THE MARINE RECORD. me cc; “Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., 39 & 41 CORTLANDT STREET, NEW YORK. WHEELER’S IMPROVED SURFACE CONDENSERS Mounted upon Combined Air and Circulating Pumps. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the WHEELER STANDARD SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER ADMIRALTY SURFACE CONDENSER. WHEELER LIGHT HALL SURFACE CONDENSER. VOLZ PATENT COMBINED SURFACE CONDENSER aAnp FEED-WATER HEATER. heat aera FEED-WATER HEATER, AIR anp CIRCULATING ig 5. EDMISTON PATENT FEED WATER FILTER. iereccncow 6 , | Saran ao Send for Pamphlet, ““Machinery for Small Boats, etc.” PARENS COMBINED. AGREA CHSC RE Ne een Pai. CHURCH & CO. fe Pr err re? rrr rrr “SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH., Ship Chandlery, —.-.-0/|-|j: Hardware, Paints, Oils, THE CHASE MACHINE COMPANY, And all classes of _ VESSEL SUPPLIES. MACHINISTS, ENGINEERS AND BLACKSMITHS, Coppersmith Shop in connection. MANUFACTURERS OF - > Corer mee and Ashmun Sfs, 2 " raamione, -_femeecets.. | Ll arine Engines & Steam Pumps, Attention Vessel Men. 2 SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE : The undersigned has been appointed CHASE AUTOMATIC FOG WHISTLE MACHINE, Aerie a ee Saas qs IN USE ON NEARLY ALL LAKE STEAMERS ompany,o icago, by the Circuit Cour “ of Cook County, Tinois. Agents for AsBEstos STrEAM, BoILER AND PipE CovERINa. THE COMPANY OWNS THE FOLLOWING TUGS: fee] & le) a] o1e| Velephone 994 I{f Elm Street, CLEVELAND, G, g t S. i=] @ fc) @ Men ee cl | BB cee OE LS <G. ei 82) 67.5) 14. ; 3 ee brn) 2200] Tra) slao | Seslegledeslesledlosiogledlediegladlosla closladlnglasiodlasiasioslaslesiaglaslasia ae CATALOGUE FREE D. TE Helm’. ..'..... 14x 72((2) 17x17)83| 68" | 18° ; “y- EK. P. Ferry 12x72] 20x20/80} 66.8] 15 ] Black Ball. No.2.222 | 42x72] 18x20/73] 58.6] 15.5 A. A, Carpenter ...|12x72|) {8x20/75) 60 | 15.6 Dock and Deck Hoists. Sot 92100109 20100 On eae Oe ee Di AAARRwWOoE re aoe tee oe ae pea a ee pe AYVLOL. 6. ee aie, Xx B 15. Gerace lara Bilal | io eee f elds: sf... menlox x is 3 5 a HEADQUARTERS FOR Rebel. -......0..-1424] 10,6 Jexis|¢6 54 | 14.6 Machinery and Friction Hoists. Marie Glaceas: ; : Barometer Iwill be pleased to receive offers at JACKSON & CHURCH, Saginaw, Mich. Eaatcene. once for any or all of above tugs. Sci foe Prices Telescopes, Yours very respectfully, and Circulars. remo Protractors. J. L. HIGGIE, JR., [ BLACK & 00 Receiver Vessel Owners’ Towing Co. E OISTI! N (e) We build them in all sizes i FOR SALE CHEAP. Bee ee ne veproree vote designs. Every engine 145 Woodward Ave. ~~ “TWIN SCREW ENGINES thoroughly tested before = DETROIT, MICH. we eaving our shop, an : We Re Boantoatoater : pair Marine Glasses. a‘ QIeie{e guaranteed to be satisfac- 4 e Refill Compasses. Sieel Steam Yar ht, ; PASAT tory in every case. When * We ‘Adjust Barometers. Orang j in want of a Hoist for = Rules for fortelling the weather FREE on applica- 5 ate long, 10 ft. beam, 5 tte deep. | tiarine work, dock work, mining or any other pur- tion. Hvery vesselman should have one. ~ Light draft, 40 in. or over. pose, kindly permit us to name you prices. We know Everything new and first-class in every Respect | “° cam Please you. “MUST BE SOLD ATONCE. | MARINE IRON CoO., = “ BAY CITY, MICH. Send for cut and full description. BELL $ STEAM ENGINE WORKS, BUFFALO, N. Y. SUNDAY BOATS VIA FALL RIVER LINE. ’Phe Sunday service of the Fall River line will be resumed commencing Sunday May 3d. The Priscilla and Puritan are in commission and are being taxed to their capacity nightly, and no wonder, for.the.orcbestras on board and many other delightful features afford all of the comforts and luxuries that can be applied to steamboat navigation. The Fall River Line is not only up to date, but ahead of the times. Jd. KEENEN, RIVERSIDE STEAM BOILER WORKS. Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers. sss Marine Work a Specialty. : See SHEET IRON WORK OF ALL KINDS. Katzenstein Self- spa Metal Packing for Piston Rods, Valve Stems, Eto., of every description, for Steam Engines, Pumps, Etc. Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works, Steamship Companies, Mills and Engine Builders, Elec- tric Light and Power Plants within the last twelve years in. this and foreign eh. YAtries. Also FLEXIBLE “TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING for Slip-Joints DECK HOISTS <= Coal and Contractors’ Hoists, * Steam Steering Gears and Conveying Machinery wun on Stéam Pipes and for Hy- = draulic Pressure. Also For all Purposes. METAL GASKETS for all sizes and shapes of flanges. Double-Acting Balanced Water-tight Bulk- head Doors for Steamers. Also Agents for the MANUFACTURED BY W é +f 3 W H | TT E M oO R E, McColl-Cumming Patent Liquid Rudder Brake. L. KATZENSTEIN & CO., General Machinists, LA. t CO. 4 WRITE FOR PRICES. WEST BAY CITY, Mion, |.Fimes Hinishera and Hngineers’ supplies, 367 Weet THE SEASON For Boating and Hunting is now here. Send at once for catalogue of Mullnis’ Stamped and Embossed Metal Boats Made in Galvanized Iron, Manganese Bronze and Aluminum. These boats are ee and tal design. Will last a life time. Lowin cost. Practically ee tee we ENDED TO. non-sinkable. Need no repairs. Send for Office and Works, Cor. Cologne and Fuller Streets, catalogue. ; : = — — W. H. MULLINS, hone Boras 401 —. CHICAGO. DOUBLE ENDER PLEASURE BOAT, 252 DEPOT ST.. SALEM, 0.