THE MARINE RECORD. 1 GRAHAM’S em Rapid Fueling Docks, Detroit River, foot 21st Street. No interference from Passenger or Car Ferry Lines. : Full supply of BEST STEAM COAL always on hand. - Wide stretch of river and plenty of water at dock. POCKETS and CHUTES arranged for various types of vessels, allowing QUICK DISPATCH day or night. JAMES GRAHAM, DETROIT: ‘ Hoisting, Mining Bridge Erecting Dock Building, Pile Driv- ins, Coal Hoisting and Quarry Engines. of any power,sugar cane BUILDERS OF ALL KINDS OF transferring i F. W. WHEELER & COMPANY. i engines, transferring machines for depositing cane IRON, STEEL AND from car to carrier,with my improved Patent Friction Drums, with ) or without Boilers. Any WOODEN SHIPS, = amount of reference given. Established 1870. 4a@-Send for Catalogue. J. S. MUNDY, Newark, N. J. 1744 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa, E 22 Light St., Baltimore, Md. =e Ms 117 Water St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ESA 249 South Jefferson St., Chicago, Ill. - 715 North Second St., St, Louis, Mo. 39 Magazine St., New Orleans, La. S Fremont St., San Francisco, Cal. = 85 Front St., Portland, Oregon. 218 Congress St., Boston, Mass. INCORPORATED 1794. Insurance Company of North America. $3,000,000.00. 9.487,673.53, CHARLES PLATT, President, WILLIAM A, PLATT, Vice President. EUGENE L, ELLISON, 2d Vice President. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec’y and Treas. : JOHN H, ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. i GEORGE L. MCCURDY: M ; Lake Marine Department, sm Chic ie eo ILER WORKS The best equipped CAPITAL, Paip uP IN CASH, os ASSETS, is a a oe LAKE ERIE B plant in America for the manufacture of aN c Jae saia\ al i MODERN I yoy ——<—— ‘eeireel <> MARINE \es | nied RS ey Te he aies aa ras ea || Ses IS BOIl LE RS. verre BUFFALO, N. Y: & i NY re _— “Ce? IS - La i i Over 10,000 have been sold since 1876. A portion are made to indicate STATUTE MILES for use on the Lakes. The Rotators are adjustable and made by a patented system which gives great stability to the blades. Our Log is being closely imitated, and rotators bearing no name of other marks are offered by the makers to use with our Logs as ‘“‘just as good as the Bliss rotator.”’—They are not just as good, either in durability or accuracy. Our rotators bear our name and the dates of four patents. ship chandlers. JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. For sale by FOR LAKE OR OCEAN SERVICE. West Bay City, Mich. F. W. WHEELER, Prest. £. T. CARRINGTON, V.-Prest C. W. STIVER, Secretary & Treasurer. IKON WORKS, PRON TI® MARINE ENGINES, d DeEtTrRoIT. MIcH. MARINE AND INLAND INSURANCE. __—_— ‘ Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. Organized 1842. Office 51 Wall Street, NEW YORK. Insures against Marine and Inland Transportation Risks and Issues Policies making Loss Payable in England. seis Assets over $10,000,000 for the Security or its Policies, _The profits of the Company revert to the assured, and_are divided annually upon the premiums terminated during the year; thereby reducing the cost ofinsurance; For such dividends, certificates are issued bearing interest until ordered to be redeemed, in accordance with the charter. ‘ J. D. JONES, Pres. W. H. H. MOORE, Vice Pres, A. A, RAVEN, 2d VicePres, J. H,CHAPMAN, Sec, PINTSGH GAS LIGHTED Buoys. : Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Light-House Departments for channel and harbor lighting; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. BURN CONTINUOUSLY SsrbeSeen's distance ofei mies." tention: and BRILLIANT AND STHADY ILLUMINATION. ECONOMICAL AND RELIABLE IN OPERATION. __Controlied by the SAFETY CAR HEATING AND LIGHTING CO., 160 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. FOR SALE. SLOOP “"Y AGH: Bran new, 29 feet over all, 17 feet on the water, 8 feet beam, has fin keel with 1,C00 pounds of lead on the same, new set of sails, air chambers enough to float her in case of accident, under deck and out of sight, can easily beat any boat of her class owned in Toledo, O., where there are some of the fastest on the lakes. For further particulars apply to Lock Box 291, Toledo, O. For Stationary, Portable, Traction Engines, Tugboats, &c. Thoroughly Reliable—Perfectly Automatic. | JENKINS BROS., = Selling Agents, EW YORE, BOSTON, PHILA., CHICAGO,