THE MarRinE RECORD. ESTABLISHED 1878. PUBLISHED EvERY ‘THURSDAY AT 144 SUPERIOR ST., (LEADER BUILDING), CLEVELAND, oO. GEO. L. SMITH, ) IRVING B. SMITH, § WILLIAM L. MCCORMICK. - - CHAS. E. RUSKIN, -— - BRANCH OFFICE, CuHicaco, IuL., - - - - 238 Lake Street. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Associate Editor. - PROPRIETORS. EDIror. SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, postage paid, - One copy, one year, to foreign countries, Invariably in advance. ADVERTISING. Rates given on application. Allcommunications should be addressed to SMITH & SMITH, 144 Superior Street, CLEVELAND, O. Entered at Cleveland Postoffice as Second-Class Mail Matter. CLEVELAND, O., APRIL 2, 1896. ——— IF the present Canadian movement to allow American vessels to engage in the Canadian coastwise trade should meet with success, it would divide up the shipments so as to give Port Arthur a greater share than at present, but would not, it is thought, greatly increase the volume of wheat to come down the lakes. It would tend to seri- ously reduce receipts at Buffalo, however, and at Og- densburg as well. Such a movement would be a fine thing for such American steamers as can pass through the Welland Canal. rr 6 NAVIGATION is now open for. the passenger lines, and while the weather to-day does not indicate that winter is ended, still, the near approach of Easter is taken as a sign of spring. The most regrettable thing about the warm weather this week has been its demoralizing effect upon vessel men, some of whom felt their starch rapidly disap- pear under the effect of the sun’s rays. With rates setso low, even on comparatively small contracts, the effect is depressing. This seems unnecessary, too. Iron men in all branches are holding up prices by sticking together, and the vessel men could gain much by the same policy. It may not be too late yet. TD WE desire to call the attention of our readers to our supplement this week, which is worthy of careful scrutiny and a place on office walls. While the showing for last year is not encouraging, yet the study of the record from 1847 forward affords some of the greatest gleams of hope which we have had of late when consid- ering lake levels. The fall from 1886 to 1895 is not unlike that from 1842 to 1847, and the recession was then more gradua]. Nevertheless this diagram should not be con- sidered as showing that the project for controlling lake levels is unnecessary. While there is every reason to be- lieve in at least a partial restoration of such high water as prevailed, say, in 1886, yet the temporary loss to com- merce during a season of low level would more than com- pensate for the construction of dams necessary to main- tain levels at a moderate height. —_— EE eS THE employes of the lake shipyards would do well to assume a less aggressive and arbitrary attitude in regard to labor questions as they may arise. So-called skilled labor is better paid on the-lakes than on the coast, and as coast builders have begun to invade lake territory, the yards on the lakes may be compelled i in time to either re- duce the pay of the’ men or to install portable riveting machines and: other labor-saving appliances. The pre- vailing sentiment among shipbuilders is still, we believe, opposed to this, and it will probably not be done as long as it can be avoided; but anything in the line of annoy- BUSINESS MANAGER.’ , Dix, ing and expensive strikes will bring this about more quickly than anything else. Portable and stationary riveting machines have of late been illustrated in a num- ber of prominent papers of the trade, including THE RECORD; and these illustrations should be an object lesson to any class of men who may consider that they hold all the tramp cards and may play them as they like. The strike at the Wheeler vard during the past week, upon a controversy which involved matters of a compar- atively trifling nature, might as well have been talked over without suspension of work. The strike resulted as any outsider would have predicted and involved annoy- ing delay and loss to all. It is only reasonable to expect that builders will, so soon as it is certain to bea paying investment, buy machinery that will always be reliable. INUSICIANS AND SEAMEN HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS. At the last admiralty term of the U.S. District Court .for the Northern District of Illinois, Judge Grosscup decided a new point in Admiralty Law that is ‘of a Aue cial interest to owners of excursion steamers. The case was that of Rimpler vs the steamer John A. in which Rimpler claimed a lien against said steamer for services rendered as a musician on board said steamer while she was engaged in the excursion business in and about Chicago. Messrs Meek, Meek & Cochrane, appeared for the libellant and Mr. Charles EK. Kremer appeared for the steamer. At first ‘plush, the court was inclined to decide against the libellant and ordered briefs to be filed. After briefs were filed, the court decided in favor of the libellant and said that the effect of his decision was to hold that a musician employed on an excursion steamer® ‘was entitled to a lien for hiswages the same as the seamen on board the boat. This is now the law in the Northern District of Ili- nois, and as there are many excursion steaméks in that jurisdiction that employ musicians, the decision will be hailed by the musicians with great dghight. Seal QUERIES AND ANSWERS. A PUZZLING QUESTION.. ‘Lo the Editor cf The Marine Record: There is one question that I would like to ask and have answered through your paper, if possible. IE have looked up all the laws and rules that I can find, but have been unable to find anything wie covers the case I shall describe. Last year I was in a tow barge, and dusing the season we towed after three different steamers. With each one occasion arose for us to go to anchor. In each case the steamer let go her anchor and we hung to her by the tow line, and in each case the steamboat captain advised us differently as to what lights to display. .One said, carry just your