14. THE MARINE RECORD... CRAIG SHIP BUILDING Co. TOLEDO, OHIO New Dry-Dock 450 feet long, {10 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, I6 feet Mera water on sill. AND WoobDEN Suip BuitvDers., Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships iio A Specialty. H. A HAWGOOD, Pres'’t. Cc. A, MORGAN, Gen’l Mang’r. J. A. SMITH, Sec’y. PHILIP MINCH, Vice-Pres't. J. R. SPRANKLE, Treas. The Cleveland Tug Company,| J. ts«twe Superior Graphite Paint First-class Tugs, NO BLISTERING, CRACKING OR SCALING. a —————————— Steam Pumps, g Steamers when — Made especially for Stacks, Decks, Sides, Hulls and Water Compartments. Divers, Hawsers, == outside wanting Strictly anti-rust, and most durable and economical. Fe ye eaeed | ee DETROIT GRAPHITE MFG. CO. 542 River St., Detroit, Mich, aud | SSS RT PR ETP EET PO SRS TE A tl d n z Orde te ree Eee PND 2 WHITTON & BATES, Agents, 503 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, 0. graph or oth- = 4 they want tugs. erwise. = ee Ee avenere| [HE SHE COWNERS DRY Ge kee Long Distance Telephone 725. Cleveland, Ohio. The “CINCINNATI” Automatic Largest Capacity STEAM STEERING GEAR Simple, Powerful Machine, Noiseless and Sure, Send for Circular, with : FRONTIER IRON WORKS, Detroit, Mich., DOCK : AGENTS FOR THE LAKES. Two Docks TS aR EE TL TS TE YARD AMERICAN STEEL BARGE CO. to Dock STEEL AND METAL SHIPS on the the 3 OF ALL CLASSES BUILT ON SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE AT OUR YARDS AT Largest is WEST SUPERIOR, WIS., and also at EVERETT, WASH. | GREAT PHOTOGRAPH OF 300 FT. BOAT IN DOCK. Ships on @oaoa eae : LAKES, | the Lakes. lates and Best : : SS . Ses = ; | Quality GENERAL REPAIR WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ipa " of Oak in | Being equipped with Lucigen Lights we do work at night as well as day. ane Stock for TELEPHONE 1635: Foot of Weddell Street, CLEVELAND, 0. kinds of tam ESTABLISHED 1857. Calvin ene satay C. Blair. | A.A. Parker, F James W. Millen. ” . We er. net vane. | THOMAS MARKS & C0.. IG ARR & BLAIR| PARRER & MILLEN Ships in essels Merchants, Forwarders and ¥ ] & I . Pe rity Bhi Owilers! VisSSHL ND Insurance dee LS Dsurance Agents. 3 We ’ ron Ore ‘oal C: Specialty. Time. Classes. ars erie shpat = pe rand 2. Tel. Main 869. Rooms 3 &4 15 Abeer ite 4 to chartering vessels. erate St. CHICAGO. DETROIT, MICH, Capt, J. A. Calbick Wm. H. Wood | J. G. Keith. ; ivan. Takei : Telephone Main 3952. : 4 G KEITH & G0 JOHN PRINDIVILLE, ONSEN MUX LEOMC sx ssicesriws «iiss: ostee 3 Antre i ] comes ig Brent, Topyan "Wo din, Bntranee Bolo cee soe? ™ | od. Ay Galblok & Go., VESSEL, AND ae Breadth, Bottom ..... .sscssecsesssees 52“ Depth over Sills..ccsssssssssssssssseeees 18 « Vessel Agents and Underwriters. INSURANCE AGENTS, INSURANCE AGENT, LARGEST DRY DOCK ON THE LAKES. Gaie TAs catbiek, Wrecking Mas- | 140 and ec aS oe ak Hh ee Sil Street, paEge wk RGhAINe AND DacKinG r and Surveyor, elephone No. 3658. elephone Main 129. CHICAGO. SAME AS AT LOWER LAKE PORTS. SU PERIOR WIS +] . : : A NUMBER OF PROPELLER WHEELS IN STOCK AT DRY DOCK. &. A. MACDON ALD 8G COs GENERAL MARINE INSURANCE AGENTS. A. GILMORE’S SONS, |=" CHIgaGo, Tha, THOS, WILSON, DRY DOCKING ee ee w , Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, O. e ~a—_SH/P BUILDING eect AND REPAIRING. C. R. JONES € CO., VESSEL AGENTS. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. EAST SIDE, NEAR IRONVILLE. - - TOLEDO, O. Nos. 501, 502 and 503 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, O. Dimensions of Dock, 236 feet eng, 2 eee wide at top and 37 feet wide at gate. JOHN MITOHRLL, JOHN ¥. TTOHELL, ine feet water over sill. ; Ha OG! . RATES OF DOCKING, Ten Cents per Registered Gross Ton for Vessel over 200 Tons. Co me x ae bahar “einai: ea tihis, 508-509-510 Perry-Payne Building, Jig Mill and Planer in connection with Dock. PHONE NO. 157 PERM TIES Peighell, 8506. CLEVELAND, O . . L