/ENCINEERING | (Stationary and Locomotive Engineer- ing), Electricity, Architectural and Mechanical . | Drawing, Plumbing, Heating, Mining, English Branches, ete. TAUGHT BY MAIL. Engineers can qualify to obtain licenses. To enroll | only necessary to know. how to read and write. | Circular free. State subject you wish to study. | The International Correspondence Schools, (J. MORSE & SON. | "E . &S Ph ‘ N. p m7 | ical <0 = 9 De DDD ID ID ID ID TD ID OD DD WILLIAMSON BROS., for. Richmond and York Sts., PHILADELPHIA, PR UNGXGIHCN HOISTING ENGINES and SHIP STEERING ENGINES. With either Frictional, Spur or Worm Gear ef varlowt Patterns to suit all purposes. JEFFERY’S™” “MARINE | GLUE M Marine and Stationary Engines AND BOILERS OF ALL KINDS. THE MARINE RECORD. ESTABLISHED 1871. MANUPACTURBAS OF Heavy Castings a Specialty. Prices Quoted on Fore and Aft Compound Marine Engines. The Engines in the following boats are of our mam Tug, Hunter, Chicago, 15 and 28xez2. Tug, Tacoma, Chicago, 16 and 30x24. Tug, Zenith, Duluth, 18 and 36x30. Steamer Glenn, South Haven, 14 and 28x20. U.S Survey Steamer, W. S. Hancock 12 and 21x20. Steamer Pine Lake, Charlevoix, 16 and 30x24. Passenger Steamer Pilgrim, St. Clair, 14 and 28x20. Steam Barge lona, Grand Haven, 24 and 46x42. Steam Barge M. T. Greene, Chicago, 20 and 36x36. Steamer H. W. Williams, South Haven, 18 and 36x80. Steam Barge Mark B. Covell, Manistee, 18 and 30x26. Steam Barge Isabella J. Boyce, Michigan City, 19 and 32x26. Steam Barge Luella H. Worthington, Cedar River, 19 and 36x30. Passenger Steamer City of Kalamazoo, South Haven, 20 and 40x80. Steamer Oval Agitator, Chicago, 14 and 28x20. Tug E. G. Crosby, Muskegon, 16 and 30x24. Tug Peter Coates, Sault Ste. Marie, 10 and 20x16 Steamer Lorain L, South Haven, 12 and 21x16. Passenger Steamer Lotus, Escanaba, 16 and 30x24. Steam Barge Sachem, Grand Haven, 21 and 38x36. Passenger Steamer Bon Ami, Saugatuck, 14 and 28x20 Steam Barge Charles A. Street, Chicago,2y and 36x36 Steam Barge Edwatd Buckley, Manistee,18 and 36x30 Passenger and guarantee them to give satisfaction. MONTAGUE COMPAS All Obtained from the Following Well-known Firms L. W. Ferdinand & Co., Boston, Mass. Howard H. Baker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Chicago, Ill. H..D. Edwards & Co., Detroit, Mich. Upson-Walton Co., Cleveland, 0. 'M. |. Wilcox Cordage and Supply Co., Toledo, 0. ‘Send for Circu%ars and Samples. THEW.L.S CQTT CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN SHAMOKIN. WILKESBARRE, AND HAZLETON LEHIGH COALS """MANSFIELD STEAM COAL Fueling Steam Vessels a Specialty. Dock and Office at Canal Dock. Hither from Dock or Steam Scow Mansfield, capacity 300 tons, in buckets, which gives quick dispatch. 4 ( Boats coaled day or night. Docks lighted with electricity and equipped with Steam Derricks. ERIE. PA. ONTAGUE IRON WORKS CO, SS a y i\ ae" ———S== — - SS = teamer E. G. Maxwell, Pentwater, 14 and 28x20. Passenger and Freight Steamer Bon Voyage, Saugatuck, 16 and 30x26. Passenger and Freight Steamer Mabel Bradshaw, Muskegon, 16 and 28x26. Theengraving represents our 20 and 36x36 Fore and Aft Compound Marine Engine. Prices furnished on application. FRANK MORRISON, COMPASS ADJUSTER. GAUGES, MARINE GLASSES, ENGINE INDICATORS. Office with Upson, Walton & Co., 164 River St., Cleveland, 0. SINGLE. AND COMPOUND. 5 TO 200 HORSE- POWER~‘These en- gines are high-class n workmanship and material and moderate in price. Send for cuts, des- cription and prices. Centrifugal - Pumps ‘For raising coal, sand, &¢. .»For dredging, wrecking and ‘eireulating. Write for cata- ee a logue, Ps. MORRIS MACHINE WORKS, Baldwinsville, N.Y... et HENION & HUBBELL, Agents, -! °° - 61-69 North Jefferson St., Chicago, Il. MONTAGUE, MIOH. Application. ifacture ABRAM SMITH & SON, SHIP-BUILDERS, ALGONAC, MICH. 7. We build them all sizes IRON WORKS €O., Montague, Mich, rete cription ~built Wooden: Ships ‘of any des rebuilt, or repaired. AND MANUFACTURER OF NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. SES. BAROMETERS, PATENT LOGS, BINNACLES, STEAM rs eS PS ae 2: Send for specifications, prices, “ete. Good slips for. Jaying up boats. ~! * Extra/4th of July Schedule. ~ _ The Nickel Plate Road will run train 19 Jeaving Cleveland 3:30 a. m. through to Vermillion, account special attractions at Shadducks and Linwood Parks... 139—27 Nautical Instruments Oarefully Repaired. ‘ zs ‘The CUDDY-MULLEN COAL CO., Cleveland ee Be ea SHIPPING DOCK with Car Dumping Machine, also-eight-chutes holding 100 tons each, for Rapid Fueling within Eastern Arm of Breakwater, Cleveland. Nees a SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO STEAMBOAT FUELING. Steam Lighters Carrying Derricks and Large Buckets in operation day and night within Cleveland Harbor. Pocket dock at Sandwich on Detroit River, formerly owned by Mullen & Gatfield.. - . arses Pocket dock now under construction.on Sault River. @ No 8. Main Offices, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0, Telephon RIVER DOCK, West River Street. Telephone 1441. ROBERT E. HILLS, - Steam Fitting and Heating, Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings, Engin- eers’ Supplies; General Jobbing Work Done Promptly. Also Proprietor of North side Iron Works. 57 & 59 North Wells St. CHICAGO, ILL. For the 4th of July festivities, the Nickel Plate Road will extend the Lorain Accommodation leaving Cleveland 3:30 a, m. to Vermillion. Celebration at Shad- ducks and Linwood Parks. One fare for the round trip. 137—27 Handicapped ~~ ea) ; i Oe: 7s d——H’ LF I... SOME BOATS ARE BADLY HANDICAPPED FOR WANT OF THE RIGHT KIND OF Ue wit ee fe we SH es fret We have the right kind at our AMherstburgh Dock, and will take good care of your wants if you will give us a chance. O. W. SHIPMAN, Office, 90 Griswold Street, DETROIT, MICH.