anchor lights; another said, carry anchor lights and side lights and small light aft; and the other said, carry side lights and small light as pre- scribed for towing. Now, which were the proper lights to carry?) Would we be considered at anchor seeing we were not going through the water and had no headway and the steamer was in no way to take care of us as she had her anchor down, or would’ we be considered underway and just carry side lights and a small light aft as prescribed for towing, seeing we had no anchor down? Suppose a steamer should come along and thinking we were two boats at anchor attempt {o go between us and she should do damage to herself, or to us, or to both, even though we might show a torch and the steamer blow the danger signal; this is providing we were carrying anchor lights, who would be held liable for the damage done; who would be to blame and held responsible? Also how would it be if we were carrying lights as pre- scribed for towing, and how if we were carrying anchor and side lights and small light aft? What does the law say and what is the ruling for such a case as that mentioned? I have looked, but could not find anything which covers it,and I have also asked a number of our masters and have received as many dif- ferent answers or else no answer at all, seeing that they did not wish to commit themselves. A PILoT. We think thisa matter for arbitrary ruling by the proper authorities rather than for the expression of opinion.; There are objections to all three of the meth- ods mentioned. Side lights and anchor lights on a tow barge would make her look tuo much like a steamer. We would like to hear from other writers on this subject. 0 Tur RECORD is in receipt of the’ Report ‘of Progress of the survey of Tides and Currents in Canadian waters which is being conducted under the auspices of the Dominion government by. Mr. W. Bell Dawson, C. K. Researches have so far been confined to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Straits of Belle Isle. THE FREIGHT. ‘SITUATION. | Owners of vessel property are dataraiiy depressed over the break in their ranks shown by the closing of a contract by the Wallace fleet, of Lorain, to carr block of ore from the: head of Lake Superior to yp ke Erie ports at $1. This contract expires. with October but is ten cents below what has been- steadily mark out as the opening rate. ‘The effect: upon to-day’s ma ket has been decidedly bearish, but up to the time of going to press no break has been made. This charter: ing was undoubtedly hastened by the warm weather which has brought the vessel men out like bees. A contract has also been made for the transporta jon of.a large block of coal to the head of Lake Superior | 42%c. James Davidson has taken SO, 000 tons at that figure. While this rate is lower. than the general pre- dictions, it compares most favorably with rates for former seasons, especially when the improved load facilities are taken into consideration. This advanta is offset, it is claimed, by low water; but as :the ind a tions are that the mean depth for the season will pro ably be not less than last year, the rate mnst be s asa decided advance. | from Medtabale outside boats, but-a ‘contract is hardly looked fo this firm can easily offer this in single cargoes ‘to sels which they can charter for ore on the return trip. There is now about 8,000,000 bushels of grain afloa in Chicago, of which all but a million bushels comes tc Lakes Erie and Ontario. - About 8,000, 000, bushels _of wheat has been provided fe vessel capacity from D luth and Superior, and this shows that grain shipp "rs have been. working quietly, but assiduously, as their transactions have not pulled the market. Ye: Several good: contracts, in. flour and package freig’ i have been reported, the transportation lines finding it necessary to increase their capacity by chartering | on side sfeamers. Wheat in store at the oad of the lake is apportioned amount the various terminals elevator lines as follows: Belt line.:..... Sn icine SER EO a ragle RT aa - 1,329,808 Consolidated... & SS ee EE, Venue Ayaan Glober eee ee ; 4,353,208 5 Great Northern. 21,265,278 - Superior Terminal..... - Brees A Soa nis PSA mee Consclideme pe ek ee sais boa tha a Oper Consolidated H ; 96,212 Aggregate..... Ri eG ee et 13,452,345 — At Minneapolis....... ..... . Ra Gener ites 19,304,805 PERSONAL. Mr. Egbert P. Watson, the well-known oa of” ‘The Engineer, is suffering from. an attack of nervous pros- tration. The last issue was wien the work of. Prades: sional friends. ; A Owing to Mr. John Sie: s recent illness, hid | ‘son, John J. Stang, has decided to sell out his {business' and — take charge of his father’s affairs.’ Mr. Stang, senior, has found it necessary to throw off a part of his cares, although his general health isimproving: 2% = 0% Herman Kahlman,- Jr.jof Detroit, well known ‘to — vesselmen on account of iaua connection ‘with Detroit River improvement work, will-resign his position April 1, to take ‘up business on his.own’ account. Mr, » Kahl- man has always taken a great interest in vessehmat- ters, and’ has been ‘a most obliging official while «in charge of the river work. 1n 1880 he was superintend-. ing inspector on Limekiln Crossing under Generab Wetzel; in 1883 he was appointed inspector under Col. Farquhar, and for 12 years following.he was under the direction of the late General Poe, having charge of works at Black: River, Port. Huron, mouth of Black River, St. Clair River, Rouge River, St. Clair Flats, Ballard’s Reef, Limekiln Crossing and the mouth of the Detroit River. He was also'engaged on a survey of Grosse Pointe, a survey from Point Mouillee to Detroit; — and a survey from Bar Point to Sandwich, Ont. « — ee te a Petes SHIPPING MASTERS FOR 1896. The following shipping masters have been appointed by the Lake Carriers’ Association for 1896: ‘Cleveland. A. R. Rumsey, chief; Buffalo, Wm. Fletcher; Ashtabula, George Brooks; Toledo, Patrick Mitchell; Chicago, sl 8 W. Hanson, with N. P. Felt assistant; ‘South Chicago, A. W. Watson; Milwaukee, Wm. Lennon.