4. IN GENERAL. The ice at the Sault is still reported firm. : Uhrig & Son are rebuilding: their canal street dock, Milwaukee, which,-was burned last fall. A bill has been introduced in the House (6931) to transfer the Life-Saving Service from the Treasury to the Navy Department. The Northern Mine Workers’ Union is attempting to secure 8-hour shifts this season at mines where this rule is not already in force. : It is announced that Capt. Wm. Downs will operate the steamer Skater in the passenger and package treight trade between Cleveland and Buffalo, stopping at in- termediate ports. It is reported that the Michigan Central will<build its long-talked-of extension from Gladwin, on the Mack- inaw division, to Manistee. They are said to be looking for dockage at that port. Michigan people are having a great deal of fun imagining that a big windrow of ice off Port Sanilac isaniceberg. Itisanimmense affair as it is, being over 600 feet long, 250 feet broad, and 80 feet high. The sundry civil bill appropriates $2,000 for printing charts of the Great Lakes, and $25,000 to be used for cor- recting the same, to be available till expended; also $500,000 for continuing work on the 20-foot channel. Gen. Pass. Agent A. A. Schantz, of the D. & C. Line, has now thirty-two fine carrier pigeons to be used by the boats of the line for sending messages to the general manager when communication by other means is impos- sible. The sundry civil bill provides for the following lights and signals: Fog signal on GallooIsland, Lake Ontario, $5,700; Portage Lake and River lights, $10,000; Big Sable fog signal, $5,000; Devil’s Island_light station, $4,000. Pickands Mather & Co., are building at Ashtabula 100 fueling buckets for their scow at Erie. The buckets measure five feet each way and will hold three tons. The Erie scow will be taken to Ashtabula to be length- ened. The Ohio assembly has passed the naval reserve bill. Ohio gets about $7,000 of the national fund. ‘The legis- lature didnot appropriate any additional money. The reserves will be considered by the State as a part of the Ohio National Guard. W. H. Gatfield has completed the details of the sale of his share of the Mullen & Gatfield dock at Amherst- burg to the Cuddy-Mullen Coal Co., which will enlarge the dock cousiderably and expectsto increase its trade in proportion to its improved facilities. Congressman Burton has introduced a joint resolution making the $10,000 heretofore appropriated for a light- house on Squaw Point, Little Bay de Noquette, imme- diately available for a lighthouse on Saunders’ Point, opposite Squaw Point. The Grand Trunk has closed a five years’ contract with Capt. K. G. Crosby to operate the Nyack between Grand Haven and Milwaukee. The Nyack will con- tinue to look after Muskegon traffic as well. The Wis- consin and City of; Milwaukee are on the market. The Northern Line’s immense passenger boats will hereafter coal just above the Soocanal. This is made necessary by the fact that the water in the canal will be a foot lower than last year, so that with the usual amount of ballast aboard when coming up the vessels cannot get through the canal. A dock will have to be built to accommodate the vessels by the Cuddy-Mullen Co. which has a contract to supply the Northern Line with 250,000 tons of coal at Cleveland and elsewhere. The British & Foreign Insurance Co., has announced the following rates for this season, they being 50 per cent higher than last year: All Al steamers value $75,- 000 and over, 22% cents for season without limit aver- ages; all Al steamers valued over $50,000 and under $75,000 and all Al tows over $50,000 valuation, 30 cents for season, without limit averages; all A2 steam and sail vessels of all values and all Alsteam or sail valued less than $50,000 take the 60-cent rate, with 10 per cent added for waiving of average. Da BOOM STYLE MARINE LEG. (SEE PAGE SIx.) We present on this page an illustration of what is known as the boom style marine leg for waterside ele- vators. This leg is raised and lowered into the ship by means of