THE MARINE. RECORD. #3 Wheeler | Condenser & Engineering Cc Co., 39 & 41 CORTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK. WHEELER’S IMPROVED SURFACE CONDENSERS Mounted upon Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the WHEELER STANDARD SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER ADMIRALTY SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER LIGHT HALL SURFACE CONDENSER. VOLZ PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER anp FEED-WATER HEATER. WHEELER FEED-WATER HEATER, AIR anp CIRCULATING i = 5 N us d u W R. ak me 66 a 2 ea CREE esas a Eee aed as Send for Pamphlet, Machinery for Small Boats, ate he Pee, gnc 4a ee ea ee FEED-WATER HEATER. P.M.CHURCHE CO, ee Er Fr ee We ’ P| SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH., Ship ‘Chandlery, __._-.|;}_ Le ita Hardvare, Paints, Oils, |THE CHASE MACHINE COMPANY, And all classes of MACHINISTS, ENGINEERS AND BLACKSMITHS, “VESSEL ’ SUPPLIES. MANUFACTURERS OF Sipe ae aU Shop in connection. ~ Corner Portage and Ashmun Sfs. Land & Marine Engines & Steam Pumps, e OFFICE NO. 7. TELEPHONES: 7 RESIDENCE NO. 4. _ SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFACTURERS, OF THE CHASE AUTOMATIC FOG WHISTLE MACHINE, M YACHT , Re) Gcterca Seniae, BEAM axy Pits: Cofiilid : oe ne 994, Hil Elm Street, CLEVELAND, 0, FOR SALE. Telephone 994 All tree CLEVELAND, 6 “IDLER, ep Built 1886, by J.*Lorrillard | eB vat Green Point, N. Y. Schooner essa: with main, fore and stay sails. ‘ Din Oe Fontan Grose OF ab; NOL ALG, Lenath | Cope closiaslosioslasloslastosiogts ge Sloslodiadtosteala Jslesle so Sealoclecte Dock and Deck Hoists. over all, 126 feet; water line, 95 feet; beam, 16 feet. ALI, KINDS OF Depth of Hold: 8 feet.: Draft 5 feet 7 inches. En- Machinery and Friction Hoists. gines, Triple Expansion, 3 Cylinder, 914, 14 and 24, with 14.inches stroke; Reliant boilers. Yacht is thoroughly and substantially built and is in excel- lent:condition, Hasmahogany deck-house, after- . esd im, Mahogany finish, plush trimmings and dra- Denese: one large stateroom, two small staterooms pantry, dumb-waiter, two water closets, .one fold- ing ex abory Allelegantly furnished and heated by st€am.s*'Fwo berths aft, large lazarette, com- HEADQUARTERS FOR Marine Glasses, Barometers lete outfit of china, glass, linen and silver, four ; eushioned: seats to-make beds: Can sleep seven JACK PUN & CHURCH, Saginaw, Mich. Compasses, in cabin and one in-deck-house. Can dine six in elescones deck-house. Steer from bridge. Kitcher forward Send for iahe Proteactor 8 complete-with range, sink, pump, cooking utensils | Rel PCUlArS. ____ a - cs and electric bells. orecasile ‘has four ee bed- 53 UR drone for furiher puciealars L, BLACK & CO, eter a DUPRE PALL CUIALE) We build them in all sizes .GEO. M. BLACK. : i OISTI N G from new and improved OPTICIANS, Newberry Building. Detroit, Mich. designs. Every engine 145 Woodward Ave. ae = NG | N ES thoroughly tested before : FOR SA LE ae leaving - “ ehcp, eae su . « guaranteed to be satisfac- i! Gesiesleste eae seete ale tory inevery case. When_&, wae in want of a Hoist forse marine work, dock work, mining. or any other pur- pose, kindly permit us to name you prices. We know we can please you. MARINE IRON cos i - BAY CITY, MICH. DETROIT, MICH. We Repair Marine Glasses. We Refill Compasses. We Adjust Barometers. Rules for fortelling the weather FREE on applica- tion. Every vesselman should haye one. Katzenstein Self-Acting Metal Packing 3 pal i nm for Piston Rods, Valve Stems, | HW ZZ Ty Wite., of every description, i Y for Steam Engines, Pumps, Etc. Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works, Steamship Companies, Mills and Kngine Builders, Eleo- tric Light and Power Plants within the last twelve years DECK HOISTS~— Coal and Contractors’ Hoists, * Steam Steering Gears and esa) Conveying Machinery on Steam Pipes and for Hy- aulic Pressure. Also ; dr F 3 METAL GASKETS for all sizes and sh f or all Purposes flanges. Double-Acting Balanced Water-tight Bulle ss eueeedinen By io ae for pleamcus alge Pitas; for the cColl-Cumming Patent Liqui kk ORIEL MO WwW. H. WHITTEMORE, L. KATZENSTEIN & Co., Getteral Machinists, Brass Finishers and Engineers’ Supplies; 357 West Steamers. ROMEO and JULIET. These beautiful twin steamers are in perfect condition, each a model of the other, with eabins, single deck, twin screws, two sets engines, fully equipped and allowed to carry 125 passengers each. Length{s0 feet; beam 19 feet; draft 3 feet 8 inches light. Built in 1891 for lake and river navigation. Original cost $19,000. Willbe sold cheap, no trade. A good thing with business for the right man. Call on or address B. M. MYERS, 7 PACKING for Slip-Joints ae ae i Oakdale and Fremont Sts., Chicago, Ill. Boe WRITE FOR PRICES. _. WEST BAY CITY, MICH. | Street, N ewYork, N.Y. J.J. KEENEN, RIVERSIDE STEAM BOILER WORKS. SINK OR SWIM. 3 % 5 és If you have a we Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers. Mullins’ Stamped and Embossed Marine Work a Specialty. : . een SHEET METAL BOAT SHEET IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS A i aps seat ie eee neyey ek S00 Se. do Perl, 3 ¢ as ese boats are constructe ) REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. avoid the avONG danger, being wrostente Las ae <4 OMlee “ahd: Works; Cor. Cologne and Fuller Streets, sinkable, - Send for catalogue. Bk eh seh CHICAGO. nave Enter PLMdUne Waly W. H. MULLINS, 252 Depot St., Salem, 0