6 NN ———————— LL IN THE ENGINE ROOM. a THE ENGINEERS’ BILL. In response to requests from a number of marine en- gineers who have not had other opportunities to see for themselves the provisions of the ‘‘ bill to amend Section 4131 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, to improve the merchant marine engineer service and thereby also to increase the efficiency of the naval re- serve,’? we reprint the text of the law, which is as follows: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represent- atives of the United States of America in Congress as- sembled, that Section 4131 of the Revised Statutes be amended so as to read as follows: SEc. 4131. Vessels registered pursuant to law and no others, except such as shall be duly qualified according to law for carrying on the coasting or fishing trade, shall be deemed vessels of the United States, and entitled to the benefits and privileges appertaining to such vessels; but no such vessel shall continue to enjoy such benefits and privileges longer than it shall con- tinue to be wholly owned by a citizen or citi- zens of the United States. or a corporation created under the laws of any of the States thereof, and be commanded by a citizen of the United States. And all the officers of vessels of the United States who shall have charge of a watch, including pilots, shall in all cases be citizens of the United States. The word “ officers”? shall include the chief engineer and each assistant engineer in charge of a watch on vessels propelled wholly or in part by steam; and after January 1, 1897, no person shall be qualified to hold a license as a commander or watch officer of a merchant vessel of the United States, who is not a native-born citizen, or whose naturalization as a citizen shall not have been fully completed. Sec. 2. All licenses issued to such officers shall be for a term of five years, but the holder of a license may have the same renewed for another period of five years at any time before its expiration; provided, however, that any officer holding a license, and who is engaged in a service which necessitates his continuous absence from the United States, may make ap- plication in writing for one renewal, and trans- mit the same to the board of local inspectors with a statement of the applicant, verified before a consul, or other officer of the United States qualified to administer an oath, setting forth the reasons for not appearing in person; and upon receiving the same the board of local inspectors that originally issued such license shall renew the same for one additional term of such license, and shall notifiy the applicant of such renewal. And in allcases where the issue is the suspension or revocation of such licenses, whether before the local boards of inspectors, as provided in Sec. 4450, of the Revised Statutes, or before the supervising in- spector, as provided in Sec. 4452 of the Revised Statutes, the accused shall be allowed to appear *by counsel and to testify in his own behalf. No master, mate, pilot, nor engineer of steam vessels licensed under Title LII, Revised Statutes, shall be liable to draft in time of war, except for performance of duties such as are required by his license; and while performing such duties in the service of the United States every such master, mate, pilot, or engineer shall be entitled. to the highest rate of wages paid in the merchant marine of the United States for similar services, and if killed or wounded while performing such duties under the United States, they, or their heirs, or their legal representatives, shall be entitled to all the privileges accorded to soldiers and sailors serving in the army or navy, under the pension laws of the United States. Sec. 3. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. But this shall not be con- strued to modify or repeal that provision of the act of June 26, 1884, which reads as follows: ‘‘In cases where on a foreign voyage, or on a voyage from an Atlantic to a Pacific port of the United States, any such vessel is for any reason deprived of the services of an officer THE MARINE RECORD. below the grade of master, his place, or the vacancy caused by the promotion of another officer to such place, may be supplied by a person not a citizen of the United States, until the first return of such vessel to its home port; and such vessel shall not be liable to any penalty or penal tax for such employment of an alien officer.” ee ENDLESS FREIGHT CONVEY@R. The accompanying illustration shows an endless freight conveyor for loading and unloading vessels, de- signed and built in 1894 by the Link-Belt Machinery Co., of Chicago, for the Texas & Pacific Railroad Co.’s dock at Donaldsonville, Lz. The conveyor is carried by a steel truss, hinged at the inboard end so that the outboard end may rise and fall with the varying height of deck of vessel. The power for driving is furnished by a reversing engine attached to the side of the truss at the inboard end and coupled direct to a pinion shaft which drives the conveyor. The width of the conveyor apron is 48 inches and the blocks are placed, as