automatic power winches. It is usually ar- THE MARINE RECORD. ranged to deliver the grain into a hopper scale. weigh- ing on an average of 200 busheis a minute for rapid work, and from this hopper scale it is delivered into an inside leg, which delivers it into the elevator proper. This style of leg, while not having the capacity of a slant leg, is somewhat cheaper, and has some advant- ages over that style of leg. The construction of a house and the class of work it has to do determine the style of leg to be erected. Nine-tenths of the elevators in Chicago are using this style of leg. It is also iu use at Benton Harbor, Mich., andin the new elevator recently finished at Port Huron, Mich. Where a leg of very large capacity isdesired the slanting style rather than the boom style is used, but because of its convenience of adjustment to large or smallcraft, the boom style isin general use. It ismade by the Webster Manufacturing Co., Chicago. Z PO VESSEL TRANSFERS. The transfer papers have been recorded at Sandusky on the sale of the steamer Maud Preston, by Capt. George McCullagh of Detroit, tothe Port Clinton Fish Co., taking the little steamer Trio in part payment. | Capt. Alex R. Sinclair, of Alex R. Sinclair & Co., -ves- sel and insurance agents at Duluth, has bought an addi- tional quarter-interest in the Langell and Orenac, mak- ing him a half owner. : James McBrier of Erie, and others have bought the iron steamer Emily P. Weed, from Hollister Bros,, .of Buffalo, the consideration being stated as $150,000. = Connelly Bros., of Buffalo, have sold the barge Tailor to Capt. Robert Flood for $1,300. He will probably sail her. Capt. John Stone has sold to Capt. Theodore Mar- chard the schooner John Jewett for $1,200. Penoyer Brothers, of Au Sable, have bought the steamer Leuty and consorts Bottsford and Jackson from G. K. Jackson of Bay City for use in their Lake Supe- rior lumber trade, paying in part with the steamer Nel- lie Torrent. The Celtic, of the Leuty.tow, was not sold. Capt. Charles Thompson has bougnt the old schooner Atmosphere, and she and the John Wesley we tow be- hind the Brockway. William Williams, Samuel Gibson, Charlee ‘McCabe, and John Helmert, comprising the new tug company which is to be found at Marquette, have bought.,the Chicago tug Calumet, for $1,500. The Delta Lumber Co. has just purchased the tug Maxwell A., of Alpena, and will use her for raft towing on the Detroit River and Lake St. Clair. rrr 0 <0 TRADE AND INDUSTRIAL NOTES. ; Bartlett & Co., of Saginaw. have cast a 34,000-pound bed plate for an engine building at Wheeler & Co.’s yard, The engine will be placed in the Rockeféller steamer which the firm is building. This i is the heaviest bed plate ever cast in the Saginaw Valley. The Marine Engineer, London, inconnection with an illustrated description of the engines and boilers of the American liners St. Paul and St. Louis, built at the Wm.Cramp & Sons Ship and Engine Building Co.’s yard, says that ‘‘for workmanship, massiveness, and in- genuity of arrangement, they are equal to anything turned out by the leading firms of Great Britain.”’ L. Black & Co., manufacturers and importers of op- tical goods, Detroit, displayed last week a beautiful marine ‘‘window,” of marine glasses, compasses, bar- ometers, etc., with pictures of many of the lake vessels and dock machines, draped with flags. The effect was very fine and so far as show windows were concerned was the chief attraction in Detroit. Among the pictures shown were a number of supplements and. proofs of il- lustrations that have appeared with the MARINE RECORD. Black & Co. make a specialty of marine optical work and are prepared to do at short notice such work as re- filling compasses, adjusting barometers, and repairing marine glasses. In addition to these, they have a large stock:of protractors and telescopes of all grades. rr 2 v THE BRIDGE HEARINGS, The three *hearings on bridge removals had to be postponed two weeks because neither side was ready, The Ashtabula hearing will be held on Wednesday,-the 8th, at the Stoll