 knots an hour, and would have been 23 knots, her officers say, in smoot her water. The Olympia ran under naturaldraught. Her headway was so great that the decks were swept by the waves, and it was necessary to slow down to avoid daim- age. Asit was, some damage was done. THE twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Vessel Owners’ and Captains’ Asso: ciation was held:at Philadelphia on March 4. The new directors were elect- ed, and they were: Peter Read, James McCaulley and James N. Stetson. These officers were elected: President, John I. Nicholson; vice president, Jona- than May; treasurer, Jeremiah Smith; sec-, retary, James Wal- lace; agent, Thomas G. Crawford. |, JamES H. FLAGLER’S new wooden steam yacht Anita is the center of attraction at Poillon’s yard, South . Brooklyn. This new addition to the New York fleetis 200 feet long over all, 158 feet between perpendiculars, =a 150 feet on the water line, 21 feet 9 inches breadth of beam, 12% feet depth of hold. Her mean draught, with all weights on board, is8 feet. The engines, of. the triple-expansion type, have cylinders, 16, 24 and 36: inches and 20 inches SHOP. il stroke of piston. The engine, when mak- . ing 250 revolutions, fe furnishes 1,000 i.h.p., and fa speed of 18 knots. Chief En- gineer Ernest Coles isin charge of the machinery. SECRETARY H & R- BERT has directed the test at the New York Navy Yard of a ma- chine designed ‘to | senda vessel through | -water. without fpro- pellers. By burning oil gas is gener-. ated, which is allowed to enter a steam cyl- inder, where it is ig- spark, the force of this explosion driy- ing the piston. A jet of air is blown: out of tubes iu the stern of the vessel by the AC THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO.’S WORKS—ASSEMBLING SHOP (New. ready giving consideration to the design for these ves- sels. This action is based on the almost absolute cer- tainty that the House will accept the Naval Committee’s report and that the Senate will also acquiesce if it does not increase the number of battleships provided for by the House bill. explosion and the re- sistance of the water causes the boat to forge ahead. The inventor claims that it will be of service in the case of torpedo boats and will drive them with phenomenal speed. <A 28-foot boat will be used. RISE aE ae ee a ES : Herman Schueneman, of Chicago, has sold the scow Agnes to Capt. I. S. Edwards of Manitowoc. nited by means of.a. ,