may be seen in the cut, at inter- Ste ENDLESS FREIGHT CONVEYOR. vals, for holding barrels as they go up the incline, and also for preventing bales or boxes from running back when sent up that way. ‘The capacity of the conveyor is limited only by the number of men that can handle and take care of the freight, and it is claimed that by its use a saving of about 25 men may be effected in dis- charging acargo. This type of endless apron freight conveyor has been installed at warehouses of Union Steamboat Co., and Western Warehousing Co., of Chi- cago, and also at the Southern Pacific Railway’s Al- giers dock at New Orleans. _—— rrr 0-0 rr THE MARINE RECORD, of Cleveland, has alphabetized the names of the vessels making up the American lake fleet, and with each given the naimes of the master, and where it is a steamer, the engineer. It will be found a handy reference book. The Mirror is in receipt of a complimentary copy of this directory, for which the MARINE RECORD will please accept thanks. Anyone de- siring a copy may secure it by sending 25 cents with their apes to the MARINE REcoRD, Cleveland.—Wscanaba irror. TRADE AND INDUSTRIAL NOTES. The Crane Co. have issued two new beautiful hangers for use in advertising their line of valves. These hangers are of convenient size. One of them portrays a young boy in workman’s suit, with all the appurten- ances of a finished fitter, gazing with much self satis- faction at one of the Crane patent metallic disc valves. The other hanger shows one of Crane,s high pressure gate valves, size 24 inches, weight 6,200 pounds, anda young miss with outstretched hands, fondly admiring it, and wondering at its massive proportions. These hangers will be sent to all fitters free. The Bay View plant of the Illinois Steel Co. was shut ‘down June 30 for an indefinite period, the new scale of the Amalgamated Association not having been signed by the company. The closing of the Bay View mills threw 1,200 men out of work temporarily and suspended a pay roll amounting to $3,000 a day. The work of re- pairing the plant will not be interrupted. Those who are sufficiently blessed with the acquaint- ance of the Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., of Jersey City, to be on the mailing list for their monthly calendar blotters, are lucky, for there is no handier or more efficient article in the way of a blotter than the enameled card calendar that this firm gratuitously send to their cus- tomers. P. Dionne, writing to Power, says: ‘‘I was using four-bladed propellers on our boats, and decided to try six-bladed ones. After the trial I found the six-bladed propeller to be 25 per cent better than the four-bladed one in both power and economy. The boats which I refer to are the Cook and J. G. Witherbee, runnin on Lake Champlain.”’ é The Mabel Furnace, at Sharpsville, owned by M. R. Hanna, of Cleveland, and Simon Perkins, of Sharon, made a phenomenal cast of pig iron. The iron weighed 252%4tons. The _ average daily output for the past month has been 220 tons. The Detroit, Mich., Steel and Spring Co. has been quite busy for a considerable time. past and has found it necessary to put the works on double time in order to keep up with the orders. A receiver has been appointed for the Falls Rivet and Machine Co., of Cuyahoga Falls. The company’s liabilities are placed at $375,- 000 and assets at $615,000, Thercompany was bonded for $300,000 in 1893. The New York and Cleveland Gas Coal Co., Pittsburg, will erect a large machine shop and foundry at Turtle Creek, Pa., which will be equipped with new and improved machinery. sg ee pe A PENBERTHY HOLIDAY. The Penberthy Injector Co., of Detroit, planned an excursion for its employes, cus- tomers and other friends next Saturday July 25. The guests will leave the foot of Wood- ward avenue at 8:30 o’clock that morning on the steamer Sappho, and will go to ‘“‘Beauyoir,” St. Clair River, where three hours will be spent in the enjoyment of music, games, dancing and refreshments. The party will return by steamer, reaching the city at 6 o’clock. The outing isin celebration of the manufacture and sale of 100,000 Penberthy injectors, during a period of ten years, beginning June 5, 1886, and ending May 12 last. The latter date found the company so far behind its orders that the celebration was postponed until later in the season, when the weather should be warmer and the outing be made more enjoyable. —_— aan 0-0 NEWLY ENROLLED TONNAGE. Following is a list of lake vessels to which official numbers and signal letters have been assigned by the Commissioner of Navigation, for the week ending July 11: ES Officiall TONNAGE, No, | Rig: Name. Gross. | Net. Where Built] Home Port 84.219 |Bge. |CSB.Co.No,6} 164.82 | 164.82 Elizab’h N,J,/Cleveland 84,250 |Bge. |CSB.Co,No.7| 164,82 | 164.82 |Elizabeth aS Cleveland 34,251 Bge. |CSB.Co.No.8 164.82 | 164.82 |Elizabeth Cleveland 34,253 |Bge.*|CSB Co, Beta] 151.11| 102.76 |Elizabeth Cleveland * This seems to be an error, as the Beta i i is se I 5 ais asteambarge, If a correction i made, it will probably involve a change in her official Romer Z