House, Ashtabula. The hearing on the Lake Shore bridge at Toledo will occur on Tuesday, the 7th, and that on the Nickel Plate bridge at Lorain on Friday, the 10th,\), The last two named willbe held in Col. Jared A. Smith’s office, Cleveland. The following appointments of masters : for the season of 1896, have been anztouric STEAMER: Alaska Arabia Badger State © Baldwin, S. €. Boston. +; . Boyce, I. J... Buffalo os Chitias* +e. City. of. Colling wood Holland, Clarion Chili, Codorus’ . Commodore Conemaugh Cuba. “e Curry, S. S. Chicago, (S., Ss ye “Shea, MASTER. ~ Marta “Edward Murray, Robert Gillies, Alex. « Madigan, J. Buie, Dugald O’Day, Simon Patrick Christy, heres “Bassett, We J. Pardee, George Nelson, Charles: Drake, A. B.- Ryder, | D. os : ‘Gardner, R. D. ‘Bloom, Frank Young, Robert . Robarge, ONE RE " McCabe, F. J.. Chamberlain (Br.) ‘Foote, James Delaware Erie, (Br. ls Florida “ Foster, I. LN Fountain City — Gilbert, W. H. Grand Renverae Harlem Hart, E. C. Hart, F. C.' Hudson. : Hurd, J. L. India © James, H. R. Japan Juniata Lackawanna Lehigh. Lora Lycoming ~ McCormick’ Massena Macy, S. J. Mahoning Majestic Miami ri ae Mohawk _ Montarfa Moore; C? W. Morley,’ G, W.~ Mills, J..E.- Metamora (Br: ‘ North. Land | North West ~ Northern Queen, Pewaukee : Russia Scranton Schuylkill . , Soo City Susquehanna Seneca Shawanaga (Br. ) Turner, Ay Ay Telegram (Br.) Vanderbilt. Vega Vulcan Wallace, R Welcome Williams, G. F. Wissahickon, Wright, A. J. Wyoming . Zenith ce Tue. Boscobel Edna G. Emmett; Robt. | Leathem, John Niagara Nelson, George Pierce, KE. M. Sweepstakes Smith, Ella M. Smith, Sydney | Traveler Winslow ; Weideman, R. W. ‘SCHOONER. Butman, M. Carpenter, A.A. Conquest Evaline Ewen,-F. D. Hawgood, H. AL Moravia ~~ Sonora Wallace, D. Wayne | Wilson;-Mabel' *Gilberison, ‘Re H. . Stone, : ; Miner, George.A. : Mackenzie, A. - » Sullivan, P: - -Murphy, Henry ~ Packard, C. B. Clark; ™M: Cc. Cowley, R. J. Kelly; Andrew ~* Gillies, Donald “Hart, C. B. Hart, H.W. McDonald, A. J. ~~ Boyd, Wm, | ; “O'Neil, 'P. Owens, James Doherty, John ~ Delaney, Henry Weinheimer, F. Berro, Frank. 2, * Ackerman, J. Cc. “Wright, L. ‘Huntley, M. A. Dana, Frank Gotham, M. W. Corcoran. Joseph Hagan, H. J. Case, George W. . Folan, Michael Jones, Valentine Jones, S. R. _ Hart, Bowe 3k Oweéti, James Ellery; ‘Thomas Henry Vaughn, J. F.- _Christoferson, S. ; Greene, John D. Greene, J James S.. ".. Miller,-H Driscoll, M i Riley, M. Fisher, John. Tindell, James . Scott, W. Jak, - Ganley, James ~ McCormick, we ~ Wallace, WoH. Oldorf, Adolf Smith, John N. Roulette, P., Millis; tees. McCarty, John ~ McCumber, M. , « Conners, James x pet F.C. ‘Master. Elliott, Frank Cox, Joe Elliott, David Tufts, ‘Henry Brown, Claude | Tufts, James Short, Edward ~ Phelps; ‘George Burtington, Riley Batcheller, Peter Forest, Albert McCarty, Dan _ Keeler, “Kugene MASTER. Lowe, Oliver Fullman, Walter Braun, John Anderson; Gilbert Hansen, A. C, Bang, Lewis Peterson, Peter McFarlane, Geo.. ‘Ivgraham; F. Billiott, ——" * Gotham, James Bb. : Schram, Titles : House, A- K : : _ Stoddard, Edwin : Holt, Martin - pe oe Peck, Ly. Mir. 7) Welch, Patr ck Walker, TL, Hall, Jose oe McCabe, ” . Muzzey, tone ee in Roberted, ‘Cia Snider, Frank “'Stoddara, C..M Brooks, J. We Mayberly, Je Norton, J. aaeeti ~ Miller, F. A. i MeMauete Wm. . Wise, G. M. - Currie, James _ “Wood, J — Carter, dae Hess, Henry ‘Miller, James * Hudson, Timothy Trouton, Mis Keister, George a > a ‘Trumbul!, James’ Lewis, Wm. B. * fe “Van Liew, Dee ae 8 Richards, J ames 4 Gregory, W. F. Burke, Chas. H. Wellman, James Rainey. F. W.. Laney, M. J. Tibby, Wm Chapma n, CN. . Walker, R. E. ‘Toner, M. Stewart. A. F 3 Brown, Wm. Brown, Wm. Sa Von Evry, Chas. Hopkins, Byron Mark, J. W. 3302 Norton, Pe Hopkins, George. Payne, James~ - Hale, F..W,- = = Sterling; Chas. ~ McMonagle, Jotn Coulter, George Higgins, —— Bohnert, Geo. ~~ 5h ENGINEER. Hart, Jay O’ Brien, C . W. Mclaren, Mike Sanders, Ole - McCrea, Walter ~ Allen, Charles. Truscott, Wm. Gartung, Gus. Oscar; Jacob Webber, Edward Tompkins, Roy. _ Seleno, Leon ite Fetig, John a